Artist Jason Beamguard photo Minnesota 2012
Having a better life can be likened to modification in restoring an old car. You transform it in your mind first, that is, decide what are you wanting to do with it. Then you go about getting the necessary information and parts needed for that type of transformation, and only then do you begin the work on it. When it’s done people say – you’ve brought out that cars unique “Character.” Like that car’s character, your modifications to self brings out your real character. It requires active participation in challenging new experiences, but not without first conscious reflection upon your encounters in life, and a purpose or direction in which you want those alterations to take you. New experiences alone will not result in core personality changes without the formation of thoughts that can produce your new habits. You see our habits reveal our character. Only by thinking and acting differently does a person attain that quality of character that they seek.
It's about engaging with that bright hope that life offers, a hope that makes us brave and expels darkness with light. It does not happen without being able to reflect on yourself, maybe even laugh at yourself, to allow yourself whimsy, and a love for what you do, and most of all the abandonment of worry of who’s watching.
So empower the rest of your year. Give a look through the list of activities in our Calendar section and find some new favorite activity to engage in and make it a part of your own regular routine of habits.