Tools for the Self Directed Life

Activating Your Mission, Meaning, and Mastery

by Calvin Harris H.W., M

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I suspect the College education model as practiced today, as the best means to secure wealth and fame, is fading as a goal for many young people. Even the famed ‘SAT’, or other IQ Tests used as barometers of intellectual superior advantage and the indicator that one is on the fast track of wealth and success, may not be holding up factually as better living.


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A Wall Street Journal correspondent and author of the bestselling book “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.”- Dan H. Pink has been quoted when asked of what portion of our career success does IQ account for? His answer: “between 4 and 10 percent.” Which has been backed up by Researcher Daniel Goleman and the Hay Group.



The first step in gaining the tools for a self directed life is then to begin activating your mission, and getting clarity on some of the contradictory data that we have. Data that acts as models or guides to what you believe to be better living or success and how to get it.

IQ testing for some when going through school became a worry and an impediment to setting a life course decision and a delay in trying to craft their innate mission. A struggle waged over would they be good enough to achieve the outcomes in life they set out to do? A struggle waged in the mind.

I feel we all live in our heads so much of the time that when we are faced with the circumstance that forces us to acknowledge that we also operate in a three-dimensional world and navigate through it by our somatic body, a body many times driven by unconscious decisions, this can be a shock to us.

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We look to models as the guidepost along our journey in life to help point our way through. One guidepost often forgotten, but that has the propensity for success, is how we spend our time. If we would observe, we would find we spend most of our days in random thought and to a lesser degree imagining outcomes to situations that may or may not take place. In fact this process is the mechanism for life long learning. This process of our consciousness, is an alchemy of emotions, rational mind and our analytical capacities that act both as our allies and as obstacles. In our endeavors to live successfully, they can greatly move us forward in life, if focused with clear accurate data, barring that, then an acute observation and courageous adaptability must be developed. These qualities move us forward without trying to second guess ourselves or worse diverting ourselves away from our mission-meaning in life.

A second model or concept that needs reviewing is the idea of Education and the potential of learning. We are life long learners. Education is not a series of memorized pieces of data that we recite back for a short time and then forget. Nor is it the striving for the goal of coming up with a high test score from an intelligence test.  Education is learning and engaging with information useful to our life, that when implemented, moves our life course forward. So many think of their education as acquiring a piece of paper that says ‘Degree’ on it, thinking this is the magic key to immediate success and fortune. So many, because of buying into just getting that paper, that degree, and perhaps not comprehending all of its variables, are left with a Degree, debt, and having feelings of disappointment and /or betrayal.  

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I am reminded of Chad Grills, the writer of the book “College or Not” when he was purported as saying “It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if we don’t have a high IQ, brand name college degrees, or a high GPA, we don’t have a propensity for meaning. Or, we worry that because we don’t have a sufficient degree of these (old) measures of intelligence, our ability for growth and service will decrease (an impediment to meaning). The reality is, science and research increasingly show that these old credentials and measures of intelligence don’t matter that much.”


To gain meaning in your life today, one must overcome outworn definitions and measurements of yourself.  Your task is to see yourself in a whole new way, creating a new narrative beginning with the idea of you as a Conscious Observer, you want to observe those concepts that seem to control, drive, and sometimes divert your life. It’s not necessary that you completely discard information found within concepts, but it is important that you examine the messages you accept from the information, especially those with a negative bent, thereby lessening negative effects to your talents and your overall success or mission. ⁠

Researcher Daniel Goleman and the Hay Group have shown that IQ placement accounts for a baseline of intelligence, therefore for a person to have mastery in life, would be more a matter of that person working with that baseline to create a mindset, and exercise  the ability to do critical examination and the agility for correction on faulty conclusions. Allowing them to hone and strengthen their natural abilities and talents to consciously move in the direction of their innate and chosen path in a way that leads to the intersection of where preparation, talent, and opportunity meet.

So, if the old Learning-to-Success model components are changing, what does one use as guidepost or indicators of attributes and skills needed in the new model for success? What traits, abilities, and skills can you emulate that can activate your quest toward meaning, success, and mastery now?


I suggest the concepts of Grit + Imagination + Skills as basic components of the new model. We are at a time in history were some of the world’s most innovative companies are looking for people driven by the new model to drive their missions and success. Why not use them to drive your own mission and success?  What do these new skills or traits look like?

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Wikipedia defines grit as:

“A positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s passion for a particular long-term goal or end state, coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve their respective objective. This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie within a gritty individual’s path to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achievement realization. Commonly associated concepts within the field of psychology include ‘perseverance,’ ‘hardiness,’ ‘resilience,’ ‘ambition,’ ‘need for achievement’ and ‘conscientiousness.’⁠”

We talked earlier about 'courageous adaptability.' Call it a short hand to describe  Grit.

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Grit has in its makeup, conscious regulators,  such as patience and a unique attitude perspective in any given situation. Victor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, founder of logo-therapy, and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, flushes out for us a key perspective on 'attitude,' with his words: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”


If we can become conscious of our 'spaces between', our ‘timing’, and patience, as we endure what life throws at us, we’re well on our way to building grit, and from those experiences to make us stronger and also more compassionate of others.




Imagination is that alchemy between our emotions, rational mind, and our analytical capacities, aka Creativity: once harnessed it is unmatched as a talent. Creativity harnessed is one of the most sought-after commodities in the world today. It has become a innovative and integral component of the new technologies that is needed to evolve, and propagate the many new products and services on the horizon. The alchemy of creativity becomes the futures great bastion of human expertise to perfect and master.

Building creativity skill can start as simply as by writing down ideas every day. Harnessing it can take longer. Needed then is the conscious awareness, the perception, and emotional balance brought into action during development, and implementation, of new ideas and products. Creativity coming forth as ideas are worked from good to desirable, to beneficial, and on to lucrative. Strategic thinking becomes then part of the blend in the creativity equation to produce better solutions and resources to problematic situations.

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The one skill that will be prized above others will be the mastering of our emotions. Emotional mastery can be tricky for it is the practice of observing our thoughts and feelings as they arise and determining from what sources they spring. Choosing the ones that serve us and dismissing the ones that cause pain or frustration.

This is necessary in setting a life course and move us to our innate mission. Along the way, we find we produce marketable skills and our creativity builds value, in some cases where none previously seemed to exist. These marketable skills of the future may fall into one of the categories for: Art, Business, Engineering, Design, and Science. 

The beauty of these new skill sets is that they’re all self-reinforcing. That means that if you’re willing to build grit by operating in uncertainty, you naturally start to develop ideas to solve your challenges. This leads to a boost in imagination. As our imagination increases, we’ll have to find an outlet. Searching for an outlet to channel our energies will lead us towards wanting to build our skills. These three areas begin to strengthen each other, and the process of increasing this new type of intelligence becomes seamless. Once we are self-taught in one skill or field of study, we can repeat the process again and again. When we’re growing and improving, it becomes easier for meaning to manifest in our lives.

So in conclusion, I want to give you some insights from one of the ‘New’ industry leader’s thinking on the ideas of the new models of  Learning-to–Business success by Lazlo Bock.

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Laszlo Bock is currently the CEO and Co-Founder of the Company named Humu, in Mountain View, California. He is the author of "WORK RULES! Insights from Inside Google to Transform How You Live and Lead", (which has been named one of the top 15 business books of 2015). He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and on the PBS Newshour 

Bock's marketing slogan for Humu is: “Making work better for everyone, everywhere, through science, machine learning, and a little bit of love.

Bock's previous job was as the man in charge of hiring at Google, and this is what he had to say about the skills he looked for when they wanted to hire under his watch:⁠

“For every job, though, the #1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not I.Q. It’s learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of information.”

Laszlo went on to say “the second most important thing they’re looking for: …is leadership — in particular emergent leadership as opposed to traditional leadership. Traditional leadership is, were you president of the chess club? Were you vice president of sales? How quickly did you get there? We don’t care. What we care about is, when faced with a problem and you’re a member of a team, do you, at the appropriate time, step in and lead. And just as critically, do you step back and stop leading, do you let someone else? Because what’s critical to be an effective leader in this environment is you have to be willing to relinquish power.”

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We’ll uncover more about these attributes and traits in-depth in future articles. In the meantime think on these words

I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life". - Maya Angelou

So if you need to get a handle on this or in moving forward drop me a note. We can go over or discover activities, habits, and techniques, without harassment or harsh judgment that is advantageous to a solid re-invention of a successful you. 


Urge for Adventure July 2018


Photo Artist Juan Coronado at the Long Beach, Ca, Pike

Photo Artist Juan Coronado at the Long Beach, Ca, Pike

 It’s July, Summer is now in full swing, outside activities and celebrations are great, the sun is high in the sky for longer days and for warm nighttime fun.

Some awesome choices for you to engage in, some even a bit outrageousness, can be found in our daily calendar of events for July, dazzle yourself with situations, and things to enhance your social standing, or if nothing else, to give you great conversation material.

After Perusing the July calendar page below. Check out Current or Pass Blogs pages by navigating the tabs at the top of each page. Find Items to reset your perspective or just enjoy the pictures.

From time to time this July, stop and ponder the words of Peter Marshall when he said: “May we think of Freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”


July 2018 Special MONTH-LONG EVENT:

Sunscreen & Beach Sun

Sunscreen & Beach Sun


  • Dog Days of Summer - July 3 - August 11
  • National Anti-Boredom Month
  • National Hot Dog Month
  • National Ice Cream Month
  • National Picnic Month
  • National Parks Month
  • UV Safety Month



July 2018 Special WEEK EVENT:

 Week 2 - Nude Recreation Week

  •  Week 3 – Photo Capture the Sunset Week
SunSet Photo by Linda Clugston Grimsley

SunSet Photo by Linda Clugston Grimsley


July 2018 DAILY Special & WACKY DAY Events:

Sun. July 1         Canada Day

Bob Biddle model for Space Alien

Bob Biddle model for Space Alien

Sun. July 1        International Joke Day

Sun. July 1        Resolution Renewal Day


Mon. Jul 2           I Forgot Day

Mon. Jul 2         World UFO Day


Tue. Jul 3           Compliment Your Mirror Day

Tue. Jul 3           International Plastic Bag Free Day

Tue. July 3         Stay Out of the Sun Day

Tue. July 3              Superman Day

Price of War from M. S. work Injuried Beauty

Price of War from M. S. work Injuried Beauty

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Wed. Jul 4         Independence Day (U.S.)

Wed. Jul 4         Indivisible Day


Thu. July 5        Bikini Day

Thu. July 5        National Apple Turnover Day

Thu. July 5        5 Work-a-holics Day

Thu. July 5        Work Without Your Hands Day


Fri. Jul 6             World Kissing Day

Fri. Jul 6             National Fried Chicken Day

Fri. Jul 6             Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day

Sat. Jul 7            International Day of Cooperation

Sat. Jul 7            Tell the Truth Day

Sat. Jul 7            World Chocolate Day

Sat. Jul 7             Global Forgiveness Day  


Video The Game on Humans

Video The Game on Humans

Sun. Jul 8           Video Games Day

Sun. Jul 8           National Blueberry Day

Sun. Jul 8           Math 2.0 Day (math intermingling with technology)      

Sun. Jul 8           SCUD Day (Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama)


Mon. Jul 9         National Sugar Cookie Day


Tue. Jul 10         Bee Awareness Day

Tue. Jul 10         Clerihew Day (write that Poem)

Tue. Jul 10         Global Energy Independence Day

Tue. Jul 10         Teddy Bears' Picnic Day

Tue. Jul 10         Piña Colada Day


Wed. Jul 11       Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Wed. Jul 11       Slurpee Day

Wed. Jul 11       World Population Day


Thu. Jul 12        Different Colored Eyes Day

Thu. Jul 12        Pecan Pie Day

Thu. Jul 12        Simplicity Day


Fri. Jul 13           Friday the 13th

Fri. Jul 13           Embrace Your Geekness Day

Fri. Jul 13           French Fries Day

Freddy Adu

Freddy Adu

Fri. Jul 13           World Cup Soccer Day             


Sat. Jul 14           Bald is In Day           

Sat. Jul 14           Body Painting Day  

Sat. Jul 14           International Nude Day  

Sat. Jul 14           Macaroni and Cheese Day


Sun. Jul 15         Give Something Away Day

Sun. Jul 15         Gummi Worm Day

Sun. Jul 15         National Ice Cream Day

Mon. Jul 16       Corn Fritters Day

Mon. Jul 16       Global Hug Your Kid Day

Mon. Jul 16       Get Out of the Doghouse Day

Mon. Jul 16       Personal Chef’s Day


Tue. Jul 17         Peach Ice Cream Day

Tue. Jul 17         World Emoji Day

Tue. Jul 17               Wrong Way Day      


Wed. Jul 18       International Nelson Mandela Day

Wed. Jul 18       National Caviar Day

Wed. Jul 18       National Hot Dog Day


Thu. Jul 19        Get to Know Your Customers Day 

Thu. Jul 19        National Daiquiri Day

Thu. Jul 19        National Raspberry Cake Day


Fri. Jul 20           International Cake Day


Fri. Jul 20           Space Exploration Day

Fri. Jul 20           Ugly Truck Day

Sat. Jul 21          Global Tug-of-War Day

Sat. Jul 21          National Junk Food Day

Sat. Jul 21           Toss Away the ‘Could Haves’ & ‘Should Haves’ Day


Sun.  Jul 22        Ice Cream Day

Sun. Jul 22         Hammock Day

Sun. Jul 22         Parents' Day

Sun. Jul 22         Pi  Day


Mon. Jul 23       33rd day of Summer. 61 days left until Fall. 


Tue. Jul 24        Cousins Day

Tue. July 24      International Self Care Day

Tue. July 24      Greece Restoration of Democracy Day

Tue. July 24      National   Tell an Old Joke Day

Tue. July 24      National Tequila Day


Photo of Home Chef Extraordinaire Marsha Barnhat Clayton's Pot Pie

Photo of Home Chef Extraordinaire Marsha Barnhat Clayton's Pot Pie

Wed. July 25     Culinarians Day salute good cooking

Wed. July 25     Red Shoes Day

Wed. July 25     Video Games Day


Thu. July 26      All or Nothing Day succeed or fail, but no indecision.

Thu. July 26      National Refreshment Day

Thu. July 26      Global One Voice Day' Universal Peace Covenant


Fri. July 27        Talk in an Elevator Day

Fri. July 27        Take Your Pants for a Walk Day

Fri. July 27        Take your Plants for a Walk Day


Sat, July 28        International Hepatitis Awareness Day            

Sat. July 28        National Day of the American Cowboy

Sat. July 28        National Milk Chocolate


Sun, July 29      International Chicken Wing Day

Sun. July 29      National Lasagna Day


Mon. July 30     National Cheesecake Day

Mon. July 30     National Father-in-Law Day

Pick up a paperback today Photo courtesty of William Flyod

Pick up a paperback today Photo courtesty of William Flyod

Mon. July 30     International Day of Friendship

Mon. July 30     Paperback Book Day     









Tue. July 31      Uncommon Musical Instrument Day

Tue  July 31      National Mutt's Day

U. S. National Park Rangers

U. S. National Park Rangers

Tue. July 31      World Ranger Day 2018


What Does Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone Feel Like

One Man’s Experience Of Moving Out Of His Comfort Zone
Shared by Calvin Harris. H. W. M.

Model Dominique Claude Marneau,  by German Photo Artist Mario Dollinger  in Paris France

Model Dominique Claude Marneau,  by German Photo Artist Mario Dollinger  in Paris France

What is your comfort zone? Well, a simplistic answer would be anything that keeps us away from feeling or experiencing uncomfortable degrees of mental or physical stress or elevated levels of anxiety. 

Yet many mental health practitioners suggest being able to get out of your comfort zone is actually a healthy thing to do, it can increase your agility and  mental fitness.  That in turn can widens the perimeter of your comfort zone.  The Business world seems increasingly competitive, yet those with mental agility seem to survive and prosper in any economy. When we look at the world, in general, we see that the quality of life has an uncertainty about it thus causing fear and stress as an intricate part of modern life. those who have repeatedly step out of their comfort zone are in a better position to deal with sudden and unexpected change.

One way to expand your comfort zone is by taking controlled risks and doing things you normally would not do, such as a change of routine. Engaging change makes us flexible to new possibilities and to novelty. Novelty can stimulates those brain chemicals that make us feel happy and continues to motivates new discovery.


 Corey Levitan is the writer in this feature article for SOC,  in our section know as 'Other Voices.' 

Maxim 2018

Maxim 2018

Corey originally wrote this piece for Maxim magazine,  in January  2016, as a writer on assignment, but what he wrote was in a way, not the usual fare that Maxim magazine doles out to its readers.  Certainly not the usually representation on the concept of love.

He writes about himself and about an expanded concept called Love, but by his stepping out of his comfort zone he stepped into a Universal Truth about love and empathy, that would  takes on even a different spelling of the word Love - A G A P E.

Yes, Corey's story was somewhat dis-comfortable for him, but Corey’s experience also allowed him to slow down. Ponder, look around, observe, absorb and interpret everything he’d experience with a expanded vision. 

 “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.” - Aldous Huxley


Our intrepid correspondent investigates the warm and fuzzy world of cuddling for cash. By COREY LEVITAN,  for Maxim Magazine JAN 27, 2016


The author pictured in mid-snuggle with his client.

I’m a straight man. I watch sports, surf Pornhub, and I’m married to a lovely woman who sometimes even agrees to have sex with me.

But recently, I agreed to the strangest intimate experience of my life: I was chosen to snuggle by a beefy dude who spotted my photo on a professional cuddling site.

Let me explain. I pitched this stunt to Maxim as an exploration of the weird world of professional cuddlers. Non-sexual cuddling was supposedly created in 2004 by two New York City relationship coaches as a way to reintroduce intimacy to young people living increasing percentages of their lives online.

Their “Cuddle Parties” were so successful, cuddle-preneurs began offering up stables of solo practitioners. Snuggle Buddies, run by 28-year-old Evan Carp out of his New Jersey home, advertises more than 230 cuddlers in 39 states, 99 percent of whom are female. But Carp agreed to list me as “Holden” — Get it? Holdin’? — his ninth male cuddler. The service costs $80 per hour, or $324 for an overnight, with a 50/50 Carp/cuddler split.

I was seriously hoping the first person to request Holden would be a woman. (Did I mention seriously?) But unsurprisingly, it turned out to be a big, gay dude.

“Just relax, it won’t hurt as much,” one friend commented on my Facebook update about the booking. Other helpful comments included: “Something seems seriously wrong about this” and “Dude, you’re gonna get fucked.” 

Steven (not his real name) is in his mid-40s and, like me, lives in Las Vegas. He works in advertising and his hobbies apparently include, judging by the size of his arms, hitting the gym way more than I do.

After he welcomed me into his apartment and poured two Chardonnays, we awkwardly tried getting to know each other. Steven had never professionally cuddled before, either, and we laughed nervously about the fact that both of us will be able to continue making this claim.

“I just saw the word snuggle and thought it was different,” he told me. “I could have called an escort if I wanted a fuck. I’ve had that before and I didn’t want that.”

Steven had an awful 2015. He lost his job and his shoulder to lean on about it because his boyfriend dumped him. He’s new to town and doesn’t know many people—certainly not anyone willing to serve up some no-strings-attached snuggling.

“I just wanted an emotional connection,” he explained.

He motioned me over to his leather living-room couch, where I sat down on the far end. Steven’s head fell onto my chest. It was heavier than it looked, and warmer. In fact, it quickly heated up the Arizona State football jersey I wore to telegraph my unwavering heterosexuality.

My hands rested on his chest, frozen. I admitted that I was uncomfortable because I didn’t know how to move them without indicating sexual interest. Steven laughed. 

“You don’t have to move them,” he said, looking up at me upside-down. “I just want you to hold me and talk to me.”

I asked Steven why he picked me for his first paid snugglefest. I braced myself for a compliment about my handsomeness, the kind I only hear from my wife when I wear a suit. 

“You were the only one local,” he replied. (Oh, I didn’t realize. I felt relieved that he wasn’t super attracted to me, although a little insulted, too.)

Sensing my anxiety, Steven then pointed at the lack of a bulge in his sweatpants.

“It’s nothing sexual, see?” he said. (In fact, Snuggle Buddies make all cuddle-ees sign a contract promising that no sexual activity of any kind will occur—even kissing.)

After about 10 minutes, I began to relax. It started to feel very safe and nice, actually—like that Friends episode where Joey and Ross accidentally take a nap together, freak out about it, then decide that they kind of like it. 

Science would seem to back them up. According to 350 studies published over the past 20 years, touching other humans delivers emotional and physiological benefits, including lower blood pressure and cortisol levels. The journal Psychological Science even reported that cuddling can boost the immune systems of people exposed to the common cold.

Steven and I chatted about the things we hate in serious relationships. Even with his ex-boyfriend, snuggling was a rarity because any touching was misconstrued for a sexual advance. He tells me some other things about his ex that suggest he was an abusive asshole, and when I use that description, my right knee receives a pat of appreciation.

Soon, strangely, it was me who needed this as much as Steven. I thought about all the guys I embrace in my life, including some of my best friends, who always pull away from a bro-hug after about two seconds --recoiling due to our society’s wrongheaded sexualization of the male embrace.

I realize that my first five minutes on Steven’s couch amounted to more physical intimacy than I’ve ever shared with my own father, the man I love more than anyone else on Earth. And I’m usually the one breaking off the hug when we greet each other. Why? (This saddens and angers me because he’s getting very old and we probably don’t have many greetings left.) 

My ringing iPhone interrupts this flood of insight. It’s the 45-minute mark and, as planned, my buddy Adam Brooks is calling to make sure I don’t say “kettle corn.” (That’s my safe word.)

The tough-guy star of TV’s Sin City Bounty Hunters has been waiting outside in the car, in case things got out of hand. You know, in the way they might when you’re inside a complete stranger’s house after posting a sketchy online ad, and you’re hoping not to get sexually molested or perhaps even cuddled to death.

Now that I know how harmless Steve is, I feel like a total dick for bringing along my own personal snuggle pimp. But, nice guy that Steve is, he pretends the phone call never happened and we wrap up the hour by uncuddling and saying our goodbyes. I tell him I hope he got what he wanted out of that. 

“I know you did,” he says.

Very true. My dad’s getting a bear hug when he visits next week.

Email him at



Eye Contact and The Lost Art of Communication by Calvin Harris H. W., M.

Feet & Pool by Photo Artist Juan Coronado

Feet & Pool by Photo Artist Juan Coronado


Recently at a pool party that I attended, someone unknown to me, who was sitting in my vicinity said, “I love how animated your eyes are.” I turned, and what I saw in the way of eye contact, told me far more than what the persons spoken words did, regarding what was really being thought.  This brush with the eye contact turned out to be an icebreaker for pleasurable and witty communication throughout the rest of the afternoon.

It turned out that this person had worked at Berkeley and now Stanford University in the areas of Global Security.  In the context of this work it was mention that accurate and usable communication is vital to security and the success of operations.  The conversation then turned to today’s cultural climate, and the difficulty of obtaining and reading the most basic of non-verbal language communication between individuals, be it visually, vocal, or physical, all are exhibiting affects of atrophy. This loss of vital communication tools and skills has meant less ability to decipher deeper levels of interpersonal communication,  and they have been replaced sadly with isolating insular social media and texting.

Vintage Photo of Prosperos Students Bob Labansat & Michael Zonta

Vintage Photo of Prosperos Students Bob Labansat & Michael Zonta

People don’t gaze into another person’s eyes as if into a "window to the soul" anymore because that would mean they would have to take their face out of their hand-held device screens to acknowledge the existence of another human usually standing right next to them.  To have a face to face encounter seems most difficult for many today, especially if the communication had to go beyond just the briefest exchange of words negating a more accurate ability to deduce a person's state of mind or intentions.

As our conversation continued, I noticed, my companion’s quick scans of my body language and that of the other party guess, this information gathered about body lanuage and by looking into the eyes of others,  was not just about color of eyes or the shape of the eye but more to do with the eye function in context to the face and the resulting messages being sent-received consciously or unconsciously between people. The eye pupil dilates when one is interested in a person or an object that is being observed.


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With a coquettish laugh, I said yes, there is a world of important feelings and thought that are communicated by one’s body, face and especially their eyes.  I continued by saying the benefits derived from such perception can give one an appearance of mind reading. I laughed again.  My companion turned, smiled and said This type of conscious observation is a lost art not understood by many, nor is it taught to anyone save the military, some branches of government, and high profiled business persons.  Yet it is a worthwhile skill for anyone to have, but atlas teachers nor instruction is not readily available.  How would you suggest going about teaching something like that, I was asked? 

Surprised at the question, I took a sip of my drink and thought about it. These were once active skills that had been developed through social engagements, therefore to reactive them would be liken to physical therapy for an unused muscle.  It would need conscious exercise in a social setting to reengage the skills. The developing user would need to be willing to consciously risk engaging in deeper levels of personal interaction within social settings. This could entail a few mistakes and some surprising reactions from others before the skill is perfected and becomes a habit. And finally, keep it playful, think of it as a game, a game in gaining extended perception as an advantage for success

My companion and myself discussing ideas through free association of our thoughts, conceived of a spectrum for eye contact. On the one end of the spectrum would be the person who was the persistent starer, we laughed saying, how creepy that guy would come off, as all sinister or crazy. Persistent eye contact or staring, can make the other person perceive you as intimidating, or persistent, they can feel threatened and defensive or if nothing else uncomfortable.

We contemplated the question of the other end of the spectrum, the person who avoids looking at another person or with fleeting eye contact.? Perhaps caused by the person having feelings of shame when looking at another person brought on by cultural upbringing; Then again it could be brought on by being awkward around someone they like, having eyes turn away trying to reach for something to say, or to find an answer to a question; Not to be forgotten in this category are those people who looks away because of wanting to be dishonest or deceptive. This category of people comes off to the conscious body language reader, as nervous, or insincere, or worse disinterested. Attributes that makes it hard for any person to build associations and or to kindle romance. 

Point of View

Point of View

I do find my eyes drifting from time to time in the best of conversations.  If the observer of my action is astute, based on the conversation taking place, they would be able to tell by my eye direction and where I am looking, whether I am possibly thinking or feeling something related to our conversation, or that my attention has been redirected. 

A clue to check is the direction someone's eyes are looking, such as a right handed person,  if they are thinking, their eyes would look to their left. This is an indication that they're reminiscing or trying to remember something. On the other hand, looking to their right indicates more creative thoughts, and this is often interpreted as a potential that someone may be actively 'creating' a version of events, or is being deceitful in some way. Of course, if someone is left handed, then the direction indicators may be reversed.

Eye contact should be natural when engaging with others, I am told, that people hold eye to eye contact around 70 to 80 percent of the time.  The other 20 to 30 percent they are found looking away. And these percentages will change based on whether the person is the speaker or the listener. 

If you are new to all of this, and want to begin, begin by not trying to look into both eyes of the other person, holding the proper gaze may be too much at the start, rather focus eye contact on just one of the other persons eyes, and that each time that you re-engage eye contact insure you engage with that same eye.
Natural eye contact has a softly focus on the speaker face.  I’m reminded that this soft focus was an evolutionarily wiring that helped our progenitors assess danger when engaging with another tribe, by detecting the speakers intentions and whether that other tribe could be trusted or not. Thus, we see, our eyes have always had a predominant role to play in how we interact with our environment, including the social environment. 

So, my conclusions to you are, if you want to be perceived in Business or Socially as someone that is confident, charismatic, trustworthy, or just approachable (all precursors to being popular or successful.) Pay attention to body communication and start with eye contact.  Challenge yourself to have some conversation in the day where you engage with another person, face to face.  . 

In learning to read facial and eye language, it takes the effort to really look into another person’s face, It can be awkward or threatening at first, especially in close physical proximity. A first step that may remedy that, is to do video chats. It will give you practice looking face to face and secondly it could start replacing some of your on-screen texting.  After you have gain some comfort with the video chat, decide as you leave your door each day to practice saying Hello, showing a smile and making eye contact with those you past.  Finally move on to holding soft eye contact conversation with people you meet,  looking for those non-verbal communication exchanges not expressed in words..

Photo Artist Jason Beamguard

Photo Artist Jason Beamguard

You will discover that within a short time of using this practice, that you have developed a deeper connectivity with your physical social network and that you have built closer successful business and social relationships.

Extraordinary Results begin with small changes, Try it and let me know what you think –Calvin


The Urge for Adventure June 2018

Hey all!

Welcome to another monthly selection of activity nuggets, the month of June features exploration and sensations that can expand your personal boundaries. You couch potatoes can strategize for a personal best… that means off the couch.

The Chair Photo by Michael Zonta

The Chair Photo by Michael Zonta

In your plan, you want to integrate elements of fun. Try activities that are not your norm.  This is about summer and you, examining and unleashing boundaries that might be holding you back from your success. It is a roundabout way of getting to feelings, having gratification in your authenticity, and in self-ownership as the architect of your habits rather than the victim of them.  

Thus, we provide wacky, yet useful information that not only is to Motivate you (that’s what gets you started) but that also helps form Habits (that keeps you going.}

I’ve compiled an assortment of monthly to daily activities that are for laughs, and or intrigue, and or to get you into action. So Try one you might like it.  




June 2018 Special MONTH-LONG EVENT:

Aquarium Month

Candy Month

Dairy Month

Fight the Filthy Fly Month

Photo of Actor Jimmy Flint-Smith in Antelope Canyon, AZ

Photo of Actor Jimmy Flint-Smith in Antelope Canyon, AZ

Gay Pride Month (dates vary by city)

Great Outdoors month- Camping, GARDENS, & Rivers

International Men's Month

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month

National Hunger Awareness Month

Rose Month

Turkey Lovers Month




June 2018 Special WEEK EVENT:

June 02 -10 National Boating & Fishing Week (1st Week In June)

  -Check for free fishing days in your state.

June 03 – 09 National Gardening Week (1st Full Week in June)   

June 10-16 National Automotive Professional Week

June 11-17 National Email Week (2nd Week in June)

June 11-17 National Men's Health Week

June 10-15 National Body Piercing Week


June 2018 DAILY Special AND WACKY DAY Events:

Fri. Jun 1           National Dare Day          

Fri. Jun 1           National Doughnut Day         

Fri. Jun 1           National Flip a Coin Day

Fri. Jun 1           Say Something Nice Day        


Heather Williams Artist - Collaborative STEAM DRAWING 

Heather Williams Artist - Collaborative STEAM DRAWING 

Sat. Jun 2           National Drawing Day   

Sat. Jun 2           Nat’l Gun Violence Awareness Day      

Sat. Jun 2           International Sex Workers Day


Sun. Jun 3         National Animal Rights Day

Sun. Jun 3         National Cancer Survivors Day

Sun. Jun 3         National Repeat Day (Repeat!)


brandy cheese and biscuits.jpg

Mon. Jun 4       National Cheese Day

Mon. Jun 4       National Cognac Day

Mon. Jun 4       Do-Dah Day (Salute to Silliness)

Mon. Jun 4       National Frozen Yogurt Day

Tue. Jun 5         Festival of Popular Delusions Day

Tue. Jun 5         National Gingerbread Day

Tue. Jun 5         World Environment Day



Wed. Jun 6       Global Running Day

Wed. Jun 6       Nat’l Gardening Exercise Day

Wed. Jun 6       National Higher Education Day


Thru. Jun 7       National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Thru. Jun 7       (Throw Back Thursday) VCR Day



Fri. Jun 8           Best Friends Day

 Fri. Jun 8          Name Your Poison Day

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day

Fri. Jun 8           World Oceans Day (check your local listings)


Sat. Jun 9          Family Health & Fitness Day

Sat. Jun 9          National Rose Day           

Sat. Jun 9          World Bike Naked Day

Sun. Jun 10       Abused Women & Children Awareness Day

Sun. Jun 10       National Herbs & Spices Day

We are in each others hands

We are in each others hands

Sun. Jun 10       World Races Unity Day


Mon. Jun 11     Corn on the Cob Day

Mon. Jun 11     National Dirty Book Day

Mon. Jun 11     National Make Life Beautiful Day



Tue. Jun 12       Int’l Cachaças (not Rum) Day         

Mixed Marrage

Mixed Marrage

Tue. Jun 12       National Loving Day (who do you Love?)

Tue. Jun 12       National Red Rose Day


Wed. Jun 13     National Kitchen Klutzes Day

Wed. Jun 13     Weed Your Garden Day


Thru. Jun 14     Family History Day

Thru. Jun 14     Magic Circles Day

Thru. Jun 14     Monkey Around Day

Thru. Jun 14     National Bourbon Day

Trail Two photo by Mike Zonta San Francisco 

Trail Two photo by Mike Zonta San Francisco 

Fri. Jun 15         Nature Photography Day

Fri. Jun 15         Worldwide Day of Giving

Fri. Jun 15         National Smile Power Day


Sat. Jun 16        National Fudge Day       

Sat. Jun 16        World Juggling Day


William Floyd and Son Photo

William Floyd and Son Photo

Sun. Jun 17       National Father's Day

Sun. Jun 17       National ApTple Strudel & Cherry Tart Day

Sun. Jun 17       Fresh Veggies & Eat Your Vegetable's Day

Sun. Jun 17       National Turkey Lovers’ Day



Mon. Jun 18     National Go Fishing Day        

Mon. Jun 18     National Splurge Day - Oh yeah!!

Mon. Jun 18     International Picnic Day


Tue. Jun 19       National BSD Computer System Day

Tue. Jun 19       National Juneteenth - U. S. Abolish Slavery

Tue. Jun 19       National Martini Day

Tue. Jun 19       National Sauntering Day

Wed. Jun 20     National Bald Eagle Day

Wed. Jun 20     National Ice Cream Soda Day

Wed. Jun 20     National Hike with a Geek Day

Wed. Jun 20     National Kouign Amann Day


Treasures from the Sea

Treasures from the Sea

Thus. Jun 21    Sumer Solstice / Daylight Savings Day

Thus. Jun 21    National Selfie Day

Thus. Jun 21    National Seashell Day

Thus. Jun 21    International Yoga Day




Fri. Jun 22         National Chocolate Eclair Day       

Fri. Jun 22         National Onion Ring Day

Fri. Jun 22         Heat, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning Day


Sat. Jun 23        National Columnists Day

Sat. Jun 23        National Hydration Day

Water therapy

Water therapy

Sat. Jun 23        National Pink Day


Sun. Jun 24       National Swim a Lap Day

Sun. Jun 24       National Pralines Day

Mon. Jun 25     National Catfish Day



Tue. Jun 26       Beautician's (Hairstylist) Day

Tue. Jun 26       Chocolate Pudding Day

Tue. Jun 26       Tropical Cocktails Day

Tue. Jun 26       World Forgiveness Day



Wed. Jun 27     Helen Keller Day

Wed. Jun 27     National Orange Blossom Day

 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not left on the battlefield.

 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not left on the battlefield.

Michael Stokes Photo Model Brad Ivanchan  Ravages of War

Michael Stokes Photo Model Brad Ivanchan  Ravages of War

Wed. Jun 27     Sun Glasses Day

Wed. Jun 27     National PTSD Awareness Day









Thru. Jun 28     Insurance Awareness Day

Thru. Jun 28     International Body Piercing Day


Thru. Jun 28     National Handshake Day

Thru. Jun 28     Tau Day

One of my favorite Photo Artist Jason Beamguard

One of my favorite Photo Artist Jason Beamguard


Fri. Jun 29         National Camera Day






Players from the NGFFL Team

Players from the NGFFL Team

Group Hug photo by Shelley Paulson

Group Hug photo by Shelley Paulson

Harry & GB Armed Forces Relay Team

Harry & GB Armed Forces Relay Team

Fri. Jun 29        National Hugs for Health Day

 Fri. Jun 29        International Mud Day

 Fri. Jun 29        Waffle Iron Day


Sat. Jun 30        National Star Meteor Watch Day

Social Media Connect

Social Media Connect

Sat. Jun 30        Social Media Day


New Zealand Maori Face Tattoo

New Zealand Maori Face Tattoo


May Is Here, (and finally so is Spring for many of you on the East Coast of the U.S.),  So plan to use these longer days or nights. Start by giving yourself permission to express yourself in ways that activates your vitality in new ways. Take opportunities to reinvigorate yourself, maybe, even do something outrageous. Something To Move You Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Then, at least, You have given Yourself some great conversation starters for that next bull session or cocktail gathering. To move you in the right direction, below are some events you could look in to or be part of,

  Let me know what you think.

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium."― Martha Graham.
Calvin Gardening Photo

Calvin Gardening Photo

Unique & Fun Themes for the Month & Days of May 2018  

Month Long Events:

Date Your Mate Month

Foster Care Month

Gifts from the Garden Month

Lupus Awareness Month

National Barbecue Month

National Bike Month

National Blood Pressure Month

National Hamburger Month

National Photograph Month

National Recommitment Month

National Salad Month

Living Books a.k.a. Older Men

Living Books a.k.a. Older Men

Older Americans Month







Weekly Celebrations:

A Calling for Male Nurses

A Calling for Male Nurses

Nurse's Week - first full week of the month

Wildflower Week - week two

National Bike Week - third week

National Police Week - third week of the month

Emergency Medical Services Week - fourth week of the month






Unique, Fun or Wacky Days in May:

Tue. May 1    May Day

Tue. May 1     Executive Coaching Day

Tue. May 1    Loyalty Day  

Tue. May 1    Mother Goose Day

Wed. May 2 Baby Day

Wed. May 2 Brothers and Sisters Day

Thur. May 3  Garden Meditation Day

Thur. May 3  Lumpy Rug Day

Thur. May 3  World Press Freedom Day

Fri. May 4     Bird Day

Fri. May 4     National Candied Orange Peel Day

Fri. May 4     Renewal Day

Fri. May 4     Space Day - first Friday in May

Sat. May 5    Cinco de Mayo

Sat. May 5    Free Comic Book Day - first Saturday in May

Sat. May 5    National Hoagie Day

Sat. May 5    Oyster Day

World Nude Gardening Day

World Nude Gardening Day

Sat May 5   World Nude Gardening Day 

Sun. May 6   Beverage Day

Sun. May 6   National Tourist Appreciation Day

Sun. May 6   National Nurses Day

Sun. May 6   No Diet Day

Mon. May 7   National Tourism Day

Tue. May 8   Iris Day

Tue. May 8   National Teacher's Day – Tues., first full week of May

Tue. May 8   No Socks Day

Tue. May 8   V-E Day

Tue. May 8   World Red Cross Day / World Red Crescent Day

Wed. May 9  Lost Sock Memorial Day

Wed. May 9  National Receptionist Day, 2nd Wednesday in May

Wed. May 9  School Nurses Day, Wed. during Nurse's Week

He is here to clean up

He is here to clean up

Thur. May 10 Clean up Your Room Day


Fri. May 11 Eat What You Want Day

Fri. May 11 Child Care or Daycare Provider Day - Friday before Mother's Day

Fri. May 11 Military Spouses Day the Friday before Mother's Day

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone

Fri. May 11 Twilight Zone Day

Sat. May 12 Birth Mother's Day - Saturday before Mother's Day

Sat. May 12 Fatigue Syndrome Day

Sat. May 12 International Migratory Bird Day the second Saturday in May

Sat. May 12 International Nurses Day

Sat. May 12 Limerick Day

Sat. May 12 National Train Day- Saturday closest to May 10th

Sat. May 12 National Windmill Day - the second Saturday in May

Sun. May 13 Frog Jumping Day

Sun. May 13 Leprechaun Day

See the YouTube Sisterhood of Motherhood  

See the YouTube Sisterhood of Motherhood 


Sun. May 13 Mother's Day 2nd Sunday in May

Mon. May 14 Dance Like a Chicken Day

Tues. May 15 National Chocolate Chip Day

Tues. May 15 Police Officer's Memorial Day

Tues. May 15 Ramadan - begins sundown, date varies

Wed. May 16 Love a Tree Day

Wed. May 16 National Sea Monkey Day

Wed. May 16 Wear Purple for Peace Day

Thur. May 17 Pack Rat Day

Fri. May 18 International Museum Day

Fri. May 18 National Bike to Work Day - third Friday of month

Fri. May 18 No Dirty Dishes Day

Fri. May 18 Visit Your Relatives Day

Sat. May 19 Armed Forces Day - third Saturday of month

Sat. May 19 Boy's Club Day

Sun. May 20 Be a Millionaire Day

Sun. May 20 Pick Strawberries Day

Mon. May 21 National Memo Day

Mon. May 21 National Waiters & Waitresses Day

Tue. May 22 Buy a Musical Instrument Day

Tue. May 22 World Goth Day

Wed. May 23 Lucky Penny Day

Thur. May 24 National Escargot Day

Thur. May 24 Victoria Day(Canada) - usually the 24th

Fri. May 25 Don't Fry Friday - Friday before Memorial Day

Fri. May 25 National Missing Children's Day

Fri. May 25 National Brown Bag It Day

Fri. May 25 National Wine Day

Fri. May 25 Tap Dance Day



Sat. May 26 International Jazz Day - Sat of Memorial Day weekend.

Sat. May 26 Sally Ride Day





Sun. May 27 Sun Screen Day

Mon. May 28 Amnesty International Day

Mon. May 28 Memorial Day last Monday of the month.

Mon. May 28 National Hamburger Day

Tues.May 29 Learn About Composting Day

Wed.May 30 Water a Flower Day

Thur.May31  National Macaroon Day

 Thur.May31  Save Your Hearing Day

 Thur.May31  World No Tobacco Day


The Green Man

The Green Man




April Is Here, and so is Spring the season known for rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.  So plan to use some of these longer days or nights for greater opportunities to reinvigorate something, maybe, even do something outrageous. At least something To Move You Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Then,  If Nothing Else, You have Given Youself Some Great Conversation Starters.


Helping You TO Spruce Up Your Perspective and Your Style In Ways That Inspire Your AWESOMENESS, check down the page of daily ideas or thumb through other pages of this Months  Site of Contact.


Jump for Joy  Angi M. Carelli Photo.jpg


April 2018 Month Long Activities

National Amateur Radio Month

National Alcohol Awareness Month

National Architecture, Decorating, Home & Garden Month

National ASPCA Month

National Autism Awareness Month

National Awareness of Stress Month

National Cancer Control Month

National Cannabis Awareness Month

National Car Care Month

National Card and Letter Writing Month

National Child Awareness Month

National Community Spirit Month

National Couple Appreciation Month

National Defeat Diabetes Month

National Distracted Driving Awareness

National Diversity Month

National DNA & Genomics & Stem Cell Education Month

National Donate Life Month

National Emotional Overeating Awareness

April Fools.JPG

National Exercise, Walk & Physical Wellness Month

National Facial Protection & Rosacea Month

National Fair Housing Month

National Financial Literacy Month

National Genocide & Human Rights Awareness Month

National Global Astronomy Month

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month

International Guitar Month

National Humor Month

National Inventor’s Month

National Jazz Appreciation Month

National Kite Month

National Knuckles Down Month

National Keep America Beautiful Month

Woman uncovering it all at the Library.jpg

National Library Snapshot Month

National Licorice Month

National Mathematics Awareness Month

National Men Health Month

National Occupational Therapy Month

National Parkinson's Awareness Month

National Pecan Month

National Pet & Pet Health Month

National Poetry Month

National Prevent Animal Cruelty Month

National Social Security Month

National Soft Pretzel Month

National Soy Foods Month


National Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Records and Information Management Month



National Scottish American Heritage Month



National Sexual Assault Awareness Month



National Women Helping Women Heal Month

National Workplace Conflict Awareness Month

World Habitat Awareness Month

Worldwide Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month




The fresco, The Resurrection, was painted by the Renaissance master Pinturicchio in 1494 — just two years after Christopher Columbus first set foot in what came to be called the New World.Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, told the V…

The fresco, The Resurrection, was painted by the Renaissance master Pinturicchio in 1494 — just two years after Christopher Columbus first set foot in what came to be called the New World.

Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, told the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano that after the soot and grime were removed, in the background, just above the open coffin from where Christ has risen, “we see nude men, decorated with feathered headdresses who appear to be dancing.” One of them seems to sport a Mohican cut


Week 1

American Indian Awareness Week

International Pooper Scooper Week

International Tree Climbing Days

National Public Health & Medication Safety Week

National Window Safety Week,

Testicular Cancer Awareness Week, “aka Get A Grip Week!”


Moon lit Night Sea.jpg





World Oceans Week.  





Week 2

Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week,

International Spring Astronomy Week,

National Dental Hygienists Week

National Library Week

National Public Safety Telecommunicators (911 Operators) Week

National Student Employment Week

National Robotics Week                                                                                       

National Park Weekends (April 15-16 and 22-23).




Week 3

Animal Cruelty Awareness Week                                                                 

Global Youth Service Week                                                                        

Human Violence Awareness Week.            

Loose Change photo by Scott Keene 2016

Loose Change photo by Scott Keene 2016

National Coin Week

National Karaoke Week

National Organize Your Files Week                                             

National Pet ID Week



Week 4

Administrative Professionals Week, April 23-29 (Last Full Week)

Air Quality Awareness Week, April 23-29 (Last Week)

Fibroid Awareness Week, April 23-29 (Always the Fourth Week)

Gathering of the Nations Pow Wow 2017 New Mexico

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 23-29 (Last Full Week)

National Dream Hotline, April 28-30 (Last Weekend)

National and Global Youth Service Days, April 28-30 (Last Weekend)

National Money Smart Week

National Tattoo Week

National Volunteer Week

Spring Astronomy Week Sky Awareness.





April fools day.jpeg


APRIL 1        Sunday        April Fool’s Day

APRIL 1       Sunday        Easter Sunday

APRIL 1        Sunday        One Cent Day

APRIL 1        Sunday        Sourdough Bread Day

APRIL 1        Sunday        Poetry & Creative Mind Day


APRIL 2        Monday       World Autism Awareness Day

APRIL 2        Monday       Children’s Book Day

APRIL 2        Monday       Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

APRIL 2        Monday       National Reconciliation Day


APRIL 3        Tuesday       National Chocolate Mousse Day

crossword with Pen.jpg

APRIL 3        Tuesday       American Crossword Puzzle Day

APRIL 3        Tuesday       SAAM Day of Action – 1st Tues. in April

APRIL  3       Tuesday       World Party Day


APRIL 4        Wednesday  Awareness & Assist in Mine Action Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National Hug a Newsperson Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National School Librarian Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National Walk Around Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  Tell a Lie Day


APRIL 5        Thursday     National Caramel Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Deep-Dish Pizza Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Go For Broke Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Raisin and Spice Bar Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Read a Road Map Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     Child help National Day of Hope

APRIL 5        Thursday     Alcohol Screening Day – 1st Thursday of Full Wk. April

APRIL 5        Thursday     First Contact Day


1992 Olympic American Water Polo Team in Barcelona.jpg

APRIL 6        Friday          International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

APRIL 6        Friday          National Caramel Popcorn Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Sorry Charlie Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Student-Athlete Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Tartan Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Teflon Day

APRIL 6        Friday           National Walk to Work Day



APRIL 7        Saturday      World Health Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      Day of Remembrance Victims of Genocide

APRIL 7        Saturday      National Beer Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      National Coffee Cake Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      National No Housework Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      Passover Ends Evening




APRIL 8        Sunday        World Oceans Day

APRIL 8        Sunday        National Empanada Day

APRIL 8        Sunday        National Zoo Lovers Day




APRIL 9        Monday       National Cherish an Antique Day

APRIL 9        Monday       National Chinese Almond Cookie Day

APRIL 9        Monday       National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day

APRIL 9        Monday       National Name Yourself Day

Phippe Halsmann photo Dream of a Poet

Phippe Halsmann photo Dream of a Poet


APRIL 10      Tuesday       National Encourage a Young Writer Day

APRIL 10      Tuesday       National Siblings Day

Apr 10         Tuesday       Be Kind to Lawyers Day

Apr 10         Tuesday       Be Kind to Farm Animal Day


APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Barbershop Quartet Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Cheese Fondue Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Eight Track Tape Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Pet Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Submarine Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Library Workers Day


APRIL 12      Thursday     National Big Wind Day

APRIL 12      Thursday     National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

APRIL 12      Thursday     National Licorice Day

APRIL 12      Thursday     Support Teen Literature Day Library Wk.

Peach Cobbler

Peach Cobbler


APRIL 13      Friday          National Peach Cobbler Day

APRIL 13      Friday          National Scrabble Day

APRIL 13      Friday          National Thomas Jefferson Day



Laughing Buddha 

Laughing Buddha


APRIL 14      Saturday      International Moment of Laughter Day










APRIL 14      Saturday      National Dolphin Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Equal Pay Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Ex-Spouse Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Pecan Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Reach as High as You Can Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Auctioneers Day – Third Sat in April


APRIL 15      Sunday        National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

APRIL 15      Sunday        National Rubber Eraser Day

APRIL 15      Sunday        National Take a Wild Guess Day

APRIL 15      Sunday        National Titanic Remembrance Day


Orchids by Franz Andreas Bauer

Orchids by Franz Andreas Bauer


APRIL 16      Monday       National Orchid Day

APRIL 16      Monday       National Bean Counter Day

APRIL 16      Monday       National Eggs Benedict Day

APRIL 16      Monday       National Wear Pajamas to Work Day


APRIL 17      Tuesday       World Hemophilia Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Bat Appreciation Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Cheeseball Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Ellis Island Family History Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Haiku Poetry Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Last Filing Day IRS Tax Return


APRIL 18      Wednesday  National Animal Crackers Day

APRIL 18      Wednesday  National Columnists’ Day

APRIL 18      Wednesday  National Lineman Appreciation Day


ModelJimmy Flint-Smith -Hanging with friends


Jimmy Flint-Smith -Hanging with friends





APRIL 19      Thursday     National Amaretto Day

APRIL 19      Thursday     National Garlic Day

APRIL 19      Thursday     National Hanging Out Day


APRIL 20      Friday          National Cheddar Fries Day

APRIL 20      Friday          National Lima Bean Respect Day

APRIL 20      Friday          National Lookalike Day 

APRIL 20      Friday          National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day

APRIL 20      Friday          National High Five Day – Third Thursday in April

APRIL 20      Friday          Get to Know Customers / Customer Appreciation Day


APRIL 21      Saturday      National Yellow Bat Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      National Kindergarten Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      Record Store Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      Astronomy Day


mother nature recycing.jpg

APRIL 22      Sunday        International Mother Earth Day



APRIL 22      Sunday        National Dance Day & Record Store Day

APRIL 22      Sunday        National Girl Scout Leader’s Day

APRIL 22      Sunday        National Jelly Bean Day


APRIL 23      Monday       World Book and Copyright Day

APRIL 23      Monday       English Language Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Cherry Cheesecake Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Movie Theatre Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Picnic Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Take a Chance Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Talk Like Shakespeare Day


APRIL 24      Tuesday       International Sauvignon Blanc Day

APRIL 24      Tuesday       National Pigs in a Blanket Day

APRIL 24      Tuesday       Poem in Your Pocket Day


APRIL 25      Wednesday  World Malaria Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National DNA Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National East Meets West Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National Hug a Plumber Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National Telephone Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National Zucchini Bread Day


APRIL 26      Thursday     World Intellectual Property Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Audubon Day


APRIL 26      Thursday     Take Our Children to Work Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Kids and Pets Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Pretzel Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Richter Scale Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Administrative Professionals’


APRIL 27      Friday          National Babe Ruth Day

APRIL 27      Friday          National Prime Rib Day

APRIL 27      Friday          National Tell a Story Day

APRIL 27      Friday          National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

APRIL 28      Friday           National Arbor Day – Last Friday in April

APRIL 28      Friday           National Hairball Awareness Day – Last Fri. April


APRIL 28      Saturday      World Day for Safety and Health at Work

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Superhero Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Blueberry Pie Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Brave Hearts Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Great Poetry Reading Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      Workers Memorial Day

kids and pets day.jpg


APRIL 29      Sunday        Day to Remember Victims of Chemical Warfare

APRIL 29      Sunday        International Dance Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Peace Rose Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Shrimp Scampi Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Zipper Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Sense of Smell Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Rebuilding Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        International Spring Astronomy Day


Saxophonist Antonio Hart conducts a master class with students at Havana's Universidad de las Artes, part of International Jazz Day 2017 celebrations in Havana, Cuba, April 28, 2017.

Saxophonist Antonio Hart conducts a master class with students at Havana's Universidad de las Artes, part of International Jazz Day 2017 celebrations in Havana, Cuba, April 28, 2017.


APRIL 30      Monday       International Jazz Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Adopt a Shelter Pet & Pet Parents Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Bugs Bunny Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Hairstylist Appreciation Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Honesty Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Kiss of Hope Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Oatmeal Cookie Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Raisin Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Sarcoidosis Day

A Monthly Tool to the Self Directed Life

2018: Working Your Plan From Interior Motivation


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This March, Site of Contact's Starts a Monthly Guide to steer or invoke question or directions for your search for meaning or reward in your life.  This month the concept of Goals and maybe some thoughts about them you have not considered before.


Goal are all about Consciously Doing, as any good coach will tell you, the goal focus is maintain by conscious - frequency, consistency, and intensity, this is the triangle elements of successful goal training.

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But before you begin, flesh out what passions are in the loins, that will drive your goals for 2018. Is it to become a better person, such as in: Being healthier and stronger, or maybe more innovative, or entrepreneurial in business, or obtaining and displaying more Life skills, or just simply being a better friend or family member?

I suggest writing down what you have decided.  Every few months going over them to see if they are still valid or has there been some kind of alteration or have they been disregarded or replaced all together, for it is okay to make changes or alterations as your  awareness of yourself grows.


I get from the emails and phone calls we received, many of you have begun doing just that. Many who started this type of exercise in 2017 have reported things being better, and more efficient for themselves, yet for others of you, this has not gone so well. I understand that you found new behaviors were needed in your life to manifest your goals, and trying to stick to the triangle elements of successful goal training was tough. So, let's step backup and reconsider your goals in light of the creation and maintenance of new habits.  


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Question, why do you want to achieve that goal in the first place? Simple question, but at the heart of it is the key to the matter of sustaining new habits. Goals should not be just because you think you should do them. That "wanting to do it” attitude may be the ticket to working harder at it, rather than gaining real results. Maybe the cart is in front of the horse, meaning maybe you don’t have your purpose or objective for the goal framed correctly in your own head.

Make sure that the goal is in alignment with your higher purpose in life.With each goal will come time invested in new habits It’s tough to sustain effort and find reward in something, when you’re only doing it because you "think" you will impress people or that they expect it or would approve of you for it. It's your life, so make sure you're spending your time on things that challenge the notion of what is important to you. The common mistake you want to avoid can be summed up by the statement from an author and former dot-com business executive, Seth Godin when he said,

“Your audacious life goals are fabulous. We’re proud of you for having them. But it’s possible that those goals are designed to distract you from the thing that is really frightening you—the shift in daily habits that would mean a re–invention of how you see yourself.” - Seth Godin

So if you need to get a handle on this or in moving forward give me a call. We can go over or discover activities, habits, and techniques, without harassment or harsh judgment that is advantageous to a solid re-invention of a successful you.