The Prosperos Tool Translation by Calvin Harris H.W., M.

It became clear to me while in conversation at a gathering around the backyard barbecue why someone would want to take the Translation Seminar.

Many keep their Spirituality compartmentalized in one small area of their life and Being, while all the rest of their daily life, in how they think, act, and Be is lived outside away from that area of Spirituality as if the two should never meet.

Since we have moved into the space age, technology and globalization are uprooting and reshaping daily life. We all sense it, some fear it, or are distress by not knowing how to be in the new realities. What is, or is not okay, people are looking for the rules to formulate the new realities, to re-envision their place, and to know their choices in role identity available in the coming decades.

This Space-age consciousness has/will make changes to our world, changes that are as great as when we went from a flat earth to around world, creating a manifesto to find the Truth, to find the abilities, the skills and free will to navigate though and during these turbulent times and thrive.

The clue is a reexamination of Spirituality and Life, not from a three-dimensional point of view, but viewed from the Alchemist, Quantum Mechanics, the Scientist, and yes even rules from the Artistic Intuit. All combines to become the formational tool enabling you to work from the inside out, to keep pace with change and its evolutionary drivers and for you to flourish. A Tool that is ancient, not new, but is underused and is not well understood.  This information is the reason to take the Translation class and its counterpart class Releasing the Hidden Splendour.

The Urge For Adventure May 2017


 May is Spring in full Swing, Do Not Miss Out on Some Great Opportunities To Extend Yourself This Month, There Is A Lot Going On And I Am Passing On To You The Fun, Helpful, Even Outrageous Ideas For Your Engagement With Folks, Situations, and Things To Move You Out Of Your Every Day Comfort Zone, Or If Nothing Else, To Give You Some Great Conversation Starters.

So, You May Find Additional Ideals In Current or Pass Blogs To Enjoy Your Self  With Articles And Calendar Page that will Help You TO Spruce Up Your Perspective and Your Style In Ways To Inspire Your AWESOME BEST.

May Month Events:

  • Date Your Mate Month
  • Foster Care Month
  • National Barbecue Month
  • National Bike Month
  • National Blood Pressure Month
  • National Hamburger Month
  • National Photograph Month
  • National Re-commitment Month
  • National Salad Month
  • Older Americans Month

May Weekly Celebrations:

Joy by Jean Louis Toutain. France.jpg
  • Nurse's Week - first full week of month
  • Wildflower Week - week two
  • National Bike Week - third week
  • National Police Week - third week of month
  • Emergency Medical Services Week - fourth week of month
Chris & EMT Training.jpg

May List of Daily Events for 2017

May 1st     

Batman Day

Executive Coaching

Loyalty Day

May Day

May 2nd

Brothers and Sisters Day

National Truffles Day

Roberts Rules of Order day

May 3rd  

National Garden Meditation Day

Journey into the Cosmos by Larry Carison from W Floyd.jpg

National Paranormal Day

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day


May 4th  

Bird Day

World Password Day

National Star Wars Day

National Day of Reason


May 5th  

Cinco de Mayo

National Provider Appreciation Day

International Space & Astronaut Day

No Pants Day


May 6th  

Herb Day

World Naked Gardening Day

National Beverage Day

National Nurses Recognition Day


May 7th  

National Barrier Awareness Day

National Homebrew Day

National Tourism Day

World Laughter Day


May 8th     

National Women's Check-up Day

No Socks Day

V - E Day


May 9th  

Europe Day

Lost Sock Memorial Day

National Teachers' Day


May 10th

Clean Up Your Room Day

Bike To School Day

Day of Vesak


May 11th

Twilight Zone Day

National Childs Mental Health Awareness Day

Root Canal Appreciation Day


May 12th

 Fatigue Awareness Day  

 Hug Your Cat Day

 International Nurses Day

May 13th           

Blame Someone Else Day

International Migratory Bird Day

National Apple Pie Day

National Hunger Food Drive Day


May 14th

Mother's Day

Spring Astronomy Day

Underground America Day


May 15th     

Chocolate Chip Day

International Day of Families

Peace Officers Memorial Day


May 16th

Biographer's Day

Honor Our LGBT Elders' Day 

Wear Purple for Peace Day


May 17th

International Day Against Gender-phobias

National Employee Health & Fitness Day

Pack Rat Day

Telecommunications & Information Day


May 18th

International Museum Day

No Dirty Dishes Day

Visit Your Relatives Day

Endangered Species Day


May 19th

Boys Club Day

May Ray Day

National Bike/Walk to Work Day

International Virtual Assistants Day

May 20th

World Autoimmune Arthritis Day

Bay to Breakers Race (Oldest Footrace in America)

Draw Mohammed Day



May 21st

Neighbor Day

Soil Stewardship Day

World Cultural Diversity & Dialogue Day

National Waiters and Waitresses Day


May 22nd        

Buy a Musical Instrument Day

International Day for Biological Diversity

National Maritime Day


May 23rd

Lucky Penny Day

World Crohn's and Colitis Awareness


May 24th

Brother's Day

Morse Code Day

EMSC (Emergency Medical Services) Day

National Scavenger Hunt Day


May 25th

National Sing Out Day

National Brown Bag It Day

National Chardonnay Wine Day

Geek/Nerd Pride Day


May 26th      

National Paper Airplane Day

Heat Awareness Day

National Wig Out Day


May 27th

Calvin Harris H.W.,M  Teaching the Prosperos Translation Class live in Phoenix, AZ. Sat/Sun May 27 & 28 (Email me - for details or enrollment.)

International Jazz Day (if missed April 30)

National Hugging Day

Ramadan (May 27-June 25)

Sun Screen Day


May 28th

Amnesty International Day

National Hamburger Day

Indianapolis 500


May 29th    

Learn About Composting Day

International Day of U N Peacekeepers

Memorial Day


May 30th    

National Hole In My Bucket Day

National Water A Flower Day

National Mint Julep Day


May 31st

National Save Your Hearing Day

National Senior Health & Fitness Day

What you Speak Upon Grows Day

BAHA’IS Ascension Celebration of BAHA’U’LLAH

A Contemplation on Mailboxes and Gender by Gevork Anderyassian

This SOC piece of writing is from a new writer to the Library Coffeehouse Writers Group in Long Beach, Ca., Gevork Anderyassian his name.  Whom we are pleased to welcome to our group and to California. He is a Transplant of the UK from England.

A Contemplation on Mailboxes and Gender by Gevork Anderyassian

Black and white, boys and girls, yin and yang, on and off, left and right, good and bad, how primal minds compartmentalize everything to survive.

What is the upshot of this pigeonholing? I guess like all the other junk mail that ends up in the door slot of your mind or post box, it needs sorting. Like the postman, I sort looking for labels that would suggest “M” for Male. You see I live in M world, for I am a Man thus, the mail carrier delivering the mail goes through the stacks for the identifiable labels such as …. a bill, check, that’s me M. Then there is a Macy’s humm, ok, check.  A Car part’s catalogue, check … oh, but wait, how could this be, perhaps a desire?

On the contrary, car part’s catalogue?, for a man with no ability to perform or understand cars, The postman would be scratching his head on this day, but the route is long, and  his time is short, thus he must move on, so in the slot goes what you should be doing, what you should be reading, as well as everything else.

We all get mail, mail even we don’t want, but in the slot it goes all that wasted print from the senders' end, and then all that effort just to get it in your mail, only then to be thrown from your mailbox into your trash.

Drawing from William Floyd Collection

Perhaps I’ve rebelled my whole life, not subscribing to macho roles or feminine ideals, we are after all just human, and to be categorize further is redundant and not worth nothing except as a marketers slogan.

Myself I would be enamored with a top rated female mechanic or impressed with the man with an extensive antique perfume bottle collection. These are just reminders that we are all the same mailbox.

Why I Like To Write

Robert McEwen, is a longtime friend, fellow Prosperos Mentor, and a nationally known Astrologer. He allows his artistic talents to express in many ways such as this written piece appearing here in other voices section of SOC, enjoy.  

Why I Like To Write - By Robert W. McEwen

I like to write.  Really because I have to write.  I don't feel I have a choice.  It is what I do.  Same with astrology.  I picked up both of those at the age of 16.  Got addicted to them both.  Oh yeah, along with bass guitar!  I started a band and wrote songs too.  Not complicated or great masterpieces, but they were MY songs...thy had a gut and they popped.  Pop music came from Pop People like anything when it POPS!  Its real, it has feelings, and it is a bit catchy as turns around and bites itself and then snaps out again...kinda like a rattlesnake.  

We all like something that surprises us with feelings.  That doesn't fit in.  That breaks the norms rules and the average code.  We get bored otherwise.  Life is monotonous and is just going through the motions.  So, we break out and go outside the dots.  That means actually that we have to dig inside to our real feelings to create.  Be it writing, music, or astrology.  If it snaps, and breaks commonality then it pops!  It gets our attention.  IT is real!  It has integrity of its own.  It holds its own and I like it, you like it, others may like it.  

But it is not written for that reason, so others can approve of it. Creativity is not an object that you go to the store and buy.  You can't buy it in a form of some kind. You can't fake it.  It is a function of its own intelligence and creates its own energy.  It can't be stopped once it is born. There is a little bit of rebellion in real creativity, and really in just "being alive!"    I learn by trial and air.  Certainly, everything I write is not great.  That is for sure.  I have written some real dribble. I know that...but it is going to take me to the next level.  I take a risk and know I am not really failing in the long run...I am learning!

 Making mistakes are part of that, like falling off the bike as a kid. I am growing.    But each thing leads to something that may "pop” That a connection may happen inside.   It is an inner revolution that sparks the energy between different parts...the contradictions create a tension and then there is release. I don't edit much, because too often the "juice" gets squeezed out it and it lays there lifeless and limp

Creativity is like hot sex.  That is when its good.   Sex is creative energy popping, and writing or music, or even astrology, for me anyway, it is like really good sex.  It is intimate, and a bit spicy, and almost feels like I am being a little naughty!  That is when I know I am onto something.  I have grabbed the hot wire and in the "zone".  I don't have a choice about it...I have to do it, just like I have to breathe.  I am not really alive, unless I am being creative.  It has no normal rules! It has its own rules.  It has its own voice.  That is what I listen to and follow.  That is my creed in being alive here on earth.


Dream of a poet. Philppe Halsmann photo french poet,  artist and Filmmaker Jean Cocteau..jpg

The Urge for Adventure – April 2017


April Month – Week - Daily -Events, for Outing Yourself



April Is Here, Do Not Be Fooled into Missing Out on Some Great Opportunities To Extend Yourself This Month, There Is A Lot Going On And I Am Passing Fun, Helpful, Even Outrageous Ideas On To You For Engaging with Folks, Things To Move You Out Of Your Comfort Zone Every Day, Or If Nothing Else, To Give You Some Great Conversation Starters.

So, Get Involved, Additional Ideals You Can Read IN My Other Articles that will Help You TO Spruce Up Your Perspective and Your Style In Ways To Inspire Your AWESOME BEST.



April 2017 Month Long Activities


National Amateur Radio Month

National Alcohol Awareness Month

National ASPCA Month

National Autism Awareness Month

National Stress Awareness Month

National Cannabis Awareness

National Month of the Child

 Child Abuse Awareness Month

National Child Nutrition Month

National Couple Appreciation Month

National Cancer Control Month

National Car Care Month

National Card and Letter Writing Month

National Celebrate Diversity Month

National Community Spirit Month

National Decorating & Architecture Month

National Defeat Diabetes Month

National Distracted Driving Awareness

National Decorating Month

National DNA & Genomics & Stem Cell Education Month

National Donate Life Month

National Emotional Overeating Awareness

National Facial Protection Month

National Fair Housing Month

National Financial Literacy Month

National Frog Month

National Fair Housing Month

National Genocide & Human Rights Awareness Month

National Global Astronomy Month

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month

International Guitar Month

National Heartworm Awareness Month

National Home Improvement

National Home and Garden Month

National Humor Month

National Kite Month

National Knuckles Down Month

National Jazz Appreciation Month

hare and the Moon by floyd.jpg

National Keep America Beautiful Month

National Landscapes & Architecture Month

National Library Snapshot Month

National Inventor’s Month

National Lawncare Month

National Licorice Month

National Mathematics Awareness Month

National Men Health Month

National Minority Health Month Link

National Move More Walk Month

National Occupational Therapy Month

National Parkinson's Awareness Month

National Pecan Month

National Pet & Pet Health Management Month

National Physical Wellness Month

National Poetry Month

National Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month

National Rebuilding Month

National Rosacea Awareness Month

National Social Security Month

National Soft Pretzel Month

National Soy Foods Month

National Straw Hat Month

National Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

National Welding Month

Records and Information Management Month

National Scottish American Heritage Month

National Safe Digging Month

National Sexual Assault Awareness Month

National Women's Eye Health & Safety Month

Women Helping Women Heal Month

National Workplace Conflict Awareness Month

World Habitat Awareness Month

Worldwide Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month





Week 1

Testicular Cancer Awareness Week, (aka Get A Grip Week!)
International Tree Climbing Days,
American Indian Awareness Week
World Oceans Week.                                                                                       International Pooper Scooper Week
National Public Health & Medication Safety Week
National Window Safety Week,

Week 2

Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week,
International Spring Astronomy Week,
National Library Week
National Public Safety Telecommunicators (911 Operators) Week
National Dental Hygienists Week National Student Employment Week
National Animal Control Appreciation Week.                                        

National Robotics Week                                                                                        

National Park Weekends (April 15-16 and 22-23).


Week 3

Global Youth Service.                                                                                 National Karaoke Week                                                

Animal Cruelty Awareness Week                                                                  Human Violence Awareness Week.             

National Coin Week
National Pet ID Week

National Organize Your Files Week

Week 4

National Tattoo Week
National Dream Hotline, April 28-30 (Last Weekend)
National and Global Youth Service Days, April 28-30 (Last Weekend)
Administrative Professionals Week, April 23-29 (Last Full Week)
Air Quality Awareness Week, April 23-29 (Last Week)
National Volunteer Week
Gathering of the Nations Pow Wow 2017 New Mexico

Fibroid Awareness Week, April 23-29 (Always the Fourth Week)
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 23-29 (Last Full Week)
National Money Smart Week
Spring Astronomy Week Sky Awareness.




April Fools Day
National One Cent Day
National Sourdough Bread Day
National Poetry & Creative Mind Day


World Autism Awareness Day
International Children’s Book Day
National Ferret Day
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
National Reconciliation Day

National Chocolate Mousse Day
American Crossword Puzzle Days
National Tweed Day

International Day for Mine Awareness & Assist in Mine Action
National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day
National Hug a Newsperson Day
National School Librarian Day
National Walk Around Things Day
SAAM Day of Action – First Tuesday in April

National Caramel Day
National Deep Dish Pizza Day
National Go For Broke Day
National Raisin and Spice Bar Day
National Read a Road Map Day
National Walking Day
Child help National Day of Hope

wrestling hold photo by David Morgan.jpg

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
National Caramel Popcorn Day
National Sorry Charlie Day
National Student-Athlete Day
National Tartan Day
National Teflon Day
National Alcohol Screening Day – Thursday of First Full Week in April

World Health Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Genocide
National Beer Day
National Coffee Cake Day
National No Housework Day

International Romani Day
World Oceans Day
National Empanada Day
National Zoo Lovers Day

National Cherish an Antique Day
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
National Name Yourself Day
Palm Sunday

National Cinnamon Crescent Day
National Encourage a Young Writer Day
Passover (begins at sundown)
National Siblings Day (or Farm Animal Day)

National Barbershop Quartet Day
National Cheese Fondue Day
National Eight Track Tape Day
National Pet Day
National Submarine Day
National Library Workers Day

National Big Wind Day
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
National Licorice Day
National Bookmobile Day – Wednesday of National Library Week

National Peach Cobbler Day
National Scrabble Day
National Thomas Jefferson Day
National Support Teen Literature Day – Thursday of National Library Week

National Dolphin Day
National Equal Pay Day
National Ex-Spouse Day
Good Friday
National Pecan Day
National Reach as High as You Can Day

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
National Rubber Eraser Day
National Take a Wild Guess Day
National Titanic Remembrance Day
National Auctioneers Day – Third Saturday in April

National Orchid Day
National Bean Counter Day
National Eggs Benedict Day
Easter Sunday
National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

World Hemophilia Day
National Bat Appreciation Day
National Cheeseball Day
National Ellis Island Family History Day
National Haiku Poetry Day

National Animal Crackers Day
National Columnists’ Day
National Lineman Appreciation Day

National IRS Tax Return Filing Day for Year 2016Taxes




National Amaretto Day
National Garlic Day
National Hanging Out Day
National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day

National Cheddar Fries Day
National Lima Bean Respect Day
National Lookalike Day  
National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day
National High Five Day – Third Thursday in April
Get to Know Your Customers / Customer Appreciation Day

National Yellow Bat Day
National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day
National Kindergarten Day

Spring tracks of the trail.jpg

International Mother Earth Day

National Dance Day & Record Store Day
National Girl Scout Leader’s Day
National Jelly Bean Day

We are in each others hands in Unity.jpg

World Book and Copyright Day
English Language Day
National Cherry Cheesecake Day
National Movie Theatre Day
National Picnic Day
National Take a Chance Day
National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

International Sauvignon Blanc Day
National Pigs in a Blanket Day

World Malaria Day
National DNA Day
National East Meets West Day
National Hug a Plumber Day
National Telephone Day
National Zucchini Bread Day

World Intellectual Property Day
National Audubon Day

National Kids and Pets Day
National Pretzel Day
National Richter Scale Day
National Administrative Professionals’

National Babe Ruth Day
National Prime Rib Day
National Tell a Story Day
National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day


World Day for Safety and Health at Work
National Superhero Day
National Blueberry Pie Day
National Brave Hearts Day
National Great Poetry Reading Day
Workers Memorial Day
National Arbor Day – Last Friday in April
National Hairball Awareness Day – Last Friday in April

Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare
International Dance Day
National Peace Rose Day
National Shrimp Scampi Day
National Zipper Day
National Sense of Smell Day
National Rebuilding Day
International Spring Astronomy Day

International Jazz Day
National Adopt a Shelter Pet & Pet Parents Day
National Bugs Bunny Day
National Hairstylist Appreciation Day
National Honesty Day
National Kiss of Hope Day
National Oatmeal Cookie Day
National Raisin Day
National Sarcoidosis Day
World Pinhole Photography Day

Expanding Your Limits


submission by ROBERT MCEWEN, H.W., M.

Robert McEwen I am happy to introduce to SOC blogs pages. He is a longtime friend, fellow Prosperos Mentor, and a nationally known Astrologer.



“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn
to relax and wait for the answer.” 
–William S. Burroughs


All of us have an “inner limit”, a point where we stop our advancement and say “that’s as far as I can go.” Our minds cannot realistically imagine certain things being possible, and so they are relegated to the realm of fantasy. Sometimes it’s things we never thought of as possible, such as becoming a multi-millionaire, and sometimes it’s things we once thought would be easy that have become a chronic struggle, such as a rewarding career or good physical health.This inner limit is partly our comfort zone, and partly our pain zone. It is our comfort zone because it’s within the realm of what feels safe and familiar. It is our pain zone when the thing we hold back from is something we deeply want and suffer in its absence.

The inner limit comes from beliefs about who we are and what we can do. Such beliefs can be viewed as navigation tools, the same way our proprioceptors signal where we are in a room in relation to other objects. The beliefs that compose our inner limit give us a base sense of self to refer to as we encounter the world and we need them in order to orient to our environment.

Because these beliefs are so essential to our identity, trying to change them can feel very threatening to our survival mechanism. If you try to talk over your beliefs, such as by saying affirmations, you will find yourself pushing against an impenetrable inner wall and encounter anxiety as your unconscious perceives it as a life or death struggle.

There is, however, a very simple way to avoid this exhausting fight and to help your beliefs evolve without struggling.

Ask questions. Your brain is a vast power source at your disposal. It will do whatever you direct it to do, but only when it feels safe. The way to preserve the feeling of safety while reaching beyond your limits is to ask questions. Questions employ the mind and give it a job, statements confront the mind and fight whatever constructs are already in place.

It’s the difference between asking, “How can it be easy?” and stating “It’s easy” when addressing a challenge. One is a conversation that proactively engages the situation, the other is an argument that ignores contrary evidence.

Useful questions are a gateway that opens the mind to new perceptions and beliefs on their own. You give your mind a job and send it on a quest to find an answer. You might not immediately know the answer, but just asking a question implies that one exists and it is merely a case of solving a puzzle to figure it out. You are now giving your brain a job that engages its creativity and intellect, areas that induce the feeling of fun.

Depending on the situation it’s often better not to try to find the answer when you ask the question, but to use it as a prod to move your mind in a different direction. Simply asking how it can be easy will tune your mind to find ease in the situation, without you having to try and think of an answer which might not have obvious solutions. For example, I asked this question often when house hunting in a difficult market and ended up effortlessly getting my dream house. I could not have planned how things came together, only prepared for them by aligning myself with the sense that it could be easy despite all rational evidence.

“How can it be easy?” is one of my favorite questions to use when addressing a difficult situation. Other excellent questions are:

How can it be fun?
What is the most useful thought I can have right now?
What is the most useful thought I can have about this difficult situation? (e.g., my relationship status, my job, my kids, etc)
What am I not seeing?

I also like “what if” questions for situations where there is no additional action to take. Asking, What if it’s easy? What if it’s fun? can help center the mind in a different direction when preparing for a job interview or other anxiety-inducing task.

When you notice your mind start to spin about something in your life or the world, say, “thank you”, and ask a question from the above list. This way you acknowledge the worry and redirect your mind, as one redirects a toddler having a tantrum by introducing a game.

You don’t have to believe something will work to ask if it can, yet asking the question will lead your mind to convince itself it’s possible. This way you work with it as a friend and ally toward your dreams.

The Urge for Adventure March 2017


It's  March, this Issue, is chock full of Great Fun Ideas to do and Trivia Days to Celebrate. The Day are getting longer, the bear or snow covered ground giving way to new life and vigor, All the reason to shed those layers of clothing and begin moving those limbs Who Knows What Magically Opportunities Will Appear. Some Opportunities to Empower Your Years Reimaged Focus, Give A Look Through and Find Some Favorite Days To Call Your Own.

It Will Be Up To You To Choose How To Make It So Yours.

So Get Involved Read My Other Articles for Style And Attitude Ideas to Inspire Your Awesomeness.


March 2017 Month Long Activities     

Feel like a God - March named for the Roman God "Mars"

·         National Women's History Month

Face to Face with Powerful Women by M. R. Ritley

Face to Face with Powerful Women by M. R. Ritley

In Search of Buddhas Daughters A Modern Journey Down Ancient Roads.jpeg

·         National Nutrition Month

·         Irish American Month

·         Music in Our Schools Month

·         National Craft Month

·         Red Cross Month

·         National Frozen Food Month

·         National Peanut Month

·         Social Workers Month

March 2017 Weekly Events

2nd Week National Bubble Week

2nd Week Crochet Week


March 2017 Fun, Special and Wacky Days

1 Ash Wednesday

1 World Compliment Day

1 Plan a Solo Vacation Day

1 Peanut Butter Lovers' Day

1 National Pig Day

2 Old Stuff Day

3 Caregiver Appreciation Day

3 I Want You to be Happy Day

3 Peach Blossom Day

3 If Pets Had Thumbs Day

3 National Anthem Day

3 Employee Appreciation Day

3 National Salesperson Day

3 I Want You to be Happy Day

4 Do Something Day

4 Holy Experiment Day

4 Hug a GI Day

5 Learn What Your Name Means Day

5 Multiple Personality Day

6 Dentist's Day

6 National Frozen Food Day

7 Alexander Graham Bell Day

7 National Crown Roast of Pork Day

8 Proofreading Day

8 International (Working) Women's Day

8 Be Nasty Day

9 Panic Day

9 Popcorn Lover's Day second Thursday

10 Mario Day

10 Middle Name Pride Day

11 Johnny Appleseed Day

11 Worship of Tools Day - guys, you can relate

12 Girl Scouts Day

12 Plant a Flower Day

12 Alfred Hitchcock Day

13 Napping Day

13 Ear Muff Day

13 Jewel Day

14 Learn about Butterflies Day

14 National Potato Chip Day

14 National Pi Day- Why today? Because today is 3.14, the value of Pi (calculated to two places)

Pi Day Where Geeks and Foodies come together

Pi Day Where Geeks and Foodies come together

15 Dumbstruck Day

15 Everything You Think is Wrong Day

15 Ides of March

16 Everything You Do is Right Day

16 Freedom of Information Day

16 Incredible Kid Day

17 Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

17 Submarine Day - the hero sandwich or the boat??

17 Saint Patrick's Day

18 Goddess of Fertility Day

18 Awkward Moments Day

18 National Quilting Day - third Saturday of month

18 Supreme Sacrifice Day

19 Let's Laugh Day

19 Poultry Day

20 Spring Vernal Equinox – Northern Hemisphere

20 International Earth Day

20 World Storytelling Day

20 Extraterrestrial Abductions Day

20 Proposal Day

21 Credit Card Reduction Day

21 Common Courtesy Day

21 Fragrance Day

21 National Agriculture Day - date varies

21 Tea for Two Tuesday - third Tuesday in March

22 International Goof Off Day

23 OK Day

23 Melba Toast Day

23 National Chip and Dip Day

23 National Puppy Day

23 Near Miss Day

24 National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

25 Pecan Day

25 Waffle Day

25 Tolkien Reading Day

26 Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

26 National Spinach Day

27 National "Joe" Day

27 Spanish Paella Day

28 Something on a Stick Day

28 Weed Appreciation Day

29 National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

29 Smoke and Mirrors Day

30 National Doctor's Day

30 I am in Control Day

30 Take a Walk in the Park Day

31 Bunsen Burner Day

31 National Clam on the Half Shell Day

31 World Backup Day

Translation® Class, May 2017, Phoenix, Arizona

Calvin Harris, Prosperos Mentor, will be presenting a live Core Prosperos class called 'Translation' in Phoenix, AZ, over the Memorial Day weekend.

This is a Live Prosperos foundation class.,  It will be conducted in a small group setting for deep exploration into concepts of Identity, Truth,  the Past, the Future, and our part in the evolutionary spiral of life. 

I will be using the ancient archetypal teaching methods of storytelling to bring forth from science and spiritual seers the hidden patterns and technique needed for you to uncover, direct, and encounter for yourself your Conscious destiny with Principle, Truth, Divinity. 

This is time spent to bring together a supportive contribution to this evolving world. I am looking forward to sharing with you this dynamic edge for the change. To  breathe in,  listen, and re-discover your hidden Truth. To energize revitalize and reconnect your soul.

This is a call to  Consciously activate and use the dynamic Evolutionary Process in each of us.

Anticipate the New & Expect the Unexpected.

Translation A Two Day 12 module seminar

Location:  Phoenix, Arizona

Dates:  Saturday, May 27 10 AM-5 PM  Sunday,  May 28 10 AM - 5:30 PM

Class Fees:

$275.00– New to Translation Class

$  95.00 – Review Translation Class

Life Member of the Prosperos – by contribution


A 12-Module Training with Prosperos Teacher and Mentor Calvin Harris  

If you know there is more for you to become…

If you feel there is something more that wants expression in your life…

Then this Class to the Evolutionary Path Is Calling From Within YOU.

Translation Class brings us together to explore what we actually are, our essence, our beingness, and our purpose through growth  in change

Join with me on the path less traveled, to discover, a practice as we walk the path tp unveiling Evolutionary Universal Consciousness.

To awaken your sacred story as you become a more fully awake Conscious Being.

Class gives Access to continuing Workshops, Spiritual Mentors, and Facilitators

To Enroll –Phone: 949-331-7200 or Send an Email


