Moving Forward with Conscious Focus For Your Success by Calvin Harris H.W., M.

Thumbs up to those of you moving forward with a Focus to the changes you are consciously making for Success.  ·

There is always going to be something that will try and keep you from going all-in on your unique take of how to do life and business.

Complications come from - Somatic brain and body things; Relationship things; Business issue things; Family things, and  Spiritual things.

Why do we make the choices we do? It’s a question worth asking because it ultimately determines whether or not we are living the life we choose for ourselves, or we are involved with wasted opportunity.

The true nature of  growth is to be conscious, as much as possible, to your choices. It is interesting to me to hear that Dr. Joe Dispenza,  a noted educator, researcher, author, and international lecturer says that by the time we are 35 years old, 95% of all our thinking is routine and unconscious. 95% of our life is conditioning and machine-like behavior! That leaves only 5% that qualifies us for being the free human beings we pride ourselves  on being.

When you do something unconsciously, we cannot call that choice.  And yes, we know that when it happens,  we can catch a glimpse of it by focusing on our choices and their outcomes. Especially if that outcome, which we experience, is the same one each time, because of unconscious repeated habits applied to situations that bring about outcomes we would prefer not to have happened, yet somehow we are expecting a different outcome.  A different outcome is not going to happen when using unconscious thinking and its emotional output.  We’re left to accept whatever comes our way. It leaves us with no choice but to try to get comfortable in whatever designated little box we have decided to put ourselves in,  telling ourselves that that’s just the way life is, even if we have to go numb to adjust to the situation, and we do that.

I Offer The Alternative:

That you are not stuck.

You are just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past.

Those unconscious behaviors have become what is defeating you in your effort forward. And these are the reasons you are not moving forward.

You must understand that if you want to work, live, and play at a different level, that to do that you must consciously level up - change your mind about the way you go about things and how you view them. Change your view and you change how the world is viewed.


So, you can either settle in and accept it - or you can finally exercise the Conscious  freedom you hold in such high regard. Freedom, however, requires consciousness. You owe yourself a journey of self-discovery. In order to be free, you must become aware of who you are - your tastes, your desires, your personal standards, your values. You must know what you stand for or you'll fall for anything that comes your way - and there's so much that wants to pull your attention these days. That's why you must be focused on what your ideal life is pointing to. Once you choose to be conscious in this fashion, you’ll discover a curious thing: You are in accord with your life path all along. You didn't have to figure it out. You didn’t have to be invented, you only had to be conscious to discover its clues. Who you are was already there and what those urging where and why you want the things you want.

I’ll be dropping some coaching events and opportunities for you to consider into the blogs soon.


Keep Consciously Moving


The Year 2023 Is On the Move! Are You? by Calvin Harris H.W.,M.

Movement is an interesting word.

Since 2005 my own personal mission has been to extend to others the developmental tools to seek the truth of their self,  and then for them to have the courage to think and act in alignment with that truth.

This is an ever-unfolding path. And in that movement, sometimes old patterns resurface to take over.

In my experience, many people go along with the energy they’ve always had because it feels ‘normal’ for them, even though that particular energy causes stress, conflict and keeps them from true happiness.

Remember there’s a difference between normal and natural.

Essentially, your personal development means looking at your life and recognizing patterns that cause you stress.

Maybe it’s that constant self-doubt, or that overanxious mind, or that constant negative self-talk or even needing that sweet treat after every meal. Your patterns are unique to you.

Whatever the patterns, and how that energy is made to flow, it can be transformed. A change of habit pattern, and thus energy flow, starts with recognizing them for what they are: “ways of doing things based on habits, beliefs and identity.”  Then you can make a conscious choice to create new patterns, new beliefs, a new identity and therefore a new reality for yourself.  

Transforming patterns can happen by combining new or different perspectives from ideas coming from the past  and future. It could happen from ideas coming from different cultures that you combine for use in the development of  innovative ideas for yourself.


James Altucher,  a founder and cofounder of over 20 companies, an American author, podcaster, and investment entrepreneur, suggests that to change patterns in your life you must start with connecting to the idea’s you have within yourself. You want to start by writing down ten random ideas a day. You will use those ideas to be exercises to build your idea muscle, that muscle will give you ways to incorporate within your daily routines, so that over time it will pay off with significant change within your life.


What I found interesting were the three heading types for lists  that Altucher  suggested for you to use to get your ideas flowing:

 1. Combine two IDEAS on SEX to come up with a better idea.

 2. OLD TO NEW: Write out ten old ideas that you can make new.

 3. RIDICULOUS: Write out 10 ridiculous things you would invent.

The practice of these lists will connect you in a fun way with concepts about yourself of which you may not have been aware.  

The practice of these lists can give indications to new patterns of thought and action which you can take to bring success into your life, and maybe a chance for you to fall in love with exploring your truth.

·        Be willing to get vulnerable and uncomfortable.

·        Seek your fullest expression.

·        Seek the truth of who you really are.

When you have a chance, drop me a line and let me know how its going.


Thoughts To Begin the New Year - By Calvin Harris H. W., M.

A few ideas as we move into 2023


Here we are in January, as yet another year has come to an end.


Many of you have a special association with the Holiday season. Some with huge Christmas parties.  Others may have put extra pressure on themselves to hit their targets and engagements for a full social calendar that spans November through December.


There were those of you who were maneuvering around relationship issues for the holiday season, a time that seems to elicit family drama.


Yet with the ringing of bells and blowing of horns at midnight, we heralded in a new year on January 1.


We find Living seems to slow down after the 1st, all of a sudden calmer, and you a bit more mindful. Life seems to move at a different pace, you may have even taken a conscious different approach to how you will live the day, the year, or the rest of your life. Maybe between the meals and partying of the last months, you had come to some conclusions as to how you would close out the year and how you would begin this new one. Now that things have slowed, you may feel it’s time to prep plans or at least focus on your plans for the upcoming year.  


Yes, it is that time again to take a breath, to look around your world, or maybe even recline with some of those personal reflections on how the year went. You may want to track to see if your end game is still in sight, or has your goal line been moved up, or to see what could have slowed you down or stopped you from reaching your end goal  before the clock ran out.


Kudos for those who had taken to heart and done the mid-year “checkup” recommended July 2022,  because you may be a bit ahead of the game (See the July 26, 2022 -Time For The Half Time Huddle blog in ).


So, to be clear, I am not talking about making new year’s resolutions, but I am talking about planning the year ahead; I’m talking about potential changes in how you’d handle your personal life, business, or career life moving forward.


While we are looking forward to a new year, let us always be in the Now. We also want to be cognizant to Live each moment of our lives with self-compassion which will help us live each day fully present and focused on enjoying life. If you are not enjoying life, then that is a must to incorporate into your life plan.


This is to say  that we want to be balanced in our life, not only to stay practical ( yes, we still have to pay our bills, and still have responsibilities towards others), But to remember in your new year plan, to incorporate ‘enriching your life’, as if it was a survival mask that you put on first, to be able to carry out that feat for others.


Journaling is a good resource for focus about your goals, challenges, and accomplishments.  No matter where you are in life, if you are not journaling, you want to, for it is a good place to start to turn your life around or keep it on track.


Beginning a Journal in January would be a perfect time to start. Let’s Think about January 1st of each new year as a beginning to a  new start on life.  Then adding to that a journal each year as a way to create a new start with a clean slate. You can hit the reset button and do things differently, if need be. It doesn’t matter if you consider the past year a good or a bad year. Journaling gives you a chance for a better one in the Coming Year.


So, Celebrate or Cry over the past year. But never forget that life moves forward, and you are going to engage with it one way or another. Why not try consciously and doing it on your own terms.


Questions you would want to consider for clarity when writing  your journal are these:

What do you want to focus on in the new year?

What do you want to do for yourself, your relationships, or career, in this new year?

If you have planned out the year, then ask yourself what will you do if things don’t go according to plan? (Remember, it is not wise to think that Every detail  in a Plan will go as planned. Be prepared for setbacks.)


Think - What can I control? An example of this is if you are a writer, then you may say: “I’m going to publish one article a week,  and I will spend one day a week on promoting that article.” This is something You can directly see yourself in control of achieving.


Another example would be if  you were in business for yourself, you can’t control how many people buy your products without  focusing in on your effort and the effectiveness of your skills.  You may want to consider how many people is it possible for you to reach? What steps are you going to take to reach them? How well do you know your product or service, to have someone else want to purchase it?


A year is enough time to make a lot of things happen. One can make a big impact by doing small increments of working toward your goal each day, so that in time, after a few weeks to a few months, you will find you are mastering skills, working on your character, and building relationships that are better than you have ever had before.


In this new year you may find that chasing your dreams, might mean finding out that the time has come when you will have to stop doing what you are doing in the way you were doing it. You need to move it up a notch or have it disengaged from its present form. To do that, you will need to bring self-awareness. This will notify you as to whether to keep at it, or to decide if this is the time to pivot or quit a particular action.


Self-awareness is a skill that can take years to develop, or that can be shortened by working with a Mentor or Coach. When you use Self-awareness combined with Self-Reflection you will see that  Life is full of paradoxes, and like Alice in the Looking Glass, that there is never one relative truth or ‘right’ path. The only path that’s right for you is the path YOU chose, and that may not be the same one that you are on.


Self-reflection is a powerful way to discover your goals, strengths, and weaknesses. It requires space — a chance to quiet the mind and to be still, to take advantage of the options afforded to you.


Now with a focus and thinking about the new year, don’t forget to be in the moment, to make work equal play; To make time for self-reflection and to have self-awareness; and to have a good time engaging and enjoying the company of others. 


And when January 1st comes around in the following year, you wake up with these practices under your belt.  You are ready to make work into play out of your plans and goals; and you are looking forward to conscious success, one small step at a time.

Happy New Year.


Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur by Calvin Harris H.W., M.

Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur


It is often asked by novices what is the one ingredient, tool, rule, key [or you fill in the blank] that will allow me to become a successful entrepreneur?

Sorry to disappoint, but there is no one tool, ingredient, rule, key, or anything else that will allow you to become a successful entrepreneur. For like a good meal, such as a good soup, it takes many ingredients in the right amount, added at the right time, to produce a successful soup; so is it with creating a successful entrepreneur.


Yet like water, found in all soups, to make the broth, there is an essential ingredient that you must have to drive success. That key attribute and operating principle that has been seen time and time again in successful entrepreneur stories; that causes the difference between successful entrepreneurs and those trying to be successful, is the ability to handle uncertainty.

Successful American businesswoman, Marissa Ann Mayer, an information tech executive and co-founder of Sunshine Contact, has a quote that illustrates this idea when she says  “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”

Another quote I quite like is Tony Robbins,  when he says:

"The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty we can comfortably live with."

So, I want you to think, are you an entrepreneur who is wanting to  live without taking a risk?  The tentative result seeker?  🤔


But  here’s the thing…


The challenge in Life is for  you to embrace opportunities in life.  Success is not hoping  that success will come to you a little bit at a time, but you have to decide to take action to go for it.


Ask yourself if you have the aspirations of starting a new business in 2023?


Are you wanting to reignite  passion, excitement, and joy into your existing business to make it a success in 2023?


Then Do It! 


If you would like to talk over or flush out your plans with someone, contact me, and let’s talk.


From my heart to yours,



Success: A Matter Of Perspective by Calvin Harris H.W., M

After four decades in Life Coaching and Personal Development training, I’ve discovered a person’s propensity for success or failure can be measured with 90% accuracy by looking for just three things in their conversations.

Those are Self Sabotage; Self Doubt;  Self Image.

Man with rope of struggle.jpg

In other words, how they see themselves in their world.

During my years in Self Development Training, I have seen how All of us see the world differently, and how that can change over one’s lifetime, and the importance of being able to pick yourself up when you fall down, to regroup and move forward. Sometimes help is needed.


I’ve seen with the help of life coaches, that people can get to the place where the world is abundant with opportunity for self-fulfillment, rather than struggle and heartbreak. Most importantly, to get to that place of deep connection within oneself.


It is most important to get to that deep connection, which is how we will interpret, and how we will see ourselves and our world. This ability to change one’s mind is what life coaching is about. Because it is the mindset change that has the most impact on one’s being.


You can develop the courage and self-belief to move past struggle, disappointment, and heartbreak.

This is not done through shortcut methods, that will promise to handle these limiting behaviors once and for all and within the shortest time. It is through a willingness to give yourself a gift of time and play, not a concept of work to achieve your aims,  but instead a mindset of play to discover and achieve results.

 What you need is to gain the PRINCIPLES  of self-transformation and the coaching that brings into accountability those actions that top-performers use.

 This Play, a rethink form of training, focuses exactly on the principles that have helped me and have gone on to help my personal clients and students discover how they could level up and achieve the unexpected life that they could create for themselves, that goes beyond what they set out to create, without a sense of drudgery.


If this piques your interest, as a possible path, to create freedom from limitations and build a thriving and impactful life for yourself, then contact me at the email below.
