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The Masculine Heart by Paul Cropper

The Masculine Heart

Needs to speak.

The masculine heart.


The Masculine heart. Is not what you think.

What is the masculine heart?

It is the core of masculinity.  It is the emotional core of every man.

It is there in every man... deep.

The masculine heart has wisdom, has wildness, has pain, and peace.

The masculine heart has compassion, has connection, intuition & strength.

There is no full masculinity without the masculine heart.

We talk about a "feminine" side that men need to tap into... of course there is beauty in the feminine. 

But a man must tap into his own masculine heart, to find his core.

The masculine heart creates happiness, creates fulfillment, creates joy.

There is incredible power deep in the heart of every man. Power for beauty, power for creating a life and world worth living in.

The world needs the depth and full strength of the masculine heart.

Part of being a human male and healthy...

is allowing the masculine heart to speak and be heard.

The masculine heart.

Is a new way of being.

The masculine heart.

Is NOT what you THINK.

The masculine heart is power and presence untapped in every man.

The first step to understanding the masculine heart...

is descending from the mind, to the heart.

You may know your heart.

Now get to know it better.

The masculine heart.

Is just a muscle, like any muscle.

It needs work, it needs strengthening

This is just a workout for the heart. There is no workout or muscle more important for a deeply fulfilled life of passion and purpose.

Give it a try. Get to know the masculine heart a little better. A little more.

Peace. Love. Purpose. Strength. Can be deeply rooted in the masculine heart. And it takes work.

‘Man Up’ - More About Change Rather Than More of the Same

By Calvin Harris

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The Power of The Masculine Aspect

The masculine aspect of one’s nature gets a bad rap these days. This needs to be cleared up by those of us that have become enlightened on the subject of Gender Expression. You know that concept of one’s external expression of identified gender, through one’s attire, how they act and other factors, generally measured on the barometer scale between masculinity and femininity.

The fact is all humans, to a degree, exhibit mental and physical traits of both masculinity and femininity.

The phrase “Man Up'“ gets its power to become an insult when directed to people that are embodying it but are unsure of what the masculine end of the spectrum should be. They somehow believe Masculinity is an “achieved status” that needs to be continually proven.

Historically, “manhood” was achieved culturally by the 3-Ps ritual: provide, protect, and procreate, a ritual of going from puberty to adulthood which typically meant demonstrating a capacity to provide, protect, and procreate, or some combination thereof. It showed a delineation or shift in status from juvenile to adult. In looking at these words closely - ‘providing’, ‘protecting’, and ‘procreating’ - we can see that these words have a lot to do with the response of maintaining a family unit. 

In current day America and other post-industrial nations, these traits of providing, protecting, and procreating have also become a woman’s descriptor. We can see in homes today that the 3-Ps are a  shared responsibility of husband and wife, or partner and partner, and this masculine trait is more obvious in the female in the case of the single mother who is the sole supplier - providing, protecting and in some instances artificially procreating in the family.

Therefore, 3-Ps basic delineator as a masculine aspect of male adulthood is no longer the standard for masculinity and thus has been evolving within the last few decades.

Masculinity: It has become precarious, so much so that an insecure guy of the species feels he must have his masculinity proven, and if challenged this must be upheld with an immediate answer.

The Pieces of Masculinity

In order to prove - or defend - his masculinity, a guy needs to act in ways that will readily be recognized as masculine. But “readily recognized” behaviors are often enacted in archetypal stereotypes of masculinity, particularly aspects of masculinity such as violence (i.e., fighting), risk-taking (e.g., excessive alcohol consumption) and forms of hooking up and promiscuous sexuality (it does not matter the sexual orientation, just as long as he can hide his own feelings except for anger). Our guy holds conversations with friends that are sexist, misogynist, or homophobic, as long as these conversations serve his purpose of appearing masculine; these aspects of masculinity are sometimes labeled “hypermasculinity” or “hostile masculinity” on the gender scales.

Within the last few decades, Masculinity has taken on new definitions and rituals that are more positive and self-sustaining to the person and his community. Action words highlight leadership, decisiveness, intelligence, perseverance, and problem-solving. Measures assess these aspects of masculinity and encourage the revealing of authenticity within the Masculine dynamic.

What it means to be a man varies with ethnicity, nationality, age, and generational cohorts, as we move through life stages.

Cultural men’s groups within the U.S., have added to the conversation:  African American male groups have added to their definitions on masculine identity with such terms as responsibility and accountability, autonomy, respect, and spirituality as important components of masculinity. Latino-American men’s groups include concepts such as familismo (family), personalismo (personality), simpatia (cordiality), and respeto (respect). Similar themes, I am sure can be identified in other multinational studies, with participants identifying the primary components of masculinity as being a man of honor, being in control of one’s own life, having the respect of friends, having a good job and coping with problems on your own.

These are the new watchwords when you find yourself being asked to ‘Man Up.’ Yes, it is more about the change of perspective rather than more of the same.

Where to Go From Here

By utilizing an investigation of your own comfort level with your masculinity through your interactions with others, this should give you the ability to examine what these power dynamics mean to you. How comfortable you are with these new definitions is inherent in your words and actions. This is a way to educate yourself about the various potential meanings of masculinity, and for you to come up with an understanding of masculinity that embodies your authenticity. Give yourself the space for decisions to create beneficial social interactions and habits – so that they create an outcome that you can honor.

The Exceptionally Good Listeners

At Second Life - art by Jason Beamgarde

At Second Life - art by Jason Beamgarde

Focus on the person, not the problem

Calvin Harris, mentor, life coach and blogger - I help people through listening and questions to reach for meaningful personal growth.

As a mentor and life coach, I still struggle with one of the most important skills in any relationship - the ability to be a good listener.

It is no joke, the idea of being a good listener is vital, and yet, most of us are terrible at it. Like exercising regularly, or having a healthy diet, we all know it’s good for us, but we struggle all the same.

Thankfully, over the years, I have become a better listener through conscious awareness and a willingness to practice skills to improve. Here are some tips I want to pass along that you may find useful. It is important to determine why someone has come to you and then set your course of action. Surprisingly, it may be that someone thinks you are a good listener, and if that is the case, it becomes more  important to be that good listener.  Practice these steps and see how you can dramatically improve the quality of  your relationships.

1. Don’t be the problem solver - Focus on the person.

I, like a lot of people, are problem-solvers at heart. It’s in our DNA, that strong biological survival instinct that pushes us to identify and solve problems with the strong cultural bias to value individual achievement and analytical prowess, and it’s not surprising that I am constantly finding problems and trying desperately to solve them.

And it is this precise trait that is wrong when people seek you out, not as a mentor, not as a coach, but as a friend. This is when they simply want to be heard, understood, and feel connected, while problem-solving and advice-giving gets in the way.

I suggest focus on the person, and not on their problem, to be a better listener.  

Someone  comes to you and says I need to talk, they may be angry, scared, in low spirits, or otherwise upset; the last thing they want is to get unsolicited advice— making them feel like a burden or problem.

There is  a time and a place for giving advice, and the key to that is - when someone asks for it! Until then, hold off and focus on just being present.

2. The Art of open-ended questions

Asking questions is about getting answers. In asking the right question, the more useful the answer will be.  The Art form of listening is missed when the question asked is more succinct and brief, which means, most questions asked do not get to the core of the matter, but only encourage the other person to give short, closed in answers like Yes or No. How you ask questions matters, because in fact they are conversations.

Conversations are about more than information exchange. They’re about connection.

When a friend, spouse or family member is upset, and says “they just want to talk”, then the art of being a good listener isn’t primarily about extracting the facts of what made them upset or what their plan for moving on is. Instead, the goal is usually to be supportive, to empathize, to offer encouragement, and to help them to feel like you’ve got their back and that they’re not alone.

The key is open-ended questions to communicate that you’re interested and that you care about them. Closed questions communicate that you care about information.

  • Instead of: Why are you upset? Try: How are you feeling?

  • Instead of: Was work stressful again? Try: How was work?

  • Instead of: Did your Boss criticize you?

Try: What happened in the conversation with your Boss?

When in doubt, here are a few generic open-ended questions that work well in almost any scenario:

·         How are you feeling right now?

·         Can you tell me more about that?

  • What was that like for you?

  • How did you feel about that?

  • What was going through your mind?

Being a good listener is about the person sitting next to you, not information.

Light bulb moment for me: When I stopped beginning a question with Why and  started using What or How instead. I found Why questions  tended to make people feel like they were being questioned and/or judged whereas How and What felt more feeling based and unbiased.

3. Echoing back what you’re hearing

When I first began my training to become a mentor, I remember  having to do an exercise of reflective listening or echoing back, which is a communication strategy where you first  seek to understand a speaker's idea, then speak back the idea to the speaker, to confirm the idea has been understood correctly. My thinking at the time was that it was the hardest thing to do, and what was the point… Fast-forward  to now, and I think it may very well be one of the most valued tools I have.

Reflective listening means repeating back (often in your own words) what the person across from you has said. For example:

  • Statement: I couldn’t believe Roger said that to me! In my head I was like “Who the hell do you think you are?” And then to make it worse, no one else even said anything in my defense! 

    Echo response: It sounds you were caught off guard.

  • Statement: I was just so angry, upset and disappointed. I had a million things running through my mind and I just didn’t know where to start or how to move forward. 

    Echo response: It seems like you were really overwhelmed.

  • Statement:  Are you listening to me? You’re always so caught up in your own stuff that you never really hear what I’m telling you. 

  • Echo response: It sounds like you’re saying I don’t listen very well.

Now, when I first started doing this, it felt fake to me and almost condescending — I felt they must think me silly repeating back to them their feeling that they know perfectly well how they feel… why do that?

The answer - It is not about information, it’s about feeling understood and connected.

When we are echoing back what another person is telling us, it makes people feel listened to and heard. And when people feel genuinely heard, all sorts of positive change happens, no matter how bad the situation is.

4. Emotions are validated

Echoing back what someone says builds trust and confidence that you understand and acknowledge how someone feels emotionally, and that sends an even more powerful message that we understand them on a deep level and are with them.

A few examples using the same statements from above:

  • Statement: I couldn’t believe Roger said that to me! In my head I was like “Who the hell do you think you are?” And then to make it worse, no one else even said anything in my defense! 

    Echo response: It sounds like you were really angry and disappointed in Roger and your coworkers.

  • Statement: I was just so angry, upset and disappointed. I had a million things running through my mind and I just didn’t know where to start or how to move forward.

    Echo response: I can see how that’d make you feel really disappointed and angry.

  • Statement: Are you listening to me? You’re always so caught up in your own stuff that you never really hear what I’m telling you.

    Echo response: Yeah, I can see why you’re pretty angry with me for not listening better.

Emotional validation can be the first steps to begin pure wizardry. Listening primes the pump, beginning  with the person across from us recognizing we’re upset and acknowledging the specifics of our distress. This is not in a problem-solving or intellectual  way; but in a plain, straightforward I-can-see-how-you-feel way.

From birth, we have been taught or trained not to be negative, and thus to see our own “negative” emotions as bad, something to be eliminated or fixed. This creates deep anxiety and guilt in all of us.

But by having these emotions validated by another person,  just by simply naming it and acknowledging that we understand it, we give someone an incredible gift: the right to feel whatever it is they feel without shame or fear. And then to go beyond that to even deeper understandings if they choose.

There isn’t a single relationship in your life — big or small — that won’t improve dramatically if you can get in the habit of validating other people’s emotions.

5. Validate your own emotions

Let’s step back for a second and realize that Nothing sabotages your ability to be a good listener faster than defensiveness.

Defensiveness  is what people do when they feel threatened

For example, your spouse makes a seemingly sarcastic comment about your new tie on the way out to a dinner party…You feel disrespected, disparaged, and hurt, all the while your anger is increasing, so you jab back with a comment about how he or she is always so negative and critical.

In response, your spouse feels attacked and angry, thus clams up, leading to a very awkward  and silently chilly dinner with friends or work associates.

We are wired within our psyche, like all animals, when feeling attacked, to either  want to fight back or run away — this could be physical, but more often, its mental.  This defensiveness could  initially be set off by fear, yet it can quickly morph into any other form of difficult emotions, like anger, resentment, guilt, shame, etc.

Your defense system, with all the heated emotion it can generate, is important if you’re literally under attack (like being chased by a tiger) but that system is pretty useless when you merely feel attacked.

In difficult conversations, we find arguments escalate to fights, this the result of someone getting defensive and ending up saying or doing something hurtful as a result of their defensiveness — at which point, the original issue is gone and it has moved on to past deeds of being slighted, wronged and resentments.

The best way to avoid defensiveness in a difficult situation, and so that you can continue to listen well even when you’re upset, is to practice validating your own emotions:

After a sarcastic comment from your spouse… Acknowledge the fear and anxiety you feel welling up in you about  the comment, and about your decision to bring up this topic. Say to yourself  your feelings are normal and okay but that you still get to decide how to act going forward.

 Another scenario could be at work, where your boss does an unfavorable critique on your job performance … Acknowledge to yourself that you’re angry and hurt. Remind yourself that’s it’s perfectly understandable that you feel that way. Consciously moving forward in the conversation with this knowledge keeps the conversation on point.

If you don’t validate your emotions, they’ll end up getting the best of you. And, it’s difficult to listen well when we’re consumed by painful emotion.

To Recap

Practice, Practice, Practice - training yourself to be a better listener will dramatically improve the quality of your relationships.

The following elements can be Grist for your Mill:

·       Stop giving advice.

·       Ask open-ended questions.

·       Reflect back what you’re hearing.

·       Validate their emotions.

·       Validate your own emotions.

In closing I am wishing you "Akahai," through your continual efforts in  healthy relationships.  The Hawaiian word "Akahai," meaning kindness, to be expressed with tenderness through  your good listening skill both for yourself and others.




Urge for Adventure January 2020

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The 2010s were an incredible decade that showed the resiliency of Humans to weather and rise above major economic shifts. The technology that was developed during this time helped set the stage for the upcoming decade—a decade that will rival the industrial revolution in terms of how technology will change our lives. However, how well we can consciously adapt, share, fashion and benefit from the decade to come depends upon our efforts toward a conscious upward spiral from our personal mission statements and execution of good habits. This effect will be observed in work habits, financial practices, and or interpersonal relationships.  Not only singularly but this effect happens for our families, the organizations, and communities in which we belong.  

All humans have myriad opportunities to create less harm and ultimately generate benefits to the people and planet around them. A Mentor or Life Coach can help the vast majority of us who want to make a positive contribution to the world through our social interactions, our work, our commitments. Life Coaching can help you discover that by improving a single person’s day, or by employing conscious right-useness in a community, through sharing and supporting is a  committed way to helping each other succeed, in whatever the endeavor.

Now, is maybe the time to think about what small step you could take to improve your performance one small factor at a time. Start by checking out some of the activities you could participate in from this Calendar page of activities below.

Those wanting to move a bit more swiftly Check out Calvin’s Mentor and Life Coaching articles, podcasts, videos, and courses offered at low-cost, for self-scheduling professional development, that helps you stay on your cutting edge of achievement.



Adopt A Rescued Bird Month

Bath Safety Month

Be Kind to Food Servers Month

Birth Defects Month

Black Diamond Month

Book Blitz Month

California Dried Plum Month

Celebrate every stage of Life

Celebrate every stage of Life

Celebration of Life Month

Cervical Health Awareness Month

Children Impacted By Parent's Cancer Month

Clap 4 Health Month

Living Life with Purpose

Living Life with Purpose

Financial Wellness Month

Get A Balanced Life Month

Get Organized Month

International Brain Teaser Month

International Change Your Stars Month

International Child-Centered Divorce Month

International Creativity Month

International New Years Resolutions Month for Businesses

International Quality of Life Month

International Wayfinding Month

International Wealth Mentality Month

Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month

Menudo Month

National Be On-Purpose Month

National Braille Literacy Month

National Clean Up Your Computer Month

National Codependency Awareness Month

National Glaucoma Awareness Month

National Hot Tea Month

National Mail Order Gardening Month

For More than Health Wealth and Happiness

For More than Health Wealth and Happiness

National Mentoring Month

National Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month

National Personal Trainer Awareness Month

National Polka Music Month

National Poverty in America Awareness Month

National Radon Action Month

National Skating Month

National Soup Month

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

National Stalking Awareness Month

National Sunday Supper Month

National Volunteer Blood Donor Month

Oatmeal Month

Self-help Group Awareness Month

Self-Love Month

Shape Up United States Month

Teen Driving Awareness Month

Train Your Dog Month

Thyroid Awareness Month

Walk Your Pet Month

Worldwide Rising Star

World Neuroendocrine Cancer



New Year's Resolutions Week:  Jan. 01 - 08 

Silent Record Week: Jan. 01 - 07

Someday We'll Laugh About This Week: Jan. 02 - 08

Home Office Safety and Security Week: Jan. 05 -11

National Folic Acid Awareness Week: Jan. 05 -11

Dating & Life Coaches Recognition Week: Jan. 05 -11

National Lose Weight/Feel Great Week: Jan. 05 -11

Carnival Season Jan. 6- Feb 25

Consumer Electronics Show

Consumer Electronics Show

International Consumer Electronics Show: Jan. 07-10

No Tillage Days: Jan. 07-10

Elvis' Birthday Celebration Week: Jan. 08-11

National Mocktail Week: Jan. 12-18

National Soccer Coaches of America Week: Jan. 15-19

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week: Jan. 17-23

Week of Christian Unity: Jan. 18-25

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days: Jan. 18-19

Int’l Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week: Jan. 18-26

Healthy Weight Week: Jan. 19-25


Hunt For Happiness Week: Jan. 19-25

National Activity Professionals Week: Jan.  19-25 

Nat’l Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists : Jan. 19-25

National Handwriting Analysis Week:  Jan. 19-25

Snow Care For Troops Awareness Week: Jan. 19-25

No Name Calling Days:  Jan. 20-24

Sugar Awareness Days: Jan. 20-24

Kitchen and Bath Show Days: Jan. 21-23 

International Hoof-Care Days: Jan. 21-24 

Sundance Film Festival: Jan. 23- Feb. 02

Year of the Rat

Year of the Rat

Chinese New Year  Jan 25 - Feb 08

US Nationals Snow Sculpting Days: Jan. 25- Feb. 02

Clean Out Your Inbox Week: Jan. 26 - 31

Meat Week: Jan. 26 - Feb 01

National School Choice Week:  Jan. 26 - Feb. 01

Tax Identity Theft Days: Jan. 26-30



National Medical Group Practice Week: Jan. 27 -Feb 01

National Mentoring Summit: Jan. 29-31 

Angouleme International Comics Festival: Jan. 30 - Feb 02




Commitment Day

Commitment Day

Jan   01    Wed         New Years Day

Jan   01    Wed        Copyright Law Day

Jan   01    Wed        Commitment Day

Jan   01    Wed        Ellis Island Day

Jan   01    Wed        First Foot Day

Jan   01    Wed        Global Family Day

Jan   01    Wed        Kid Inventors Day

Jan   01    Wed        National Bloody Mary Day

Jan   01    Wed        National Hangover Day

Jan   01    Wed        Polar Bear Plunge Day

Jan   01    Wed        Public Domain day

Jan   01    Wed        World Day of Peace

Jan   01    Wed        Z Day


Jan   02    Thu National Buffet Day

Jan   02    Thu National Cream Puff Day

Personal Training

Personal Training

Jan   02    Thu National Motivation and Inspiration Day

Jan   02    Thu National Personal Trainer Awareness Day

Jan   02    Thu National Pet Travel and Safety Day

Jan   02    Thu National Science Fiction Day

Jan   02    Thu World Introvert Day

 Jan   03    Fri   Festival of Sleep Day

Jan   03    Fri   J.R.R. Tolkien Day

Jan   03    Fri   National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day

Jan   03    Fri   National Drinking Straw Day

Jan   03    Fri   National Fruitcake Toss Day

I am a Mentor

I am a Mentor

Jan   04    Sat   I am a Mentor Day

Jan   04    Sat   National Spaghetti Day

Jan   04    Sat   National Trivia Day

Jan   04    Sat   Pop Music Chart Day

Jan   04    Sat   Tom Thumb Day

Jan   04    Sat   World Braille Day

Jan   04    Sat   World Hypnotism Day

 Jan   05    Sun  National Bird Day

Jan   05    Sun  National Keto Day

Jan   05    Sun  National Screenwriters Day

Jan   05    Sun  National Whipped Cream Day

 Jan  06     Mon National Bean Day

Jan  06     Mon National Cuddle Up Day

Jan  06     Mon National Shortbread Day

Human AI Connections

Human AI Connections

Jan  06     Mon Nat’l Technology Day

Jan  06     Mon National Thank God It’s Monday Day

Jan  06     Mon Nat’l  Weigh-in Day

Jan  06     Mon Three Kings Day -Epiphany

Jan   07    Tue  Harlem Globetrotters Day

Jan   07    Tue  I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day

Jan   07    Tue  Int’l Programmers Day

Jan   07    Tue  National Bobblehead Day

Jan   07    Tue  National Tempura Day

Jan   07    Tue  Old Rock Day

Jan   08    Wed Earth’s Rotation Day

Jan   08    Wed National Argyle Day

Mentor Awareness Day

Mentor Awareness Day

Jan   08    Wed Nat’l Bubble Bath Day

Jan   08    Wed National English Toffee Day

Jan   08    Wed Nat’l Joy-Germ Day

Jan   08    Wed National Mentoring Day

Jan   08    Wed National Winter Skin Relief Day

Jan   08    Wed Show and Tell Day at Work

Jan   08    Wed War on Poverty Day      

Jan   09    Thu    Balloon Ascension Day

Jan   09    Thu    National Apricot Day

Jan   09    Thu    Nat’l Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Jan   09    Thu    National Static Electricity Day 

Jan 10      Fri   National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

Jan 10      Fri   National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

Jan 10      Fri   National Oysters Rockefeller Day

Jan 10      Fri   National Save The Eagles Day

 Jan  11     Sat   Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day

Jan  11     Sat   Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day

Jan  11     Sat   National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Jan  11     Sat   National Milk Day

Jan  11     Sat   Nat’l Step in Puddle & Splash Your Friends

Jan  11     Sat   National Vision Board Day


Jan  12     Sun  National Curried Chicken Day

Jan  12     Sun  National Hot Tea Day

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Jan  12     Sun  National Kiss A Ginger Day

Jan  12     Sun  National Marzipan Day

Jan  12     Sun  National Pharmacist Day

Jan  12     Sun  National Sunday Supper Day     


 Jan  13     Mon Make Your Dream Come True Day

Jan  13     Mon National Clean Off Your Desk Day

Jan  13     Mon Korean American Day

Jan  13     Mon National Peach Melba Day

Jan  13     Mon National Rubber Ducky Day

Jan  13     Mon Stephen Foster Memorial Day

Jan  13     Mon National Sticker Day 

Jan  13     Mon World Public Radio Broadcasting Day


Jan 14      Tue  International Kite Day 

Jan 14      Tue  National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Jan 14      Tue  National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

Jan 14      Tue  National Shop for Travel Day

time to organize

time to organize

Jan 14      Tue  Organize Your Home Day

Jan 14      Tue  Poetry at Work Day

Jan 14      Tue  Ratification Day  

Jan 15      Wed   National Bagel Day

Jan 15      Wed   National Booch Day

Jan 15      Wed   National Hat Day

Jan 15      Wed   National Strawberry Ice Cream Day 

Jan  16     Thu  Appreciate a Dragon Day

Jan  16     Thu  Get to Know Your Customers Day

Jan  16     Thu  National Bean Day

Jan  16     Thu  National Fig Newton Day

Jan  16     Thu  National Nothing Day

Jan  16     Thu  National Quinoa Day

Jan  16     Thu  National Religious Freedom Day

Jan  16     Thu  National Without a Scalpel Day

Jan 17      Fri   Cable Car Day

Jan 17      Fri   National Bootlegger’s Day

Jan 17      Fri   National Hot Buttered Rum Day

Jan 17      Fri   National Hot Heads Chili Day

Jan 17      Fri   Popeye the Sailor Day  

Jan 18      Sat   National Use Your Gift Card Day

Jan 18      Sat   National Michigan Day

Jan 18      Sat   National Peking Duck Day

Jan 18      Sat   National Thesaurus Day

Jan 18      Sat   National Winnie The Pooh Day 

Jan 19      Sun  National Popcorn Day

Jan 19      Sun  National Recognition of Tin Can Day

Jan 19      Sun  World Snow Day

Jan 19      Sun  World Quark Day 

Jan  20     Mon  National Blue Monday Day   

Jan  20     Mon  National Cheese Lovers Day

Jan  20     Mon  National Crowd Feed Day

Twin D J’s

Twin D J’s

Jan  20     Mon  National Disc Jockey (DJ)  Day

Jan  20     Mon  Nat’l Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan  20     Mon  National Penguin Awareness Day 

Jan 21      Tue  International Sweatpants Day

Jan 21      Tue  National Granola Bar Day

Jan 21      Tue  National Hugging Day 

Jan 22      Wed   Celebration of Life Day

Jan 22      Wed   Library Shelfie Day

 Jan 22     Wed   National Blonde Brownie Day 

Jan 23      Thu National Handwriting Day

Jan 23      Thu National Pie Day

Jan 24      Fri   Beer Can Appreciation Day

Jan 24      Fri   Global Belly Laugh Day

Jan 24      Fri   National Compliment Day

Jan 24      Fri   National Peanut Butter Day 

Jan 25      Sat   A Room of One’s Own Day

Jan 25      Sat   National Irish Coffee Day

Jan 25      Sat   National Opposite Day

Seeds of Life

Seeds of Life

Jan 25      Sat   National Seed Swap Day 

Jan 26      Sun  Australia Day

Jan 26      Sun  Dental Drill Appreciation Day

Jan 26      Sun  National Green Juice Day

Jan 26      Sun  National Peanut Brittle Day

Jan 26      Sun  National Spouses Day 

Jan 27      Mon   National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Jan 27      Mon   National Chocolate Cake Day

Jan 27      Mon   National Geographic Day

Jan 27      Mon   Thomas Crapper Day 

Jan  28     Tue  Data Privacy Day

Jan  28     Tue  National Blueberry Pancake Day

Jan  28     Tue  National Have Fun At Work Day

Jan  28     Tue  National Kazoo Day

Travel planning guide.jpg

Jan  28     Tue  National Plan for Vacation Day

Jan  28     Tue  Thank a Plug-in Developer Day 

Jan 29      Wed    Curmudgeons Day

Jan 29      Wed    Freethinkers Day

Jan 29      Wed    International Puzzle Day

Jan 29      Wed    National Corn Chip Day

Jan 29      Wed    Seeing Eye Dog Day 

Jan 30      Thu Inane Answering Machine Message Day

Plain or filled

Plain or filled

Jan 30      Thu National Croissant Day

Jan 30      Thu Thank Your Mentor Day 

Jan 31      Fri   Fun at Work

Jan 31      Fri   National Backward Day

Jan 31      Fri   National Big Wig Day

Jan 31      Fri   National Hot Chocolate Day

Jan 31      Fri   National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Urge for Adventure December 2019



Hey guys it’s December, a month that swirls with  nostalgia.  That sometimes strips you bear. Now is the time to go deep within your heart,  be conscious of those places buried,  for you can count on December to jar  them open and even bring it to the surface. Feel the light of disclosure finish what you started and feel the peace. Below are some activities that if you remain  conscious while doing,  may help review, analyze and  release the past year while new resolutions for Change moves in.



 AIDS Awareness Month

Awareness Month of Making a Difference

Bingo Month

Buckwheat Month Link

National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month

The Plan

The Plan

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

National Tie Month

National Write a Business Plan Month

Operation Santa Paws (December 1-December 24)

Quince and Watermelon Month

Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month

Safe Toys and Gifts Month

Spiritual Literacy Month

Tomato and Winter Squash Month

Universal Human Rights Month

Best Bro Note

Best Bro Note

Write a Friend Month

Worldwide Food Service Safety Month

Youngsters on The Air Month 




The Season to find the Light

The Season to find the Light

 Advent Season: Nov 30 – Dec 24

Clerc-Gallaudet Week: Dec 01- 07

National Cookie Cutter Week: Dec 01- 07

National Hand Washing Awareness Week: Dec 01 – 07

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week: Dec 01 – 07

Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week: Dec 01 – 07

 International Coelenterate Biology Week: Dec 02 – 06

 Computer Science Education Week: Dec 09 - 15

  Gluten-free Baking Week  Dec:15-22

Cookie Exchange Week: Dec 16 - 20

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Saturnalia (ancient festival) Dec: 17-23



 Chanukah or Hanukkah Dec 22 - 30



Kwanzaa Dec 26, 2019 -Jan 01, 2020







Dec 01    Sun   Antarctica Day

Dec  01   Sun  Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day

Dec  01   Sun  Clark Kent’s Birthday

Dec  01   Sun  Day With(out) Art Day

Dec 01    Sun  National Eat a Red Apple Day

Dec 01    Sun  Rosa Parks Day

World Aids Awareness

World Aids Awareness

Dec 01    Sun  World Aids Awareness Day


Dec 02    Mon  Cider Monday

Dec 02    Mon  Cyber Monday

Dec 02    Mon  Int’l Day for the Abolition of Slavery

Dec 02    Mon  National Fritters Day

Dec 02    Mon  National Mutt Day

Dec 02    Mon  National Special Education Day

Dec 02    Mon  Safety Razor Day


Dec  03    Tue  Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities

Dec  03    Tue  Make a Gift Day

Dec 03    Tue  National Roof Over Your Head Day   


Dec  04    Wed National Cookie Day

Dec  04    Wed National Dice Day

Dec  04    Wed Santa's List Day

Dec  04    Wed Wear Brown Shoes Day

A Spa Day for Self

A Spa Day for Self


Dec  05    Thu  Bathtub Party Day

Dec  05    Thu  International Day of the Reef

Dec  05    Thu  International Ninja Day

Dec  05    Thu  Int’l Volunteer for Economic & Social Development Day

Dec  05    Thu  Sacher Torte Day

Dec  05    Thu  Prohibition Repeal Day

Dec  05    Thu  World Soil Day


Dec  06    Fri    Faux Fur Friday

Dec  06    Fri    International Mitten Tree Day

Dec  06    Fri    National Gazpacho Day

Dec  06    Fri    National Microwave Oven Day

Dec  06    Fri    National Miners’ Day

Dec  06    Fri    National Pawnbrokers Day

Dec  06    Fri    St. Nicholas Day



Dec 07    Sat   International Civil Aviation Day

Dec 07    Sat   National Cotton Candy Day

Dec 07    Sat   National Letter Writing Day

Dec 07    Sat   Nat’l Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Dec 07    Sat   National Rhubarb Vodka Day

Dec 07    Sat   National Sky-warn Recognition Day

Dec 07    Sat   Nobel Prize Day


Dec  08    Sun  International Children's Day

Dec  08    Sun  National Brownie Day

Dec  08    Sun  Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

Dec  08    Sun  Take it in the Ear Day


Dec  09    Mon  Christmas Card Day

Dec  09    Mon  International Anti-Corruption Day

Dec  09    Mon  National Pastry Day

Dec  09    Mon  Weary Willie Day


Dec  10    Tue  Dewey Decimal System Day

Dec  10    Tue  Human Rights Day

Dec  10    Tue  Jane Addams Day


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Dec  11    Wed International Mountain Day

Dec  11    Wed National Noodle Ring Day

Dec  11    Wed UNICEF Birthday


Dec  12    Thu  National Ambrosia Day

Dec  12    Thu  National Ding-a-Ling Day

Dec  12    Thu  National Gingerbread House Day

Dec  12    Thu  National Poinsettia Day



Dec  13    Fri    Ice Cream Day

Dec  13    Fri    National Christmas Jumper Day

Dec  13    Fri    National Cocoa Day

Dec  13    Fri    National Violin Day

Dec  13    Fri    National Day Of The Horse

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Dec  13    Fri    Official Lost and Found Day

Dec  13    Fri    Make Friends with Pathologist (Coroner) Day

Dec  13    Fri    National Salesperson Day


Dec  14    Sat   International Monkey Day 

Dec  14    Sat   National Bouillabaisse Day

Dec  14    Sat   National Wreaths Across America Day

Dec  14    Sat   Roast Chestnuts Day


Dec  15    Sun  Bill of Rights Day

Dec  15    Sun  National Cat Herders Day

Dec  15    Sun  National Lemon Cupcake Day


Dec  16    Mon  National Chocolate-covered Anything Day

Dec 16    Mon  Parent’s Barbie and Barney Denial Day


Dec 17    Tue  National Maple Syrup Day

Dec 17    Tue  Wright Brothers Day


Immigrants in peril

Immigrants in peril

Dec  18    Wed International Migrants Day

Dec  18    Wed National Bake Cookies Day

Dec  18    Wed National Roast Suckling Pig Day

Dec  18    Wed World Arabic Language Day



Dec  19   Thu  Look for Evergreen Tree Day

Dec  19   Thu  National Hard Candy Day

Dec  19   Thu  National Oatmeal Muffin Day

Dec  19   Thu  National Re-Gifting Day


Dec  20    Fri    National Go Caroling Day

Dec  20    Fri    National Sangria Day

Dec  20    Fri    National Ugly Sweater Day

Dec  20    Fri    National Underdog Day


Dec  21    Sat   Forefather's Day

Dec  21    Sat   National Crossword Puzzle Day

Dec  21    Sat   National Flashlight Day

Dec  21    Sat   National French Fried Shrimp Day

Dec  21    Sat   National Homeless Remembrance Day

Dec  21    Sat   National Humbug Day

Dec  21    Sat   National Look on the Bright Side Day

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Dec  21    Sat   Winter Solstice

Dec  21    Sat   Yule – Day of Winter Solstice


Dec  22    Sun  National Date Nut Bread Day


Dec  23    Mon  World Festivus Day  

Dec  23    Mon  National Pfeffernusse Day

Dec  23    Mon  National Roots Day


Dec  24    Tue  Christmas Eve


Dec  24    Tue  National Eggnog Day


Dec  25    Wed Christmas Day

Dec  25    Wed Grav Mass Day

Dec  25    Wed National Pumpkin Pie Day

Dec  25    Wed No "L" Day, a. k. a.  A'phabet Day



Dec  26    Thu  Boxing Day (Canada)

Dec  26    Thu  National Candy Cane Day

Dec  26    Thu  National Thank You Note Day

Dec  26    Thu  National Whiner’s Day


Dec  27    Fri    National Fruitcake Day

No Interruptions Day

No Interruptions Day

Dec  27    Fri    No Interruptions Day


Dec  28    Sat   National Card Playing Day

Dec  28    Sat   National Chocolate Candy Day


Dec  29    Sun  National Pepper Pot Day

Dec  29    Sun  Tick Tock Day


Dec  30    Mon  National Bacon Day

Dec  30    Mon  National Bicarbonate of Soda Day




DEC 31    Tue  Universal Hour of Peace (11:30, 31 Dec – 12:30, 01 Jan)

DEC 31    Tue  Make Up Your Mind Day

DEC 31    Tue  New Year's Eve

DEC 31    Tue  National Champagne Day

DEC 31    Tue  Unlucky Day turns Lucky.

We are of Universal Spirit

We are of Universal Spirit

To Optimize Your Purpose


To Optimize Your Purpose Is It Effective Or  Efficient?

Many times, when people seek me out it is because they are at some kind of a crossroads either in their career or life in generally. It is because of some decision they want to make about their Life purpose. This articles focuses on two key factors to making change.

At a recent cocktail party, the conversation got around to favorite Iconic Movie Stars. Audrey Hepburn was one of the names that came up. It’s strange how I latched on to what some of the “older” cocktail guests had to say about her story.

Young and fresh-faced Audrey rose to fame in the 1950s, in fact to become one of the most celebrated actresses of her time. In 1953, Audrey Hepburn became the first actress to win an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards for a single performance: in her leading role performance of Roman Holiday. a ‘romantic comedy’ leading role in the film.

Matter of fact, over half a century later, she remains one of only 15 people to earn an "EGOT" that is a person winning all four major entertainment awards: Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony. This group is small, yet as diverse as John Gielgud, Whoopi Goldberg, Mel Brooks, Rita Moreno, Andrew Lloyd Weber, and John Legend, to name a few, all different, yet iconic – but excuse me, I digress.

By the 1960s, Audrey Hepburn averaged one new film per year and was on a trajectory to being a Hollywood Legend.

But then in 1967, at the height of her popularity she stopped her career as an Actress. Now I want you to image someone in this position, only 30 years of age and has put the brakes on a life course.

We find her making a life path change and a switch in careers, we see Audrey spending the next 25 years working for UNICEF, you know that branch of the United Nations that provides food and healthcare to children in war-torn countries. Her performances now are as a volunteer worker throughout Africa, South America, and Asia.

I think you are now wondering what this story has to do with our title Optimizing Your Purpose Efficiency or Effectiveness? Let’s put away Audrey’s story for the moment. Let me build a kind of framework  from which to make this all clear.

Efficient vs. Effective

Let’ start with you. We can all agree with the concept that You get one, lifetime on this plane of existence. How do you decide the best way to spend your time? Professional Productivity Expert’s will advise that you focus on being effective rather than being efficient.

What is the difference? Efficiency is about getting more things done. Effectiveness is about getting the right things done. Peter Drucker, an educator, management consultant, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation once encapsulated the differences in this quote, "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."

That makes plain the idea that making progress is about being productive on the right things. But how do you decide “the right things"? One widely used approach is the Pareto Principle, which is more commonly known as the 80/20 Rule.

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The 80/20 Rule was introduced by 20th century economic sociologist, Wilfried Fritz Pareto, (who I paraphrase,) stated “that, in any particular domain, a small number of things account for the majority of the results. For example, 80 percent of the land in Italy is owned by 20 percent of the people.” Or, 20% of drivers cause 80% of all traffic accidents. The point is that the majority of the results are driven by a minority of causes.

The Upside of the 80/20 Rule

When applied to your life and career, the 80/20 Rule helps focus you to separate the vital few from the trivial of the many.

In your own life, this strategy can be useful to find your time-wasting actives or to look at the sources of  some of your problems. You may find that the majority of your complaints come from a handful of problem situations. The 80/20 Rule would suggest that you can clear out your logjams or backlogging circumstance by identifying and stopping the engagements within them.

The 80/20 Rule is like a form of Martial arts that teaches self-defense, improves confidence and self-esteem for your life and work. By finding precisely the right area to apply action, you can get more results with less effort.

Like many things it is a double edge sword, there is a downside to this approach, which many times  is overlooked. To illustrate let’s return to Audrey Hepburn.

The Downside of the 80/20 Rule

It is 1967. Audrey Hepburn at the prime of her career finds herself trying to decide how to purposefully spend her time.

Hepburn's first career, acting on stage and screen. Her next career, acts of service and thus in December 1992, she’s awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her efforts, this is the highest civilian award granted by the United States.

If  the use of the 80/20 Rule  had been part of her decision-making process, her life may have been very different. Let’s say she followed her trajectory to stardom, what would she do,  the clear answer is: do more romantic comedies. They gave her large audiences, earned her awards, and was an obvious path to greater fame and fortune.

Setting that aside, scenario two, we would take into account her desire to help children through UNICEF, the 80/20 Rule could have pointed out that doing more romantic comedies was still the best option because of her maximized earning power and she could have donated more of her earnings to UNICEF.

Here comes the rub, that would have been all well and good if she wanted to continue acting. But she didn't want to continue her career life as an actress. This reveals the perceptual bias that many of us have but one which contradicts the reality of  the life lived.  

You see her perception of herself was that of one in service  to others, and no reasonable analysis of the 80/20 Rule would have in 1967  suggested that volunteering for UNICEF was the most effective use of her time.

This is the downside of the 80/20 Rule, when applied to the start of a new path, it will never look like the most effective option in the beginning.

Optimizing for Your Past or Your Future

James Clear, Life Coach and the author of Atomic Habits, which advocates “small changes that will transform your habits.” gives us this insight: “Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, worked on Wall Street and climbed the corporate ladder to become senior vice-president of a hedge fund before leaving it all in 1994 to start the company.

If Bezos had applied the 80/20 Rule in 1993 in an attempt to discover the most effective areas to focus on in his career, it is virtually impossible to imagine that founding an internet company would have been on the list. At that point in time, there is no doubt that the most effective path—whether measured by financial gain, social status, or otherwise—would have been the one where he continued his career in finance.

The 80/20 Rule is calculated and determined by your recent effectiveness. Whatever seems like the "highest value" use of your time in any given moment will be dependent on your previous skills and current opportunities.

The 80/20 Rule will help you find the useful things in your past and get more of them in the future. But if you don’t want your future to be more of your past, then you need a different approach.

The downside of being effective is that you often optimize for your past rather than for your future.”

Where to Go From Here

James Clear talks a lot about changing habits, creating better habits, making better decisions, equaling  living a  better life.  I agree with him on these points. He speaks of giving enough practice and enough time, so the thing that previously seemed ineffective can become very effective, and you get good at what you practice. I have found that to be true in my own life.

When Audrey Hepburn changed course in 1967, from acting to volunteering, this may not have seemed nearly as effective a career choice. But three decades later, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom—a remarkable feat, a satisfaction she is unlikely to have accomplished by acting in more romantic comedies.


The process of learning a new skill or starting a new course or taking on a new adventure of any sort will often appear to be in the beginning, an ineffectual use of time compared to the other tools and abilities you already know when applying 80/20 Rule analysis The new project or endeavor will seem like a waste of time. But that doesn't mean it's the wrong decision only a change in the focus of perception, and the Conscious decision to optimize your Past or your Future.


Did you enjoy that article? Here are two more things you might like:

  • Online course: My Cultural History Course that speak to unconscious and conscious societal programs that dictate our actions and decisions.

  • Prosperos Assembly 2020: That speak to you, your inner most being, community, about unconscious habits innovation, and motivation.

Urge for Adventure November 2019

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Hey Guys,

November is here, that mid-point between Autumn and Winter. Bringing you traditional, yet new and creative ways to engage with life, with old and new friends, as well as with family.

A chance to engage in activities both inside and outside the home this month. Keep watch, you will find something, you did not know before about yourself. It may come from taking in the sensation of colorful leaves, smells of cooking and spices. Maybe even in the feel of cooling temperatures. Some have let their beards and mustaches grow. Some stay warm by the fire and a good book. Others watching Thanksgiving specials of their favorite TV shows. Still others braving the elements to see the new movie releases. You can taste the anticipation of Thanksgiving meals, things to stuff your face with deliciousness. Still others prepare for the Black Friday Shopping.

One of the best ways to learn something new about yourself is to listen to yourself while you are in conversation with others, you may be surprised at what you hear.

The month of Thanksgiving is a time to consider your harvest, and to thankfully celebrate your community and family's collective bounty. Now if you add something different or additional to the mix check out the Calendar of events below.

November Monthly Events

·         Adopt A Turkey Month

·         Banana Pudding Lovers Month

·         Eye Donation Month

·         Greens and Plantains Month

·         Historic Bridge Awareness Month

·         International Picture Book Month

·         Lung Cancer Awareness Month

·         Military Family Appreciation Month


American Boeing E-4

American Boeing E-4

·         Nat’l Adopt Senior Pet Month

·         National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

·         National Aviation History Month

·         National Children Adoption Month

·         National COPD Month

·         National Diabetes Month

·         National Entrepreneurship Month

·         National Epilepsy Awareness Month

Family Stories comes in flavors

Family Stories comes in flavors

·         National Family Caregivers Month

·         National Family Stories Month

·         National Family Literacy Month

·         National Fun with Fondue Month

·         National Good Nutrition Month

·         National Gratitude Month

·         National Healthy Skin Month

·         National Home Care Month

·         National Hospice Month

·         National Impotency Awareness Month

·         Nat’l Critical Infrastructure Security & Resilience Month

·         National Inspirational Role Models Month

·         National Life Writing Month

·         National Long–Term Care Awareness Month

·         National Marrow Awareness Month

·         National Medical Science (MSL) Awareness

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·         National Memoir Writing Month

·         National Model Railroad Month

·         Nat’l Native American Heritage Month

·         National Novel Writing Month

·         National Pancreatic Cancer Month

·         National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

·         National Pepper Month

·         National Pet Cancer Awareness Month

·         National  Pomegranate Month

·         National PPSI AIDS Awareness Month

·         National PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month

·         National Runaway Prevention Month

·         National Roasting Month

·         National Scholarship Month

the Tribe

the Tribe

·         No-Shave November Cause

·         PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month

·         Spinach and Squash Month

·         Stomach Cancer Awareness Month

·         Sweet Potato Awareness Month

·         Real Jewelry Month

·         Triple Crown of Surfing

·         World Vegan Month

·         Worldwide Bereaved Sibling Month

·         World Prematurity Awareness Month

·         World Neuroendocrine Cancer Month





November Multi-Day & Weekly Events 2019


·         MADD's Tie One On For Safety Campaign Nov 01- Dec 31


·         National Fig Week                                   Nov 01- 07


·         Dear Santa Letter Week                          Nov 07- 14



·         Intimate Apparel Market Week               Nov 03 - 08

·         Nat’l Animal Shelter /Rescue Appreciate  Nov 03 - 09

·         International Libraries Games Day          Nov 03 - 09

·         National Radiologic Technology Week      Nov 03 - 09


·         Hunger & Homelessness Aware Wk.        Nov 09 -18

·         Geography Awareness Week                    Nov 10 - 16

Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioners

·         National Nurse Practitioner Wk.             Nov 10 - 16

·         National Split Pea Soup Week                 Nov 10 - 16

·         Perioperative Nurse Week                       Nov 10 - 16


·         Nat’l Transplant Donor Sabbath              Nov 15 -17


·         American Education Days                        Nov 18 - 22

·         Global Entrepreneurship Week                Nov 18 - 24

·         National Book Award Week                     Nov 18 - 24

·         National Farm-City Week                        Nov 18 - 24

·         National Young Reader’s Week                 Nov 18 - 24

·         World Antibiotic Awareness Week           Nov 18 - 24





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·         Better Conversation Week                       Nov 24 - 30 

·         Church/State Separation Wk.                  Nov 24 - 30 

·         National Game & Puzzle Wk.                   Nov 24 - 30 

·         National Family Week                             Nov 24 - 30 

·         GERD Reflux  Awareness Wk.                 Nov 24 - 30 


·         National Deal Week                                 Nov 27- Dec 03



November Daly Events 2019


Calvin at Writers Festival

Calvin at Writers Festival

Nov 01        Fri    All Saints’ Day 

Nov 01        Fri    National Author's Day

Nov 01        Fri    National Brush Day

Nov 01        Fri    ​National Calzone Day

Nov 01        Fri    National Cook for Your Pets Day

Nov 01        Fri    National Family Literacy Day

Nov 01        Fri    Nat’l Men Make Dinner Day

Nov 01        Fri    National Vinegar Day

Nov 01        Fri    World Vegan Day


Nov 02        Sat    All Souls’ Day

Nov 02        Sat    Day of the Dead

Nov 02        Sat    Int’l Fountain Pen Day

Nov 02        Sat    Int’l Plan Your Epitaph Day

Nov 02        Sat    National Bison Day

Nov 02        Sat    National Deviled Egg Day

Nov 02        Sat    National Football Jersey day

Nov 02        Sat    Nat’l Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Appreciation Day






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Nov 03        Sun   Cliché Day

Nov 03        Sun   Fall Back For Daylight Day

Nov 03        Sun   Give Up Your Should’s Day

Nov 03        Sun   National Homemaker Day

Nov 03        Sun   National Sandwich Day

Nov 03        Sun   Pumpkin Destruction Day   

Nov 03        Sun   Public Television Day

Nov 03        Sun   SOS Day

Nov 03        Sun   World Kindness Day

 Nov 03       Sun   Zero Tasking Day


Nov 04        Mon  National Candy Day

Nov 04        Mon  Check Your Blood Pressure Day

Nov 04        Mon  Job Action Day

Nov 04        Mon  Traffic Professionals Day

Nov 04        Mon  Use Your Common-Sense Day


Nov 05        Tue   American Football Day

Nov 05        Tue   Bonfire Night

Nov 05        Tue   National Doughnut Day

Nov 05        Tue   National Hot Sauce Day

Nov 05        Tue   National Love Your Red Hair Day


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Nov 06        Wed  General Election Day

Nov 06        Wed  International Stress Awareness Day

Nov 06        Wed  National Nachos Day

Nov 06        Wed  Saxophone Day

Nov 06        Wed  U N Day for Preventing  Exploitation of the  Environment


Nov 07        Thu   National Stress Awareness Day

Nov 07        Thu   International Merlot Wine Day

Nov 07        Thu   International Stout Day

Nov 07        Thu   National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day


Nov 08        Fri    National Cappuccino Day

Nov 08        Fri    Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day

Nov 08        Fri    National Parents as Teacher Day

Nov 08        Fri    X-Ray Day

Nov 08        Fri    Nat’l Science, Tech, Engineering, Art & Math Day


Nov 09        Sat    Carl Sagan Day

Nov 09        Sat    Go to an Art Museum Day

Nov 09        Sat    National Scrabble Day

Nov 09        Sat    World Freedom Day


Nov 10        Sun   Area Code Day

Nov 10        Sun   International Accounting Day

Nov 10        Sun   National Forget-Me-Not Day

Nov 10        Sun   U S Marine Corps Birthday

Nov 10        Sun   U N World Science Day for Peace



National Singles Day

National Singles Day


Nov 11        Mon  Domino Day

Nov 11        Mon  National Metal Day

Nov 11        Mon  Origami Day

Nov 11        Mon  Singles Day

Nov 11        Mon  Veterans Day

Nov 11        Mon  World Orphans Day


Nov 12        Tue   National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day

Nov 12        Tue   National French Dip Day

Nov 12        Tue   National Happy Hour Day

Nov 12        Tue   National Pizza with All Except Anchovies

Nov 12        Tue   World Pneumonia Day


Nov 13        Wed  Geographic Information System Day

Nov 13        Wed  National Indian Pudding Day

Nov 13        Wed  Sadie Hawkins Day

Nov 13        Wed  World Kindness Day


Nov 14        Thu   Great American Smoke out

Nov 14        Thu   International Girls Day

Nov 14        Thu   Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day

Nov 14        Thu   National Philanthropy Day

Nov 14        Thu   National Pickle Day    

Nov 14        Thu   National Spicy Guacamole Day

Nov 14        Thu   Operating Room Nurses Day

Nov 14        Thu   World Diabetes Day


Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Nov 15        Fri    America Recycles Day

Nov 15        Fri    National Bundt (Pan) Day

Nov 15        Fri    Nat’l Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Nov 15        Fri    National Drummer Day


Nov 16        Sat    International Day For Tolerance

Nov 16        Sat    National Button Day

Nov 16        Sat    National Fast Food Day


Nov 17        Sun   National Baklava Day

Nov 17        Sun   Homemade Bread Day

Nov 17        Sun   National Hiking Day

Nov 17        Sun   National Unfriend Day

Nov 17        Sun   World Day to Remember Road Traffic Victims

Nov 17        Sun   World Prematurity Day


Nov 18        Mon  Mickey Mouse Birthday

Nov 18        Mon  National Princess Day

Nov 18        Mon  National Vichyssoise Day


Nov 19        Tue   National Blow Bagpipes Day

Nov 19        Tue   National Camp Day

Nov 19        Tue   Nat’l Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day

Nov 19        Tue   National Have a Bad Day

The International Male

The International Male

Nov 19        Tue   International Men’s Day

Nov 19        Tue   Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Nov 19        Tue   National Play Monopoly Day

Nov 19        Tue   World Toilet Day


Nov 20        Wed  National Absurdity Day

Nov 20        Wed  Future Teachers of America Day

Nov 20        Wed  Global Hug a Runner Day aka G.O.H.A.R.D

Nov 20        Wed  Name your PC Day

Nov 20        Wed  National Book Award Winner Announced

Nov 20        Wed  Nat’l Education Support Professionals Day

Nov 20        Wed National Entrepreneur's Day

Nov 20        Wed  Universal Children’s Day




Nov 21        Thu   Jukebox Day

Nov 21        Thu   National Rural Health Day

Nov 21        Thu   World Hello Day

Nov 21        Thu   World Television Day



Drive on the Open Hwy

Drive on the Open Hwy

Nov 22        Fri    Go For A Ride Day

Nov 22        Fri    National Cranberry Relish Day


Nov 23        Sat    International Survivors of Suicide Day

Nov 23        Sat    Int’l Image Consultants Day

Nov 23        Sat    National Adoption Day

Nov 23        Sat    National Cashew Day

Nov 23        Sat    National Espresso Day

Nov 23        Sat    Dr. Who Day


Nov 24        Sun   Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Nov 24        Sun   National Sardines Day



Nov 25        Mon  Int’l Elimination  Day of Violence against Women

Nov 25        Mon  National Blasé Day

Nov 25        Mon  International Hat Day

Nov 25        Mon  National Parfait Day


Nov 26        Tue   National Cake Day

Nov 26        Tue   U N Int’l Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People



Nov 27        Tue   Nat’l Bavarian Cream Pie Day

Nov 27        Wed  National Tie One on Day     


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Nov 28        Thu   Thanksgiving Day

Nov 28        Thu   Nat’l Family Health History Day

Nov 28        Thu   National French Toast Day

Nov 28        Thu   Red Planet Day


Nov 29        Fri    Black Friday

Nov 29        Fri    Buy Nothing Day

Nov 29        Fri    Electronic Greetings Day

Nov 29        Fri    National Day of Listening

Nov 29        Fri    National Flossing Day

Nov 29        Fri    National Lemon Cream Pie Day

Nov 29        Fri    National Square-Dancing Day

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Nov 29        Fri    Native American Heritage Day

Nov 29        Fri    Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting

Nov 29        Fri    You’re Welcome Day




Nov 30        Sat    National Computer Security Day

Nov 30        Sat    National Mason Jar Day

Nov 30        Sat    National Mousse Day

Nov 30        Sat    National Meth Awareness Day

Nov 30        Sat    Small Business Saturday

Nov 30        Fri    World Stay Home Because You’re Well Day    

Self Care Making Time For You

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Making an ally and friend of yourself unlocks a state of well-being.


If you have an ally, that is someone on your side. Ally comes from the Latin word alligare, meaning "to bind to," — an act of coming together, a protection of one.


Rene Böhmer Photo

Yet, as a Life Coach, I find there are those who rather than being an ally to themselves,  are instead their own worst enemy. Most of the time they are unconscious of doing it to themselves until they have come undone. Often it is unconscious, the shadow side of themselves and acting without knowledge of what one really wants to accomplish. I am reminded of the quote: “The most reliable friend you have is your shadow.” – Matshona Dhliwayo


It comes later, as a revelation to them, to discover that self-awareness must be a key component for well-being and therefore success. To have success is to have communication with yourself. In other words, you are always in a relationship with yourself, the question is what kind is it?  Not to sound weird, but this relationship with yourself should be arguably one of the most important relationships that you have.


This Self-relationship is a foundation for everything else. Having said that, this self-relationship is not to be confused with negative compulsions of narcissism, nor on the other hand with overwhelming blame and shame about ourselves, rather it should identify traits that focus our being in a good place, to organize our self so that things happen in effective ways that allow for good interpersonal skills, and as a byproduct, produces success according to the individual’s own definition of success.


In other words, for you to focus on yourself in such a way to produce crucial development for a healthy sense of self. It is about gaining knowledge and having an understanding of how you operate and liking what you see in that process.

This establishes a baseline for you from which to work that can extend beyond yourself to others in ways that are altruistic and advantageous to all.


 This is going to take being a good friend to yourself first, by  developing and sustaining your relationship with the self.


One way to start, is by checking out how you speak to yourself. Remember everything you say you hear as well. No matter if talking to a room full of people or by yourself. This would include not only the words you say out loud but also the words you think. Words have an emotional imprint. Check yourself to see if you tend to speak harshly to yourself (either in your spoken voice or in your thinking voice).


If you catch yourself negatively impacting yourself with your self-talk, find a way to stop and observe. Try and see the emotional atmosphere you find yourself in — is there anger or agitation, is your heart rate up, are the words criticizing? Take a breath, slow it down and consciously reappraise the situation, in an effort to be gentler with yourself before continuing with any more outward action.


reappraise the situation,  in an effort to be gentler with yourself before continuing with any more outward action.  


Some life coaching clients find it helpful to practice conversations out loud with themselves— under the right conditions, doing so can be very useful. By consciously  using  the thoughts you’ve assembled  you have the capacity to unearth feelings buried within the words  to make possible clear differences in your discourse of what is advantageous and that which does not promote or contribute to personal or social well-being.



That said, know that it takes time to develop a new habit. It will require your desire and your motivation to build this skill.


Journaling is another good practice to capture, record reactions, and keep track of your progress with self-talk. It is a place to start getting to know more about you. Journaling as a habit becomes an invaluable way to acquaint oneself with and to change personal experiences for the better.

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Journaling seems easier to accomplish if you will begin by setting small manageable goals, such as writing for just 15 minutes a day. Once in the routine, beginners will gain a new slant or perspective on their behaviors, while for seasoned chroniclers these insights provide motivation to continue.

You are in essence creating a new habit, one that by sticking to it keeps you conscious of and befriending yourself.


 In the beginning, as I mention, it may require some effort. Fortunately, if you keep at it and can eventually practice it daily, the process will become easier for you and eventually become an automatic part of your daily routine

Calvin’s Learning Circle’s

Calvin’s Learning Circle’s

 More on Journaling in upcoming articles. For my readers asking for deeper work, may I suggest a small group or one on one session that can be arranged with me? In addition, The Prosperos School of Ontology offers two seminars that are extremely useful: Translation and Releasing the Hidden Splendor. The classes offer tools for reaching change, a change in consciousness, not a change in “things.” You can contact me at my email address for more information about these classes, small group activities, or one on one mentoring services by going to the Contact Page.


Let me conclude with these words:

 “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi


Thanks for reading
