Success: A Matter Of Perspective by Calvin Harris H.W., M

Success; A Matter Of Perspective

You are well on your way to going where you are going.  In the spirit of your journey, I invited you to smile, feel those face muscles lift, notice how a smile can make you feel good, maybe even happy. Somebody might even say they like your smile. This is because our emotions and the things we perceive happening around us are inter-connected. One will always affect the other.

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You smile because you are happy, and you can turn that around and say You're happy because you smile.


If it's true for your smile, it's also true for other aspects of your life.


People can feel successful and that can be because of many reasons. The point is they feel successful, and not only when they achieve success.

To put it another way -

People’s success is achieved BECAUSE they feel successful. Because they can feel it, in their gut, that is how their life will be. They refuse to entertain any other possibility.



'Success', of course can mean whatever you define it to mean. It could be defined as your career or business, it could be defined as in your relationship, or your health and fitness, it could be defined as your hobby or sport, you get to choose.


Just know as you wake up each morning to put a smile on your face KNOWING that visceral feeling that you are successful. Be grateful for what is in your life and also that unpredictable good that is just around the corner for you. BE now, in your grand vision.


Your Life Coach
