The Question Will Make Your Problem More Interesting

This Question Will Make Your Problems More Interesting
Limitations shouldn’t stop you from winning

Under my other voices heading I present to you an article,  brought to my attention by friend Michael Kelley a fellow collaborator on male educational objectives and experiences. Michael resides in Atlanta Georgia.

Gustavo Razzetti is the blog writer of this article that was found in Medium Digest. 
Razzetti is an Author and Speaker. Who calls himself “a Change Instigator. Culture Transformation & Innovation Strategist.”  He has a new Book and you can find it at


Le Mans race Audi diesel car winner and crew

Le Mans race Audi diesel car winner and crew

Audi was in desperate need to win the 2006 edition of the 24 hours of Le Mans race. The competition is not only one of the most prestigious car races in the world — its outcome can make or break a carmaker’s reputation.

However, Audi was in real trouble: its car was not fast enough.

Until one question changed everything. The Audi team went from not having the fastest car to winning the 24-hours Le Mans race three years in a row.

If you were to design a race car, you’d probably want to build the fastest one possible, right?

Interestingly enough, Audi took a different approach. One that brought to life the power of accepting constraints. And turned them into a superpower, not a limitation.

The Story of an Interesting Question

Interesting questions trigger thought-provoking conversations — that’s what Audi did by reframing its challenge.

“How could we win Le Mans if our car could go no faster than anyone else’s?”Audis chief engineer asked.

The chief engineer’s question not only removed the excuse— not having the fastest car should not stop them from winning. He also reframed the challenge into a more interesting one.

Rather than worrying about the speed of the car, Audi’s team had to discover other ways to win the race.

The 24 hours of Le Mans is one of the most challenging races. Teams have to deal with physical and mental fatigue while balancing demanding speeds with keeping their car running for a full day.

The design team came up with a simple yet powerful solution: a fuel-efficient car. Audi turned conventional wisdom upside down by using a diesel engine for the first time. By reducing the amount of pit stops, the racing team saved significant time — they could never make up that time by increasing engine power.

The engineering team approached Le Mans as an endurance competition —one closer to a marathon than a sprint.

This new perspective helped Audi win Le Mans three years in a row.

Limitations shouldn’t stop you from winning

Winning is not just about what you do during the race. Everything that you do leading to that day matters. That mentality helped Audi turn its constraints into creative fuel.

Most people see their constraints as limiting. When their resources are scarce, they feel limited.

However, not being the ‘fastest car’ shouldn’t prevent you from winning.

Everyone has limitations. Winning is not about having all the resources; it’s about outsmarting your competition.

Don’t let your constraints define you. That’s the purpose of this one question — turn your constraints into a superpower.

“How can you win if ‘your car’ is not faster than everyone else’s?”

Apply this mentality to solve both personal and work challenges.

How can you win if you are NOT…

… the smartest guy in the room?

… the one with the strongest network?

… the most well-known expert?

… the (add the limitation you want)?

The point is: don’t get stuck in the “I can’t win” mode just because of your constraints.

When you focus on what you lack, you become a victim.

“Why is this happening to me?” — You might ask yourself. You feel life is unfair and let one constraint define your future. And, eventually, you give up.

You can opt to fight back. However, this is an endless battle. Being obsessed over defeating your constraints takes your focus away.

Instead of fighting your limitations, ask more interesting questions. Like Audi’s chief engineer did.

Take ownership — accept your limitations rather than wasting your time fighting reality. Your purpose is not to defeat your constraints but to achieve your goals. Ask yourself: “How can I win the race even if I’m not the fastest?” Focus on turning a constraint into a superpower.

Outsmart others by reframing how you will win the race.

Moving from being a victim to hero is not easy. It requires self-awareness; to stop comparing to others and challenge what you can do differently.

When you can’t win within normal conditions, rewrite the rules.

Reframe your challenges into interesting ones

Focus on the opportunity, not on your limitations.

When you try to get more of what you lack— resources, support, budget, time, etc. — you get stuck in trying to solve the wrong problem.

Reframing the problem will help you uncover a more interesting one to solve.

Audi’s chief engineer turned a constraint (speed) into a superpower (energy efficiency). He reframed the problem from “we are not faster than others” to “how can we win without being the fastest.”

Reframing the challenge is half of the solution. When you stop thinking about your weaknesses, you stop comparing to others.

This question will help you reframe a constraint and turn it into a challenge: “How might I achieve (a goal) even though I lack (a limitation)?”

Reframe your challenge into a more interesting one.

Become the hero of your own narrative. Focus your creativity on the right problem. Your goal is not to build the fastest car, your goal is to win the race.

Turn your limitations in your favor rather than surrendering to them.


New Zealand Maori Face Tattoo

New Zealand Maori Face Tattoo


May Is Here, (and finally so is Spring for many of you on the East Coast of the U.S.),  So plan to use these longer days or nights. Start by giving yourself permission to express yourself in ways that activates your vitality in new ways. Take opportunities to reinvigorate yourself, maybe, even do something outrageous. Something To Move You Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Then, at least, You have given Yourself some great conversation starters for that next bull session or cocktail gathering. To move you in the right direction, below are some events you could look in to or be part of,

  Let me know what you think.

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium."― Martha Graham.
Calvin Gardening Photo

Calvin Gardening Photo

Unique & Fun Themes for the Month & Days of May 2018  

Month Long Events:

Date Your Mate Month

Foster Care Month

Gifts from the Garden Month

Lupus Awareness Month

National Barbecue Month

National Bike Month

National Blood Pressure Month

National Hamburger Month

National Photograph Month

National Recommitment Month

National Salad Month

Living Books a.k.a. Older Men

Living Books a.k.a. Older Men

Older Americans Month







Weekly Celebrations:

A Calling for Male Nurses

A Calling for Male Nurses

Nurse's Week - first full week of the month

Wildflower Week - week two

National Bike Week - third week

National Police Week - third week of the month

Emergency Medical Services Week - fourth week of the month






Unique, Fun or Wacky Days in May:

Tue. May 1    May Day

Tue. May 1     Executive Coaching Day

Tue. May 1    Loyalty Day  

Tue. May 1    Mother Goose Day

Wed. May 2 Baby Day

Wed. May 2 Brothers and Sisters Day

Thur. May 3  Garden Meditation Day

Thur. May 3  Lumpy Rug Day

Thur. May 3  World Press Freedom Day

Fri. May 4     Bird Day

Fri. May 4     National Candied Orange Peel Day

Fri. May 4     Renewal Day

Fri. May 4     Space Day - first Friday in May

Sat. May 5    Cinco de Mayo

Sat. May 5    Free Comic Book Day - first Saturday in May

Sat. May 5    National Hoagie Day

Sat. May 5    Oyster Day

World Nude Gardening Day

World Nude Gardening Day

Sat May 5   World Nude Gardening Day 

Sun. May 6   Beverage Day

Sun. May 6   National Tourist Appreciation Day

Sun. May 6   National Nurses Day

Sun. May 6   No Diet Day

Mon. May 7   National Tourism Day

Tue. May 8   Iris Day

Tue. May 8   National Teacher's Day – Tues., first full week of May

Tue. May 8   No Socks Day

Tue. May 8   V-E Day

Tue. May 8   World Red Cross Day / World Red Crescent Day

Wed. May 9  Lost Sock Memorial Day

Wed. May 9  National Receptionist Day, 2nd Wednesday in May

Wed. May 9  School Nurses Day, Wed. during Nurse's Week

He is here to clean up

He is here to clean up

Thur. May 10 Clean up Your Room Day


Fri. May 11 Eat What You Want Day

Fri. May 11 Child Care or Daycare Provider Day - Friday before Mother's Day

Fri. May 11 Military Spouses Day the Friday before Mother's Day

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone

Fri. May 11 Twilight Zone Day

Sat. May 12 Birth Mother's Day - Saturday before Mother's Day

Sat. May 12 Fatigue Syndrome Day

Sat. May 12 International Migratory Bird Day the second Saturday in May

Sat. May 12 International Nurses Day

Sat. May 12 Limerick Day

Sat. May 12 National Train Day- Saturday closest to May 10th

Sat. May 12 National Windmill Day - the second Saturday in May

Sun. May 13 Frog Jumping Day

Sun. May 13 Leprechaun Day

See the YouTube Sisterhood of Motherhood  

See the YouTube Sisterhood of Motherhood 


Sun. May 13 Mother's Day 2nd Sunday in May

Mon. May 14 Dance Like a Chicken Day

Tues. May 15 National Chocolate Chip Day

Tues. May 15 Police Officer's Memorial Day

Tues. May 15 Ramadan - begins sundown, date varies

Wed. May 16 Love a Tree Day

Wed. May 16 National Sea Monkey Day

Wed. May 16 Wear Purple for Peace Day

Thur. May 17 Pack Rat Day

Fri. May 18 International Museum Day

Fri. May 18 National Bike to Work Day - third Friday of month

Fri. May 18 No Dirty Dishes Day

Fri. May 18 Visit Your Relatives Day

Sat. May 19 Armed Forces Day - third Saturday of month

Sat. May 19 Boy's Club Day

Sun. May 20 Be a Millionaire Day

Sun. May 20 Pick Strawberries Day

Mon. May 21 National Memo Day

Mon. May 21 National Waiters & Waitresses Day

Tue. May 22 Buy a Musical Instrument Day

Tue. May 22 World Goth Day

Wed. May 23 Lucky Penny Day

Thur. May 24 National Escargot Day

Thur. May 24 Victoria Day(Canada) - usually the 24th

Fri. May 25 Don't Fry Friday - Friday before Memorial Day

Fri. May 25 National Missing Children's Day

Fri. May 25 National Brown Bag It Day

Fri. May 25 National Wine Day

Fri. May 25 Tap Dance Day



Sat. May 26 International Jazz Day - Sat of Memorial Day weekend.

Sat. May 26 Sally Ride Day





Sun. May 27 Sun Screen Day

Mon. May 28 Amnesty International Day

Mon. May 28 Memorial Day last Monday of the month.

Mon. May 28 National Hamburger Day

Tues.May 29 Learn About Composting Day

Wed.May 30 Water a Flower Day

Thur.May31  National Macaroon Day

 Thur.May31  Save Your Hearing Day

 Thur.May31  World No Tobacco Day

Masculinity Is It The Problem or A Programed Expectation?

Samson by Ernst Fuchs sharded by William Floyd

Samson by Ernst Fuchs sharded by William Floyd

This blog came about due to conversations and comments sent to me about my March 2018 blog post, which was titled ‘A Conversation on Masculinity, Society, and Change” located in the Male on Man section of SiteOfContact. I thank my faithful readers for their comments, responses, and interest in the subject.  This article also takes on its particular tone of delivery, due to a deep probing conversation with a client over an article written by David de las Morena’s from his Website called: “How to Beast,” his blog titled - “ How to Increase Masculine Energy and Rebuild Self-Esteem.” (At the end of this piece you will find the link to David’s blog article

I really don't want to get into a critique of Mr. Morena's concepts especially his concept of 'No More Mr. Nice Guy'  other than to say it was the touchstone for my client and myself to engage in a deeper conversation on 'Masculinity and Gender.' David de las Morena ’s comments. per se. have more to do with self-respect and self-worth, rather than perhaps a focus on a root cause of gender (mis)label. Personally, I must warn you that some may find David's manner of expression distasteful and rude, yet beyond his style as a 'straight heterosexual,' he does make one or two valid suggestions to gain self-respect and self-worth.   But again that is not my central theme. I am wanting to address  the early social conditioning that gets associated with expected behavior or expected gender patterns coming to us as early as our  nursery days, and in the stories we are told which we then (mis)label as "masculine."  


What is Masculinity? How is it measured? What are its demands? And how is that person meant to look, think, act, and feel? and should that be according to the mores of society?


We have a lot of opinions about being a “Man” or more to the point having “Masculinity “.  Now to surprise you, you could say Masculinity is not, gender-specific, I say this because I have known some masculine women, including my Mom (not to look at her), but that woman had balls.  This is all to say, what are we focusing on?  The word, or is it behaviors that get labeled as Masculinity?

Masculinity comes up a lot lately and unfortunately, you can expect it to be related to trauma in an experience. Or sometimes in ‘How’ to integrate the Masculine aspect of oneself into a more positive and holistic lifestyle

This piece of writing is not to diminish any circumstance where trauma has occurred, we can all see how under various circumstances the word masculinity has been misrepresented by men caught in stereotypes, causing the word to lose luster, respect, and aliveness. We could say Masculinity is lost due to diminished meaning.


I could see how some people can be caught up in the illusion that to be masculine only meant to be aligned with bathroom bullies; politicized pulpits; with privilege; overt racism or sexism; or with bigotry toward groups of people. That kind of action portrayed by a few men is not a true representation of Masculinity, and yes if that is a view of the word, it needs to be tanked in the toilet.



I have seen, in my work as a life coach, the effect of the above description of what masculinity misrepresented can do to some men, for example, the issues of self-worth become diminished. Abandonment and loss of manhood become issues. Male childhood developmental trauma, which can color men’s interactions with other men and women. The clue to the problem is "early childhood trauma." 


Clipping a Childs Wings.jpg

This is not the first time in history were maleness appeared to be vilified. I can recollect in my own history, in the 1950’ s, being taunted by a younger sister who loved to recite repeatedly, a portion of an old nursery rhyme called “What are folks made of?” by Robert Southey writen in 1842.  The segments of the rhyme my sister loved to taunt me with was the portion called - "What are little boys made of?"  and “what are girls made of?”

What are little boys made of?
Slugs and snails
And puppy-dogs’ tails,
That’s what little boys are made of.
And what are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all things nice,
That’s what little girls are made of.

This was a common nursery rhyme of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This rhyme deserves our attention in part, due to its negative descriptors of the male gender, described as slugs, snails, snips, and frogs depending on where in the world the rhyme was told.


The rhyme by Southey in two additional verses goes on to say:

What are young men made of, made of? 
          What are young men made of? 
Sighs and leers and crocodile tears; 
          That's what young men are made of.
What are young women made of, made of?  
What are young women made of? 
           Rings and jings and other fine things
     Sugar and spice and all things nice; 
          That's what young women are made of.   

I think you get the jest of it...


Old Nursery Rhymes.jpg

Nursery Rhymes play key roles in how we explain to children our cultural attitudes about themselves and gender behavior. Reciting Nursery Rhymes to children is one of a series of first steps to providing children's education about self-esteem and what is expected of them.


It can implant gender shame and things not good in the youngest minds of our society before (arguably) they have the critical function to question such assumptions and provides children with ideas of masculinity and femininity to which they may well not conform (thank heavens) yet creating a pressure towards adopting gender stereotypes which, frankly, toddling tots could have done without.  Here is a place to start, with a new vision, stories, and Nursery Rhymes.


These new stories, to be made then in part for the cultural socialization process,  would not expect transgressions of young males but does expect exploration, and do not dismiss and expect ‘boys to be bad, and then require them to do more 'to prove themselves otherwise.' While shaping young girls into passive restrained toys that need do nothing but be pretty for worry not you can do nothing wrong attitudes, that does not prepare them for a life of diverse opportunity that may not always need sweetness and passivity. These  kinds of stories had fallacy, any conscious mother of children of both sexes could debunk and tell you that, 'it was a  pile of the well-known stuff.'   

The bad behavior displayed in teen males may come from early unconscious childhood expectations. Expectations that come from the nursery. A more positive model is needed to be created and employed.  Nursery rhymes that re-imagine, re-envision, and ground masculinity in a self-affirming way.

Tom Tom.jpg


Often a male child, if traumatized by his childhood environment is then expected to, on his own, “get over it, “to “outgrow” it, or somehow zap it away.  Yet it is that very trauma that will freeze him into isolation, into not seeking help, into not allowing himself to talk about it.  because he feels it is expected of him to bear up especially if viewed by other males. Yet, there are some things that happen to men that they never “get over,” and must reach out to their culture and other men to correct the concept.


So, to refocus this discussion for the conscious adults amongst us, I ask, that Masculinity not be looked at as the Problem, but perhaps as your Expectation?

If it is the Expectation, then where did that expectation come from? A change of the approach, to re-envision Masculinity is needed.  We must begin by realizing that both males and females are comprised of Male and Female components or as Carl Jung called it Anima and Animus. We are both Masculine and Feminine in attributes, some of us more of one than the other and by God, we should not all try and fit a cookie cutter visions of what that is going to manifest as. It is not one definition fits all.


Okay, we have Men,  beyond the age of nursery rhymes, that have the pressures to refashion a new sense of them-self, of self-being.  Let's be bold here and strip everything away and start with an identity as individuation of consciousness, with emotional intelligence. This concept is of course for the person who wants to have dominion over their own life, then he can start by  re-inhabiting his maleness even in the face of disturbing experiences, as he then weaves a more "integrated" narrative of his life for himself.  Re-authoring the sacred story of ‘who am I’ and calling forth a new future for himself not yet known

Trusting the worth and validity of his expression of masculinity, and in that expression a self-love, that will be able to soften the callus wounds of the body, mind and the heart, embracing a fully realized masculinity by his design a vision of masculinity, designed for him by him, so it becomes alive within his being as a force for good. This allows for a profound empowerment, that for anyone is revolutionary, if lucky enough even contain bits of humor, and sometimes bold in its persona. These skills will be needed to then start writing and telling  the New nursery stories for those yet unborn.

Hawaiian Dancer.jpg


The goal then is not some fixed, “cured” state where we have successfully purged masculinity which is an aspect of our self-experience from what we are, as if it were some wretched foreign substance, but rather to find a larger home for it within our concept of the self. Slowly, we can allow what has become frozen and solidified to thaw and become flexible. To make the masculine force rightly seen within us and children to come, as a valued and balanced energy.  A refocus of our attention and thoughts, to break out of that cycle of trauma, blame, and shame. To move towards a balanced identity, that has a stable, and positive context for humans with masculinity, who are given an expectation to be a force for life-sustaining good.

David de las Morena’s Blog post -


The Green Man

The Green Man




April Is Here, and so is Spring the season known for rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.  So plan to use some of these longer days or nights for greater opportunities to reinvigorate something, maybe, even do something outrageous. At least something To Move You Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Then,  If Nothing Else, You have Given Youself Some Great Conversation Starters.


Helping You TO Spruce Up Your Perspective and Your Style In Ways That Inspire Your AWESOMENESS, check down the page of daily ideas or thumb through other pages of this Months  Site of Contact.


Jump for Joy  Angi M. Carelli Photo.jpg


April 2018 Month Long Activities

National Amateur Radio Month

National Alcohol Awareness Month

National Architecture, Decorating, Home & Garden Month

National ASPCA Month

National Autism Awareness Month

National Awareness of Stress Month

National Cancer Control Month

National Cannabis Awareness Month

National Car Care Month

National Card and Letter Writing Month

National Child Awareness Month

National Community Spirit Month

National Couple Appreciation Month

National Defeat Diabetes Month

National Distracted Driving Awareness

National Diversity Month

National DNA & Genomics & Stem Cell Education Month

National Donate Life Month

National Emotional Overeating Awareness

April Fools.JPG

National Exercise, Walk & Physical Wellness Month

National Facial Protection & Rosacea Month

National Fair Housing Month

National Financial Literacy Month

National Genocide & Human Rights Awareness Month

National Global Astronomy Month

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month

International Guitar Month

National Humor Month

National Inventor’s Month

National Jazz Appreciation Month

National Kite Month

National Knuckles Down Month

National Keep America Beautiful Month

Woman uncovering it all at the Library.jpg

National Library Snapshot Month

National Licorice Month

National Mathematics Awareness Month

National Men Health Month

National Occupational Therapy Month

National Parkinson's Awareness Month

National Pecan Month

National Pet & Pet Health Month

National Poetry Month

National Prevent Animal Cruelty Month

National Social Security Month

National Soft Pretzel Month

National Soy Foods Month


National Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Records and Information Management Month



National Scottish American Heritage Month



National Sexual Assault Awareness Month



National Women Helping Women Heal Month

National Workplace Conflict Awareness Month

World Habitat Awareness Month

Worldwide Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month




The fresco, The Resurrection, was painted by the Renaissance master Pinturicchio in 1494 — just two years after Christopher Columbus first set foot in what came to be called the New World.Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, told the V…

The fresco, The Resurrection, was painted by the Renaissance master Pinturicchio in 1494 — just two years after Christopher Columbus first set foot in what came to be called the New World.

Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, told the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano that after the soot and grime were removed, in the background, just above the open coffin from where Christ has risen, “we see nude men, decorated with feathered headdresses who appear to be dancing.” One of them seems to sport a Mohican cut


Week 1

American Indian Awareness Week

International Pooper Scooper Week

International Tree Climbing Days

National Public Health & Medication Safety Week

National Window Safety Week,

Testicular Cancer Awareness Week, “aka Get A Grip Week!”


Moon lit Night Sea.jpg





World Oceans Week.  





Week 2

Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week,

International Spring Astronomy Week,

National Dental Hygienists Week

National Library Week

National Public Safety Telecommunicators (911 Operators) Week

National Student Employment Week

National Robotics Week                                                                                       

National Park Weekends (April 15-16 and 22-23).




Week 3

Animal Cruelty Awareness Week                                                                 

Global Youth Service Week                                                                        

Human Violence Awareness Week.            

Loose Change photo by Scott Keene 2016

Loose Change photo by Scott Keene 2016

National Coin Week

National Karaoke Week

National Organize Your Files Week                                             

National Pet ID Week



Week 4

Administrative Professionals Week, April 23-29 (Last Full Week)

Air Quality Awareness Week, April 23-29 (Last Week)

Fibroid Awareness Week, April 23-29 (Always the Fourth Week)

Gathering of the Nations Pow Wow 2017 New Mexico

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 23-29 (Last Full Week)

National Dream Hotline, April 28-30 (Last Weekend)

National and Global Youth Service Days, April 28-30 (Last Weekend)

National Money Smart Week

National Tattoo Week

National Volunteer Week

Spring Astronomy Week Sky Awareness.





April fools day.jpeg


APRIL 1        Sunday        April Fool’s Day

APRIL 1       Sunday        Easter Sunday

APRIL 1        Sunday        One Cent Day

APRIL 1        Sunday        Sourdough Bread Day

APRIL 1        Sunday        Poetry & Creative Mind Day


APRIL 2        Monday       World Autism Awareness Day

APRIL 2        Monday       Children’s Book Day

APRIL 2        Monday       Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

APRIL 2        Monday       National Reconciliation Day


APRIL 3        Tuesday       National Chocolate Mousse Day

crossword with Pen.jpg

APRIL 3        Tuesday       American Crossword Puzzle Day

APRIL 3        Tuesday       SAAM Day of Action – 1st Tues. in April

APRIL  3       Tuesday       World Party Day


APRIL 4        Wednesday  Awareness & Assist in Mine Action Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National Hug a Newsperson Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National School Librarian Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  National Walk Around Day

APRIL 4        Wednesday  Tell a Lie Day


APRIL 5        Thursday     National Caramel Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Deep-Dish Pizza Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Go For Broke Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Raisin and Spice Bar Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     National Read a Road Map Day

APRIL 5        Thursday     Child help National Day of Hope

APRIL 5        Thursday     Alcohol Screening Day – 1st Thursday of Full Wk. April

APRIL 5        Thursday     First Contact Day


1992 Olympic American Water Polo Team in Barcelona.jpg

APRIL 6        Friday          International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

APRIL 6        Friday          National Caramel Popcorn Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Sorry Charlie Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Student-Athlete Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Tartan Day

APRIL 6        Friday          National Teflon Day

APRIL 6        Friday           National Walk to Work Day



APRIL 7        Saturday      World Health Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      Day of Remembrance Victims of Genocide

APRIL 7        Saturday      National Beer Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      National Coffee Cake Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      National No Housework Day

APRIL 7        Saturday      Passover Ends Evening




APRIL 8        Sunday        World Oceans Day

APRIL 8        Sunday        National Empanada Day

APRIL 8        Sunday        National Zoo Lovers Day




APRIL 9        Monday       National Cherish an Antique Day

APRIL 9        Monday       National Chinese Almond Cookie Day

APRIL 9        Monday       National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day

APRIL 9        Monday       National Name Yourself Day

Phippe Halsmann photo Dream of a Poet

Phippe Halsmann photo Dream of a Poet


APRIL 10      Tuesday       National Encourage a Young Writer Day

APRIL 10      Tuesday       National Siblings Day

Apr 10         Tuesday       Be Kind to Lawyers Day

Apr 10         Tuesday       Be Kind to Farm Animal Day


APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Barbershop Quartet Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Cheese Fondue Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Eight Track Tape Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Pet Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Submarine Day

APRIL 11      Wednesday  National Library Workers Day


APRIL 12      Thursday     National Big Wind Day

APRIL 12      Thursday     National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

APRIL 12      Thursday     National Licorice Day

APRIL 12      Thursday     Support Teen Literature Day Library Wk.

Peach Cobbler

Peach Cobbler


APRIL 13      Friday          National Peach Cobbler Day

APRIL 13      Friday          National Scrabble Day

APRIL 13      Friday          National Thomas Jefferson Day



Laughing Buddha 

Laughing Buddha


APRIL 14      Saturday      International Moment of Laughter Day










APRIL 14      Saturday      National Dolphin Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Equal Pay Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Ex-Spouse Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Pecan Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Reach as High as You Can Day

APRIL 14      Saturday      National Auctioneers Day – Third Sat in April


APRIL 15      Sunday        National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

APRIL 15      Sunday        National Rubber Eraser Day

APRIL 15      Sunday        National Take a Wild Guess Day

APRIL 15      Sunday        National Titanic Remembrance Day


Orchids by Franz Andreas Bauer

Orchids by Franz Andreas Bauer


APRIL 16      Monday       National Orchid Day

APRIL 16      Monday       National Bean Counter Day

APRIL 16      Monday       National Eggs Benedict Day

APRIL 16      Monday       National Wear Pajamas to Work Day


APRIL 17      Tuesday       World Hemophilia Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Bat Appreciation Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Cheeseball Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Ellis Island Family History Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Haiku Poetry Day

APRIL 17      Tuesday       National Last Filing Day IRS Tax Return


APRIL 18      Wednesday  National Animal Crackers Day

APRIL 18      Wednesday  National Columnists’ Day

APRIL 18      Wednesday  National Lineman Appreciation Day


ModelJimmy Flint-Smith -Hanging with friends


Jimmy Flint-Smith -Hanging with friends





APRIL 19      Thursday     National Amaretto Day

APRIL 19      Thursday     National Garlic Day

APRIL 19      Thursday     National Hanging Out Day


APRIL 20      Friday          National Cheddar Fries Day

APRIL 20      Friday          National Lima Bean Respect Day

APRIL 20      Friday          National Lookalike Day 

APRIL 20      Friday          National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day

APRIL 20      Friday          National High Five Day – Third Thursday in April

APRIL 20      Friday          Get to Know Customers / Customer Appreciation Day


APRIL 21      Saturday      National Yellow Bat Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      National Kindergarten Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      Record Store Day

APRIL 21      Saturday      Astronomy Day


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APRIL 22      Sunday        International Mother Earth Day



APRIL 22      Sunday        National Dance Day & Record Store Day

APRIL 22      Sunday        National Girl Scout Leader’s Day

APRIL 22      Sunday        National Jelly Bean Day


APRIL 23      Monday       World Book and Copyright Day

APRIL 23      Monday       English Language Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Cherry Cheesecake Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Movie Theatre Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Picnic Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Take a Chance Day

APRIL 23      Monday       National Talk Like Shakespeare Day


APRIL 24      Tuesday       International Sauvignon Blanc Day

APRIL 24      Tuesday       National Pigs in a Blanket Day

APRIL 24      Tuesday       Poem in Your Pocket Day


APRIL 25      Wednesday  World Malaria Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National DNA Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National East Meets West Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National Hug a Plumber Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National Telephone Day

APRIL 25      Wednesday  National Zucchini Bread Day


APRIL 26      Thursday     World Intellectual Property Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Audubon Day


APRIL 26      Thursday     Take Our Children to Work Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Kids and Pets Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Pretzel Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Richter Scale Day

APRIL 26      Thursday     National Administrative Professionals’


APRIL 27      Friday          National Babe Ruth Day

APRIL 27      Friday          National Prime Rib Day

APRIL 27      Friday          National Tell a Story Day

APRIL 27      Friday          National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

APRIL 28      Friday           National Arbor Day – Last Friday in April

APRIL 28      Friday           National Hairball Awareness Day – Last Fri. April


APRIL 28      Saturday      World Day for Safety and Health at Work

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Superhero Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Blueberry Pie Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Brave Hearts Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      National Great Poetry Reading Day

APRIL 28      Saturday      Workers Memorial Day

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APRIL 29      Sunday        Day to Remember Victims of Chemical Warfare

APRIL 29      Sunday        International Dance Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Peace Rose Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Shrimp Scampi Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Zipper Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Sense of Smell Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        National Rebuilding Day

APRIL 29      Sunday        International Spring Astronomy Day


Saxophonist Antonio Hart conducts a master class with students at Havana's Universidad de las Artes, part of International Jazz Day 2017 celebrations in Havana, Cuba, April 28, 2017.

Saxophonist Antonio Hart conducts a master class with students at Havana's Universidad de las Artes, part of International Jazz Day 2017 celebrations in Havana, Cuba, April 28, 2017.


APRIL 30      Monday       International Jazz Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Adopt a Shelter Pet & Pet Parents Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Bugs Bunny Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Hairstylist Appreciation Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Honesty Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Kiss of Hope Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Oatmeal Cookie Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Raisin Day

APRIL 30      Monday       National Sarcoidosis Day

A Conversation On Masculinity, Society, and Change Neither is Static


The Life and Age of Man: The Stages of Man's Life from Cradle to ...FAMSF Explore the Art - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

The Life and Age of Man: The Stages of Man's Life from Cradle to ...
FAMSF Explore the Art - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco


This post is written to give a ‘Breathing space’ or a broader view to men when issues come up in the matter of Gender identification, the notions of your sexuality vs gender or in the matter of having to defend or change in a time of Societal change. I will start with the comment that if changes are demanded of you and you did not instigate the change, then make note someone else has an agenda or profit to be gained by it.  

The impetus for writing this post began with a call. I got this phone call about an article that was to appear in the March 1st or 2nd, 2018, edition of TheNation.Com, in its SOCIETY Blog Column. A post titled: "Do We Need to Redefine Masculinity—or Get Rid of It?", written by one Collier Meyerson, a Knobler Fellow at the Nation Institute, where she focuses on reporting about race and politics, as well as an investigative fellow at Reveal. Even before the articles came out a call came to me to be on the lookout for it and a request for my reaction to the article. Since its release, I have had a barrage of calls with hot opinions about it, more than any article (to date) generated from any posts that I had written myself. (Well, it is my own fault for encouraging you all to read more, and then to dig deep for understanding.)

I feel, to meet a storm successfully you will need an edge, that is, a preparation and / or history of the behaviors of the storms and how they behaved in the past: that is where the edge to success is found. So for all of you who are ready to Take Action one way or another, let me play devil's advocate here and let’s start with the meaningful action of an investigation. This investigation may seem a bit around the bend but hold fast, for the future is at stake.

Be pre-warned this article, may have intellectual and emotional undercurrents for some; those of you that take the time to digest and discern what is being offered will find it well worth the read. I welcome your comments and for those of you having regular scheduled session with me, I welcome your phone calls regarding personal issues brought up by this post.  

Also, contain at the end of this article is a link to Ms. Meyerson's article for your perusal and consideration.

I am a believer in having a shameless array of ‘Conscious’ emotions, considered in this conversation when the goal is to lead to a compassionate solution. Yes, even the emotion Anger, if that anger is self-possessed within an idea. The goal then, as Thanissara Mary Weinberg expresses it, is to have - “Anger . . . traditionally thought of to be close to wisdom. [To be used], When not projected outward onto others or inward toward the self, it gives us the necessary energy and clarity to understand what needs to be done.”
Now, I, in fact, was happy to see an article on masculinity in a publication like ‘The Nation,’ in light of my post last year in SOC on 30, June 2017, titled “A Man Is Expected - New Pathways of Being.” Yet, I was surprised by the title implications to Redefine Masculinity or get rid of it. Let’s face it, there are not too many women nor men that really want to get rid of Masculinity. So let us knock off the nonsense of getting rid of it and try to reason to the core of the matter.

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It's clear when you look out into society that masculinity is a tough subject to approach for many people, regardless of gender, but it seems it is popping up in one form or another and therefore it wants to be addressed.

 I'm afraid beliefs about male and female, that is humans and their rights are being turned upside down and that some of the discussions of the new masculinity reflect more theory first than any real consideration of human progress or history on the subject. I don't think it's the wisest move to redefine what it means to be anything beyond Conscious Beings right now. Radicals could easily turn beliefs about humans and unalienable rights they possess upside down especially in a climate demanding change. 

It may surprise some to know in a very short number of years it will be a moot point.  The rage and outcry in the courts, will be about abuse in the use of Robots and Inanimate Objects and there again the consideration for redefinition.  This time for Robots being Sentient Beings, that means beings with consciousness, or in some contexts life itself. Sentient beings for the longest time where considered primary a state belonging only to Humans.  To be Sentient you needed to possess five aggregates: matter, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. As technology and science progressed as rapidly as it has identification of sentient beings have been extended to animals and plant life and will in time move to our machines. At some point, regulated behavior in the use or misuse of Robots and inanimate objects as Sex objects will prevail. 

What it means to be a man or a woman can be reduced to just saying  ‘Human.’ We have the capacity to think, feel, perceive or experience subjectively and with empathy.  When we go beyond that, then we start to get into trouble when like the Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to separate, distinguish as it were the ability to think from the ability to feel and maybe where we start some of the modern divisions of men and women. Humans are carbon-based communal societal creatures that have empathy and justice called Love within their somatic DNA and within their shared blood, they as for now, come with a knowledge of an expiration date.

Photo by Jason Beamguard

Photo by Jason Beamguard

 The Blade Runner movies and the book that they were adapted from,  “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” by writer Philip K. Dick, first published in 1968, explored issues of “what does it mean to be human.” The fallacy the book tried to point to was the belief that Androids, unlike humans, are said to possess no sense of empathy or compassion in the future, and the question did humans still contain humanity. I would start the conversation here because for some folks The concept of masculinity mis-seen is the belief that masculinity in the male gender has no empathy or compassion. And thus masculinity in the male gender is a mechanical apparatus that can be turned on or off at will. Rather than it being an evolutionary engineered process once geared to the benefit of family,  community or humanity and has historically been manipulated but yet is always evolving.

Man as Machine

Man as Machine

There is a book mention in Ms. Meyerson blog by Gail Bederman: her seminal book is on the issue, "Manliness and Civilization: A Cultural History of Gender and Race in the United States, 1880-1917." Author Gail Bederman writes: “I don’t see manhood as either an intrinsic essence or a collection of traits, attributes, or sex roles. Manhood—or ‘masculinity,’ as it is commonly termed today—is a continual, dynamic process.” The first thing we need to do, according to Bederman, is stop arguing that masculinity has traits that are inherent. “Gender,” she writes, “is dynamic and always changing.”

Book Cover of Gail Bederman  Book

Book Cover of Gail Bederman  Book

Between 1820 and 1860, according to Bederman, more and more white men were beginning to identify as middle class: entrepreneurs, professionals, and managers. And with that distinction, there came about a new and important gender identification for men, one that centered around civility. As opposed to brutishness or violent tendencies, manliness during this period was focused on a civilized character, holding off on marriage to accrue wealth. And then a man should focus on providing a good life for his wife, his children, or his employees.

Between 1879 and 1910, the number of middle-class men who were self-employed dropped, from 67 percent to 37 percent, prompting another a shift. “Middle-class Victorian men were obsessed with manhood at the turn of the century,” writes Bederman. They became “obsessed” with cowboy novels, and hunting and fishing. At the same time new epithets, like “sissy,” “pussy-foot,” “cold feet” and “stuffed shirt, ” emerged, indicating “behavior which had once appeared self-possessed and manly but now seemed over-civilized and effeminate,” writes Bederman. Around 1890, a noun defined as “the essence of manhood” took hold for the first time—now, manhood was called “masculinity.”

The idea, Bederman says, was that being “manly” had a “moral dimension,” and was defined by a dictionary at the time as “possessing the proper characteristic of a man; independent in spirit or bearing; strong, brave, large-minded, etc.” But then, when the economy tanked between 1879 to 1896, and with it the whole middle-class white-male “civilized” identity, the concept of “manliness” shifted again. After that, Bederman says, when men wished to invoke a male power they used “masculine” and “masculinity” to describe it. “The adjective ‘masculine’ was used to refer to any characteristics, good or bad, that all men had,” she wrote. The element of morality had been left behind.

The shift in white middle-class American male identification at the turn of the 19th century was also a way to justify white supremacy. “Linking whiteness to male power,” Bederman wrote, “was nothing new.… during the first two-thirds of the nineteenth century, American citizenship rights had been construed as ‘manhood’ rights which inhered to white males, only…Negro males, whether free or slave, were forbidden to exercise ‘manhood’ rights—forbidden to vote, hold electoral office, serve on juries, or join the military. The conclusion was implicit but widely understood: Negro males, unlike white males, were less than men.” But once “masculinity” came around at the end of the 19th century, and black men were fighting for “manhood rights,” a new idea had emerged. White middle-class men were starting to see themselves as maintaining a universal male quality: savagery. But the way they separated themselves from their black counterparts, was to articulate that they had evolved more. Bederman uses the example of National Geographic, which was first published in 1889 and gained popularity “by breathlessly depicting the heroic adventures of ‘civilized’ white male explorers among ‘primitive tribes in darkest Africa.” Similarly, she writes, “Anglo-Saxonist imperialists insisted that civilized white men had a racial genius for self-government which necessitated the conquest of more ‘primitive’ darker races.”

America’s new definition of masculinity was cemented during the 20th century. Though black men gained the right to vote, under Jim Crow laws, which last well into the mid-20th century, they continued to be subjugated by white men, who restrained black men’s economic possibilities and frequently portrayed them as uncontrollable rapists. From early westerns to the action films we watch today, white cis men overwhelmingly were cast as leads in the mass entertainment our culture consumes; guns became a rite and plaything of young white men in our country. And masculinity became a made-up excuse to dominate.

In his essay, Michael Ian Black. an American comedian, actor, writer, writes: “I believe in boys. I believe in my son. Sometimes, though, I see him, 16 years old, swallowing his frustration, burying his worry, stomping up the stairs without telling us what’s wrong, and I want to show him what it looks like to be vulnerable and open, but I can’t. Because I was a boy once, too.”

Black can’t show his son what vulnerability looks like not because he is biologically incapable of doing so. The block is one formed by habit, culture, and American history predicated on white male domination—which produced a masculinity predicated on white male domination. Who says we have to hold onto that? It is only with the understanding that gender identification is moveable, malleable, and worth undoing that we can begin to make the boys all right.

A change of Role

A change of Role

Tim Marshal & Son

Tim Marshal & Son

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Modifications to masculinity should be a personal and individual choice, to be made by the male or female in their own exploration of their life. Based on their journey to discover their innate self and to get their answer to the great question Who Am I. No one should decide but that individual themselves. They will need of course historic and scientific facts, to be able to look behind the curtain, as well as support both for their spirit and their bodies by their communities. To find that innate self and then to offer their unique contribution to family, community, society and the world.  

This would mean no more expectations of a  cookie cutter assembly line version of masculinity, or of what it should look like or do. No more of a one version fits all.  More of a self-made version of what I call male on man(kind). In my work, I look for the essence in each person I interact with, people to engage their individual merit, on a person by person basis. I have found it seems to work better than applying labels - at least for me.

Freedom to be You

Freedom to be You

See the Nation article by Collier Meyerson

A hiki i kekahi manawa  =   Until next time

A Monthly Tool to the Self Directed Life

2018: Working Your Plan From Interior Motivation


The World is your oster.jpg


This March, Site of Contact's Starts a Monthly Guide to steer or invoke question or directions for your search for meaning or reward in your life.  This month the concept of Goals and maybe some thoughts about them you have not considered before.


Goal are all about Consciously Doing, as any good coach will tell you, the goal focus is maintain by conscious - frequency, consistency, and intensity, this is the triangle elements of successful goal training.

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But before you begin, flesh out what passions are in the loins, that will drive your goals for 2018. Is it to become a better person, such as in: Being healthier and stronger, or maybe more innovative, or entrepreneurial in business, or obtaining and displaying more Life skills, or just simply being a better friend or family member?

I suggest writing down what you have decided.  Every few months going over them to see if they are still valid or has there been some kind of alteration or have they been disregarded or replaced all together, for it is okay to make changes or alterations as your  awareness of yourself grows.


I get from the emails and phone calls we received, many of you have begun doing just that. Many who started this type of exercise in 2017 have reported things being better, and more efficient for themselves, yet for others of you, this has not gone so well. I understand that you found new behaviors were needed in your life to manifest your goals, and trying to stick to the triangle elements of successful goal training was tough. So, let's step backup and reconsider your goals in light of the creation and maintenance of new habits.  


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Question, why do you want to achieve that goal in the first place? Simple question, but at the heart of it is the key to the matter of sustaining new habits. Goals should not be just because you think you should do them. That "wanting to do it” attitude may be the ticket to working harder at it, rather than gaining real results. Maybe the cart is in front of the horse, meaning maybe you don’t have your purpose or objective for the goal framed correctly in your own head.

Make sure that the goal is in alignment with your higher purpose in life.With each goal will come time invested in new habits It’s tough to sustain effort and find reward in something, when you’re only doing it because you "think" you will impress people or that they expect it or would approve of you for it. It's your life, so make sure you're spending your time on things that challenge the notion of what is important to you. The common mistake you want to avoid can be summed up by the statement from an author and former dot-com business executive, Seth Godin when he said,

“Your audacious life goals are fabulous. We’re proud of you for having them. But it’s possible that those goals are designed to distract you from the thing that is really frightening you—the shift in daily habits that would mean a re–invention of how you see yourself.” - Seth Godin

So if you need to get a handle on this or in moving forward give me a call. We can go over or discover activities, habits, and techniques, without harassment or harsh judgment that is advantageous to a solid re-invention of a successful you. 



The Urge for Adventure March 2018

2018 March Calendar of Events

Silvanus aka Mars god of Agriculture Fertilty and Cattle

Silvanus aka Mars god of Agriculture Fertilty and Cattle

Feel like a God - March named for the Roman God "Mars"

This March, Site of Contact's Monthly Guide is to steer you along to greater fun in finding or accomplishing your goals through play. Author and former dot-com business executive, Seth Godin says

“Your audacious life goals are fabulous. We’re proud of you for having them. But it’s possible that those goals are designed to distract you from the thing that is really frightening you—the shift in daily habits that would mean a re–invention of how you see yourself.” - Seth Godin
What's behind the hands

What's behind the hands

So what is really important to you? Get out there and frighten yourself, discover activities, form habits, and create techniques advantageous to seeing yourself in all of your complexity. 

This March Calendar of events could be a place to begin, designed with suggestions to ease some fun into your workout or add a needed break to your regimen, so when you return to it, it is with more vigor, enthusiasm and a change of View. March is a month with much to offer.  A few of the days activity will have you strip down or take off concepts of what you take for granted as a male activity without harassment or harsh judgment. Celebrating a new nakedness, for your examination of you.  


Feel like a God - March named for the Roman God "Mars"
•    National Women's History Month
•    National Nutrition Month
•    Irish American Month
•    Music in Our Schools Month
•    National Craft Month
•    Red Cross Month
•    National Frozen Food Month
•    National Peanut Month
•    Social Workers Month

  Check your current calendar as these weeks may vary from year to year.

Children and parents playing with bubbles london Alamy Photo.jpg
Adults with Bubbles

Adults with Bubbles

  •  2nd Week of March -  National Bubble Week - a way to celebrate the start of spring.






Children & Parents at play with Bubbles






  • 2nd Week of March Crochet Week


MEN who Crochet

MEN who Crochet

March 2018 Daily Fun, Special and Wacky Days

Photo Model John Lightfoot

Photo Model John Lightfoot

Mar 1        Thursday    World Compliment Day
Mar 1        Thursday    Plan a Solo Vacation Day
Mar 2        Friday    Old Stuff Day
Mar 3        Saturday,    I Want You to be Happy Day
Mar 4        Sunday    March Forth and Do Something Day
Mar 5        Monday    Learn What Your Name Means Day
Mar 5        Monday    Cinco de Marcho
Mar 6        Tuesday    Dentist’s Day

Alex on his first public phone call

Alex on his first public phone call

Mar 7        Wednesday    Alexander Graham Bell Day
Mar 8        Thursday    Proofreading Day
Mar 10    Saturday    Mario Day
Mar 11    Sunday    Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day
Mar 12    Monday    Napping Day
Mar 12    Monday    Alfred Hitchcock Day
Mar 13    Tuesday    Jewel Day
Mar 14    Wednesday    Pi Day

Derailed Photo by Jason Beamguard

Derailed Photo by Jason Beamguard

Mar 15    Thursday    Everything You Think is Wrong Day
Mar 15    Thursday    Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
Mar 16    Friday    Every Thing You Do is Right Day
Mar 17    Saturday    Submarine Day

Mar 17     Saturday St. Patrick's Day    


Mar 18    Sunday    Awkward Moments Day
Mar 19    Monday    Let's Laugh Day

Sunday in the Park shared from Michael Brewer Collection

Sunday in the Park shared from Michael Brewer Collection

Mar 20    Tues  First Day of Spring

Mar 20    Tuesday    World Storytelling Day
Mar 20    Tuesday    Proposal Day
Mar 21    Wednesday    Common Courtesy Day
Mar 22    Thursday    International Goof Off Day
Mar 23    Friday    OK Day
Mar 23    Friday    Puppy Day
Mar 23    Friday    Near Miss Day
Mar 24    Saturday    Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
Mar 25    Sunday    Waffle Day

Trail 2 San Fran CA photo by Mike Zonta

Trail 2 San Fran CA photo by Mike Zonta

Mar 25    Sunday    Tolkien Reading Day
Mar 26    Monday    Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Mar 27    Tuesday    Spanish Paella Day
Mar 28    Wednesday    Something on a Stick Day
Mar 29    Thursday    Smoke and Mirrors Day
Mar 30    Friday    Take a Walk in the Park Day

Mar 30    Friday     Passover Starts

Mar 31    Saturday    Bunsen Burner Day

A Writer Writes

Scott Keene at writing group.jpg

Scott Keene a writer in the Long Beach, CA. Library Writing Group. His writing many of you have read on this site and communicated to me how much you enjoyed it.

You now can read more of him at your leisure, and for those of you who have wondered about our writing process, can also go to Scott’s new blog pages where he goes into easy to understand descriptions of how we come up with what we write.

So as Scott says, “he will use blog space to write about his writing….to write scenes. He creates a mood, places an image in the reader's mind and let the imagination do the rest…. You might get a glimpse of another person's life, but only for a few moments. You're left with an impression.

Happy or sad. Disturbed or terrified. Perhaps completely disinterested.

But, this blogger hopes, never bored."

You can find more of Scott's work on his blog page somelikeitscott