Exploring The Quality of Your Personal Time


Self portrait by Alex Stoddard

Self portrait by Alex Stoddard

Although the interest in the quality of our time has been challenged this year through our various forms of visual and print media, you should remember that your own psychological well-being depends more on your personal perspective than on the major societal events reported to you on the world’s stage.

Of course, we are all affected in one way or another by the problems caused by the pandemic and the upheavals associated with controversy over race, gender, and human rights issues. And yet it is our own personal vision that needs to stay focused and that will keep us balanced.

A vision does not have to be particularly grand. Above all, it should express something to do with your innate self and the quality of your own life.  Be carefully aware that your vision or goals are about you and not a comparison with others.  For example, you can decide to focus on your professional development, and/or on more relaxed relationships, and/or creative or spiritual developments, and/or on strategies for coping with everyday life, etc.  

Many people will set goals that are achievable but are not satisfying.  What you are looking for is balance in your life, which means finding a tools that will help you maintain a balance between your material life and that which gives you deeper meaning, those feelings of being part of a greater whole, or even something cosmic or divine in nature [some call that spirituality].

That is where good use of private time with yourself comes in, that space that you create to accept and allow yourself time to be present in contemplation. Use of the tools, Retrospection and Introspection, is where you come to know or understand what you feel about, or sense about something. This is where you gain material evidence in your thoughts, and acknowledge the clarity of understanding which you gain about a situation, person, or thing, this then becomes “knowing”, and that acts like intuitive and aligned guidance.

Your use of personal time in the practice of Retrospection and Introspection will allow for a gauge in the quality of your life. This allows for gauging your general well-being, by outlining negative and positive features of how you are living life. Your expectations of a good life can be gauged and determined by your authentic self. Then your expectations can be put in a context guided by the values, goals, and socio-cultural context in which you exist. Spending a portion of your personal time this way can reap big dividends in the quality and satisfaction of your life and how it is lived.

Tools for the Self Directed Life

Signs You Are Consciously Living

by Calvin Harris H. W., M.


Every moment of every day, we can strive to be vibrant, our best, and most loving to ourselves and others


Yes, we at Site of Contact want you to care about your success (whatever success may mean to you), we encourage your learning, your progress, your training (at whatever level is best for you) and we want you to realize the potential within you. BUT your success focus should not be to the extent that it sacrifices your sense of well-being, balance and happiness because compulsions are driving you.


 A sign of balance disruption is energy displacement. Stated differently, how the connection between muscular tension in the body causes bodily malfunction or non-functions. This can range from a simply feeling of out of sorts, to bad behavior, all the way to chronic illness. This somatic malfunction of the nervous systems is caused in part due to where conscious attention or lack of it is focused.


The nervous system is approximately 85% a visceral, non-thinking, non-conscious intelligence of our bodies. It regulates breathing for us or does digestion, or waste removal, (to name a few of its function). Yet to be complete, that is somatically whole in its effectiveness, we need to be consciously grounded. In computer terms, I am suggesting that our 3-dimensional Beingness runs as a hybrid data system of Body and Mind. The beauty of it is when the simplicity of physical functions running at its best are properly integrated with components of Conscious awareness.


Your internal and external data sources are more aligned as a hybrid operating system than you suspect. It enables seamless access, sharing and analysis of all types of perceived data, followed by combinations of action deployment based on memory tapes running and updating all the time. Its reliability is based on upgrades to its storage units. This hybrid combination allows for the storage unit to gain insights like understanding your reactions in social situations that may be random or different than what was experienced in the past and allows for alternative outcomes such as empathy followed by supportive social engagement rather than anger and rage.


This Hybrid integration of Somatic data management simply stated is your capability to engage with your world in a range of new situations that goes beyond your historic way of doing things, that yield to you new insights and vitality in life - you could call it a joy of living.


With that in mind, siteofcontact.net. suggest this simple philosophy: To create understanding in all of your relationships, start first with yourself.

Communication with the Self.png

A key tool to begin this process, is to keep a journal: It could be electronic or handwritten, that's your choice. What it should entail is data, call it your reflection upon issues, emotions, situations that will show you signs of where you concentrate your energy and that could signal for you areas where displacement energy is being put.


Additionally, journaling can help you discover the fun or humor in the strangest of circumstances, even in the mundane tasks you come across daily. So, if you are going to be driven, decide to be driven by your potential for awareness in control of habits and active choices that you choose to internalize


Your Journal can be a resource and a benefit when:

  • You take time to reflect and review your activities, in such a way to allow your brain the chance to assemble and create order amidst what appears as chaos.


  •   You can gain insights parlayed into new habits, learned from observations and your experiences.


  • You can be less reactive, and more proactive in response that is more positive and self-confident though your discoveries and insights.


You could call this process of writing a type of “wet computer (brain) download”.


A suggestion, if this is a first-time journaling experience for you, then pick a time to do it when there are few if any distractions, and it is not a hectic nor stressful time of day. Some like to do it in the evening, when their reflections and insights seem to cleanse and empty their heads before bed. Others make time for reflection in the morning, as a way of cleaning their slate in preparation for a clearer sense of direction in their day.


As a bonus one builds a stronger relationship with oneself, without outside judgment or opinions to screen or hide one from their essential core. Some claim that improvements increase when one can find and practice gratitude for what they have discovered as a positive element or configuration in their life.


What I find helpful for beginners is for them not to try and use it as a grocery list of events that happened that day. But do journal on a regular basis. Look for what you consider to be relevant: situations that stand out, or are decisive, or momentous, or where you caught yourself in repetitious non-beneficial behaviors or thoughts; or where you are critical or pressing; notations of events having far-reaching effects, or that things have become urgent



You may find it helpful not to use journal pages that have preprinted calendar date pages: This eliminates you from pressures to have to write daily. Instead, you have the freedom and leisure to write when you choose. Like everything else it takes practice to create good habits. Journaling will take finding and instituting a new routine or habit for yourself that incorporates consistent times and place for journaling that gives you a sense of accomplishment and success.


The important thing is to have fun journaling and with what you discover about Living Consciously. Benefits may show up as:

More observing Less judging

More responding Less reaction

More clarity Less self -sabotage

More engaged Less restriction

More self-Love Less fear

More boundaries Less other’s chaos

More trust Less resentment

More inner peace Less dung

Hands around the world.jpg

What changes is consciously not having the compulsions and reactions to people and things. Journaling becomes a means of reflection, rest, and recovery. When the progress made with journaling becomes knowing your essential self, that then enables supportive constructive social engagement with others.


Having an ongoing relationship with yourself creates an alignment with life. Remember life is about balance, being content, but never to stop growing, and learning. It's about fulfilling the need to add fun and discovery into each day along the way.

More advance techniques and practices are available through the Prosperos School of Ontology, email me Calvin at ialchemy1@gmail.com, for more details or if you have questions.

I close with a favorite quote from a character in the book ‘Auntie Mame’ by Patrick Dennis who says, "Live, Live, Live! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!" 

